The Most Famous Evangelist, Ranked

Choose the evangelist you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:37
Throughout history, evangelists have played pivotal roles in shaping spiritual perspectives and guiding religious discourse. Their ability to connect with followers, articulate messages, and drive transformations within communities has often left a lasting impact on generations. Ranking these influential figures can provide insights into the dynamics of religious evolution and highlight the diverse approaches to evangelism. By participating in the voting process, users contribute to a collective understanding of which evangelists have resonated most strongly across different epochs and cultures. This interactive ranking allows members of various backgrounds to acknowledge and appreciate the profound legacies of these religious leaders. It also serves as a tool for education and engagement, offering a bridge between historical religious influence and contemporary thought.

Who Is the Most Famous Evangelist?

  1. 1
    Billy Graham

    Billy Graham

    An American evangelist and an ordained Southern Baptist minister who became well known internationally in the late 1940s.
    • Years Active: 1947–2018
    • Nationality: American
  2. 2
    Reinhard Bonnke

    Reinhard Bonnke

    A German Pentecostal evangelist, principally known for his gospel missions throughout Africa.
    • Years Active: 1967–2019
    • Nationality: German
  3. 3
    T.D. Jakes

    T.D. Jakes

    An American bishop, author and filmmaker. He is the bishop of The Potter's House, a non-denominational American megachurch.
    • Years Active: 1980–Present
    • Nationality: American
  4. 4

    Luis Palau

    An international Christian evangelist living in the Portland area in Oregon, he is of Argentine heritage. Palau had a long and widespread evangelical career.
    • Years Active: 1960–2021
    • Nationality: Argentine
  5. 5

    Oral Roberts

    An American Charismatic Christian evangelist, ordained in both the Pentecostal Holiness and United Methodist churches who founded Oral Roberts University.
    • Years Active: 1947–2009
    • Nationality: American
  6. 6
    Pat Robertson

    Pat Robertson

    An American media mogul, executive chairman, and former Southern Baptist minister, known for establishing the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) and running for president in the 1988 Republican Party primaries.
    • Years Active: 1961–Present
    • Nationality: American
  7. 7

    Aimee Semple McPherson

    A Canadian-American Pentecostal evangelist and media celebrity in the 1920s and 1930s, known for founding the Foursquare Church.
    • Years Active: 1915–1944
    • Nationality: Canadian-American
  8. 8
    Charles Spurgeon

    Charles Spurgeon

    An English Particular Baptist preacher and is still known as the "Prince of Preachers". He was a strong figure in the Reformed Baptist tradition.
    • Years Active: 1854–1892
    • Nationality: British
  9. 9
    Billy Sunday

    Billy Sunday

    An American evangelist who was a popular outfielder in baseball's National League during the 1880s before becoming one of the most influential American evangelists during the early 20th century.
    • Years Active: 1896–1935
    • Nationality: American
  10. 10
    George Whitefield

    George Whitefield

    An English Anglican cleric who was one of the founders of Methodism and the evangelical movement.
    • Years Active: 1739–1770
    • Nationality: British

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous evangelist. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Evangelist is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 136 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Evangelist once every 24 hours. The rank of each Evangelist is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Evangelist

Billy Graham
Rank #1 for the most famous evangelist: Billy Graham (Source)
Evangelists have long played a key role in spreading religious messages. They travel far and wide, reaching many people. Their primary goal is to share their faith and convert others. They often hold large gatherings, sometimes filling stadiums. These events can last several days, drawing crowds eager to hear their words.

Their methods vary. Some speak in churches, others in open fields. They use radio, television, and now the internet. Their messages are often simple, focusing on core beliefs. They emphasize salvation, love, and hope. Their charisma draws people in, making their message compelling.

Evangelists often face challenges. They travel constantly, spending long periods away from home. They encounter skepticism and sometimes hostility. Yet, their commitment drives them. They believe in their mission deeply. This passion fuels their work, helping them overcome obstacles.

Their influence is significant. They have shaped religious landscapes in many countries. They inspire new generations of believers. Their teachings often lead to the establishment of new churches. These churches continue their work, expanding their reach.

Critics argue that some evangelists seek fame or wealth. They point to lavish lifestyles and large donations. However, many evangelists live modestly. They reinvest funds into their missions. They build schools, hospitals, and other community projects.

The impact of evangelists extends beyond religion. They often engage in social issues. They advocate for peace, justice, and human rights. Their voices can influence public opinion and policy. They mobilize people for causes, creating large movements.

Training for evangelists varies. Some attend seminaries or religious schools. Others learn through experience. They often start with small gatherings, gradually building their audience. Mentorship plays a role, with established evangelists guiding newcomers.

Many evangelists write books. These books reach a wider audience. They offer insights into their beliefs and experiences. Some become bestsellers, spreading their message even further. They also produce music, films, and other media.

Evangelists often collaborate with local leaders. They respect cultural differences, adapting their message accordingly. This approach helps them connect with diverse audiences. It also fosters mutual understanding and respect.

Their legacy is complex. They leave a lasting mark on individuals and communities. Their influence can be seen in various aspects of life. They inspire, challenge, and sometimes provoke. Their work continues through those they have touched.

Evangelists remain a powerful force. They adapt to changing times, using new tools and methods. Their core mission stays the same. They seek to share their faith and bring hope to others. Their journey is one of dedication and resilience.

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