The Most Famous Farmer, Ranked

Choose the farmer you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:37
Choosing the most distinguished farmer often presents a unique challenge, owing to the diverse criteria by which these individuals are evaluated. Factors such as sustainable practices, community involvement, and innovative farming techniques all play a significant role. This process aids in acknowledging those who have made significant contributions to agriculture and in guiding future generations of farmers. By participating in the voting process, individuals have the opportunity to voice their opinions on who stands out in the field of farming. This dynamic rating not only celebrates achievements but also stimulates a sense of community among users and farmers alike. Each vote contributes to a broader understanding of what constitutes excellence in farming today.

Who Is the Most Famous Farmer?

  1. 1
    Joel Salatin

    Joel Salatin

    An American farmer, lecturer, and author known for his sustainable farming practices.
    • Sustainable Agriculture: Advocacy for holistic management and permaculture.
  2. 2

    Eliot Coleman

    An American farmer, author, and agricultural researcher, Coleman is known for his pioneering work in organic farming and season extension.
    • Organic Farming: Advocacy for organic methods and four-season harvest.
  3. 3

    Wendell Berry

    An American novelist, poet, environmental activist, cultural critic, and farmer, Berry is a significant advocate for agrarian values.
    • Literary Contributions: The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture.
  4. 4
    Jared Diamond

    Jared Diamond

    An American geographer, historian, and author best known for his works on the environmental impacts of and societal responses to agriculture.
    • Notable Work: Guns, Germs, and Steel.
  5. 5

    Booker T. Whatley

    An American agricultural professor and author known for his innovative ideas on small-scale farming and direct marketing.
    • Farming Innovation: Developed the concept of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).
  6. 6
    Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson

    Third President of the United States and an avid farmer who introduced several crops to the United States and emphasized the importance of agriculture.
    • Agricultural Contributions: Introduction of olive trees and upland rice to American agriculture.
  7. 7

    Bob Young

    Co-founder of Red Hat and owner of a farm that focuses on sustainable practices and conservation.
    • Contribution to Technology and Farming: Merging technological innovation with sustainable farming.
  8. 8
    Norman Borlaug

    Norman Borlaug

    An American agronomist and humanitarian known as the father of the Green Revolution, he is credited with saving over a billion people from starvation.
    • Nobel Peace Prize: 1970
  9. 9


    A Roman statesman who gained fame for his selfless dedication to the Republic; he was also a successful farmer.
    • Historical Impact: Symbol of civic virtue and simplicity.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous farmer. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or farmer is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 72 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each farmer once every 24 hours. The rank of each farmer is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Farmer

Joel Salatin
Rank #1 for the most famous farmer: Joel Salatin (Source)
Farmers have always been vital to society. They grow the food that feeds the world. Among farmers, some stand out for their impact and fame. These farmers often bring innovation and new methods to agriculture. They improve yields and help sustain the environment.

A famous farmer usually starts small. They may inherit land or buy a small plot. Over time, they experiment with different crops and techniques. They learn from their mistakes and successes. This process helps them develop a deep understanding of farming.

Innovation is key to their success. They often adopt new technologies before others. They might use advanced irrigation systems to save water. They may also use drones to monitor crops. These tools help them increase efficiency and reduce waste.

Sustainability is another focus. Famous farmers understand the importance of the environment. They practice crop rotation to keep the soil healthy. They use natural fertilizers and pest control methods. This approach helps them grow healthy crops without harming the land.

Education also plays a role. Many well-known farmers share their knowledge. They write books, give talks, and teach others. They may host workshops on their farms. These events attract other farmers and agricultural students. This sharing of knowledge helps spread best practices.

Community involvement is common among famous farmers. They often support local markets and food banks. They may also engage in policy discussions. They advocate for fair prices and sustainable practices. Their influence can lead to positive changes in the farming industry.

Recognition often follows their efforts. They may receive awards for their contributions. Media coverage can bring them into the spotlight. Documentaries and news articles often feature their work. This recognition helps raise awareness about the importance of farming.

Their impact extends beyond their own farms. They inspire others to adopt better practices. Their methods can lead to increased food production and better environmental health. They also show that farming can be a viable and rewarding career.

In summary, the most famous farmers are innovators and educators. They focus on sustainability and community. Their work improves agriculture and inspires others. Their legacy is a healthier planet and a more informed society.

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