The Most Famous Eurovision Winner, Ranked

Choose the winner you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:37
Every year, the Eurovision Song Contest captivates audiences with a vibrant showcase of talent from across the continent. It often produces stars, some of whom become lasting figures in the music industry. Identifying the most famous winner can be a fascinating reflection of cultural shifts and music trends over time. This interactive tool allows fans and new viewers alike to cast their votes, contributing to a dynamic listing of the most famous Eurovision winners as decided by you, the public. Your participation helps to paint a clearer picture of which performances have truly resonated with audiences and stood the test of time.

Who Is the Most Famous Eurovision Winner?

  1. 1


    ABBA is a Swedish pop group who won Eurovision in 1974 with their hit 'Waterloo'.
    • Winning Year: 1974
    • Country: Sweden
  2. 2
    Johnny Logan

    Johnny Logan

    Johnny Logan is an Australian-born Irish singer and composer who won Eurovision twice, in 1980 with 'What's Another Year' and in 1987 with 'Hold Me Now'.
    • Winning Years: 1980, 1987
    • Country: Ireland
  3. 3


    Loreen is a Swedish pop singer who won Eurovision in 2012 with her hit 'Euphoria'.
    • Winning Year: 2012
    • Country: Sweden
  4. 4
    Alexander Rybak

    Alexander Rybak

    Alexander Rybak is a Belarusian-Norwegian singer who won Eurovision in 2009 with 'Fairytale'.
    • Winning Year: 2009
    • Country: Norway
  5. 5
    Conchita Wurst

    Conchita Wurst

    Conchita Wurst is an Austrian pop recording artist and drag queen who won Eurovision in 2014 with 'Rise Like a Phoenix'.
    • Winning Year: 2014
    • Country: Austria
  6. 6
    Måns Zelmerlöw

    Måns Zelmerlöw

    Måns Zelmerlöw is a Swedish singer who won Eurovision in 2015 with the song 'Heroes'.
    • Winning Year: 2015
    • Country: Sweden
  7. 7
    Duncan Laurence

    Duncan Laurence

    Duncan Laurence is a Dutch singer who won Eurovision in 2019 with the song 'Arcade'.
    • Winning Year: 2019
    • Country: The Netherlands
  8. 8
    Salvador Sobral

    Salvador Sobral

    Salvador Sobral is a Portuguese singer who won Eurovision in 2017 with the song 'Amar pelos dois'.
    • Winning Year: 2017
    • Country: Portugal
  9. 9


    Netta is an Israeli singer who won Eurovision in 2018 with her song 'Toy'.
    • Winning Year: 2018
    • Country: Israel
  10. 10
    Céline Dion

    Céline Dion

    Céline Dion is a Canadian singer who won Eurovision in 1988 representing Switzerland with the song 'Ne partez pas sans moi'.
    • Winning Year: 1988
    • Country: Switzerland

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Eurovision winner. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or winner is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 109 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each winner once every 24 hours. The rank of each winner is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Eurovision Winner

Rank #1 for the most famous Eurovision winner: ABBA (Source)
The Eurovision Song Contest started in 1956. It aimed to bring countries together through music. Each year, countries send their best songs to compete. The event has grown in size and popularity over the years. It now attracts millions of viewers from around the world.

The contest has produced many memorable winners. Some have become global stars. Their songs often reflect the spirit of the times. They capture the hearts of audiences with catchy tunes and powerful performances. Winning Eurovision can launch a singer's career. It can also boost a country's cultural presence on the world stage.

Eurovision winners often showcase a mix of talent, charisma, and stage presence. They must stand out among many competitors. The winning song usually has a strong melody, memorable lyrics, and an engaging performance. The contest values originality and creativity. This allows for a wide range of musical styles and genres.

The path to winning Eurovision is not easy. Contestants must first win their national selection process. This can involve multiple rounds of competition. Once selected, they must prepare for the international stage. This includes rehearsals, promotional events, and media appearances. The pressure is immense, but the rewards can be great.

The impact of a Eurovision win can be long-lasting. Some winners enjoy sustained success in the music industry. They may release albums, go on tours, and build a loyal fan base. Others may find success in other areas, such as acting or television. The exposure from Eurovision opens many doors.

Eurovision winners often inspire future contestants. They set a high standard for performance and creativity. Their success stories show that hard work and talent can lead to great achievements. The contest continues to evolve, but the core values remain the same. It celebrates diversity, unity, and the power of music.

The history of Eurovision is rich with iconic moments. Each winner adds a new chapter to this story. They leave a lasting legacy in the world of music. The contest remains a unique platform for showcasing talent. It brings people together in a celebration of song and culture.

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