The Most Famous Secretary of State, Ranked

Choose the Secretary you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:49
Understanding the impact of various Secretaries of State on both national and international policies can be illuminating. Each one has played a unique role in shaping the direction of diplomacy and political strategies. By ranking these key figures, individuals can better appreciate their contributions and the historical significance of their terms. This dynamic ranking allows for a broad-based assessment through the lens of public opinion. As your votes determine the order, you have the power to influence how these figures are viewed in terms of popularity and importance. Each vote contributes to a clearer picture of who is considered most influential among the Secretaries of State.

Who Is the Most Famous Secretary of State?

  1. 1
    Henry Kissinger

    Henry Kissinger

    Served under Presidents Nixon and Ford, known for his role in detente with the Soviet Union and opening relations with the People's Republic of China.
    • Term: 1973-1977
    • Nobel Peace Prize: 1973
  2. 2
    Hillary Clinton

    Hillary Clinton

    Served under President Obama, known for her focus on global women's issues and the use of smart power.
    • Term: 2009-2013
    • First Female Presidential Candidate: Nominated by a major party in 2016
  3. 3
    Condoleezza Rice

    Condoleezza Rice

    Served under President George W. Bush, known for her efforts in the Global War on Terrorism and the expansion of democratic governments.
    • Term: 2005-2009
    • First African American Woman: To serve as Secretary of State
  4. 4
    Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson

    Served under President Washington, known for his role in the founding of the United States and as its first Secretary of State.
    • Term: 1790-1793
    • Founding Father: Principal author of the Declaration of Independence
  5. 5
    John Kerry

    John Kerry

    Served under President Obama, known for the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris Agreement on climate change.
    • Term: 2013-2017
    • Vietnam War Veteran: Served in the United States Navy
  6. 6
    James Baker

    James Baker

    Served under President George H. W. Bush, known for his role in the reunification of Germany and the Gulf War.
    • Term: 1989-1992
    • Chief of Staff: Served for Presidents Reagan and George H. W. Bush
  7. 7
    Madeleine Albright

    Madeleine Albright

    Served under President Clinton, known for her role in NATO's bombing campaign in Yugoslavia and her advocacy for human rights.
    • Term: 1997-2001
    • First Woman: To serve as Secretary of State
  8. 8
    Cyrus Vance

    Cyrus Vance

    Served under President Carter, known for his negotiations at the Camp David Accords and his resignation over the handling of the Iran hostage crisis.
    • Term: 1977-1980
    • Camp David Accords: Instrumental in negotiating the peace agreement
  9. 9
    Dean Acheson

    Dean Acheson

    Served under President Truman, known for his work on the Marshall Plan and the creation of NATO.
    • Term: 1949-1953
    • Cold War Architect: Key figure in the containment strategy against the Soviet Union
  10. 10
    Alexander Haig

    Alexander Haig

    Served under President Reagan, known for his assertion of control following the assassination attempt on Reagan and his role in foreign policy during the Cold War.
    • Term: 1981-1982
    • NATO Supreme Commander: Before becoming Secretary of State

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Secretary of State. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Secretary is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 179 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Secretary once every 24 hours. The rank of each Secretary is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Secretary of State

Henry Kissinger
Rank #1 for the most famous Secretary of State: Henry Kissinger (Source)
The role of Secretary of State holds significant importance in the United States government. This position involves managing foreign affairs, advising the President, and representing the country to other nations. Over the years, some individuals have become particularly well-known in this role due to their impact on international relations and policy.

The Secretary of State often acts as the face of U.S. diplomacy. This person negotiates treaties, handles crises, and works to promote peace and stability around the world. The Secretary of State also plays a key role in shaping foreign policy, making decisions that can affect the global stage.

One of the most critical tasks is to maintain and strengthen relationships with allies. This involves constant communication and negotiation to ensure mutual interests are protected. The Secretary of State also addresses conflicts and seeks resolutions that align with U.S. interests. This requires a deep understanding of global politics and the ability to navigate complex situations.

Another important duty is to oversee the U.S. Department of State. This department manages embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions worldwide. The Secretary of State must ensure that these entities function smoothly and effectively. This involves managing a large workforce and significant resources.

The Secretary of State also plays a crucial role in economic diplomacy. This includes negotiating trade agreements and promoting U.S. businesses abroad. By fostering economic ties, the Secretary of State helps create jobs and boost the economy.

In times of crisis, the Secretary of State often becomes a key figure. Whether dealing with wars, natural disasters, or political upheaval, this person must respond quickly and effectively. The Secretary of State must coordinate with other nations and international organizations to address these challenges.

Public speaking and media engagement are also part of the job. The Secretary of State must communicate policies and decisions clearly to both domestic and international audiences. This requires strong communication skills and the ability to convey complex ideas in a straightforward manner.

Throughout history, certain Secretaries of State have stood out due to their achievements and influence. They have helped shape major treaties, ended conflicts, and opened new avenues for cooperation. Their legacies often reflect the broader goals and values of the U.S. during their tenure.

The position of Secretary of State is not without challenges. It requires balancing national interests with global responsibilities. The Secretary of State must navigate political pressures at home while maintaining credibility abroad. This role demands a high level of skill, experience, and dedication.

In summary, the Secretary of State is a central figure in U.S. foreign policy. This person manages international relations, oversees the Department of State, and addresses global challenges. The impact of a Secretary of State can be profound, influencing both the course of history and the daily lives of people around the world. The role requires a unique blend of diplomacy, leadership, and strategic thinking.

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