The Most Famous Vietnam Veteran, Ranked

Choose the veteran you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 07:52
Vietnam veterans hold a distinguished place in history, each with a unique story that contributes to our understanding of a complex era. Recognizing these individuals not only honors their service but also highlights the diverse experiences of those who served during the Vietnam War. By ranking the most well-known veterans, we offer a way to acknowledge their impact both during the war and in the years that followed. This ranking system provides an opportunity for everyone to participate in commemorating these heroes. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a student, or simply interested in learning more about the people who have shaped our world, your votes help determine which stories resonate most strongly with the public. Engaging in this process enriches our collective memory and ensures that the sacrifices and achievements of Vietnam veterans are not forgotten.

Who Is the Most Famous Vietnam Veteran?

  1. 1
    John McCain

    John McCain

    U.S. Navy officer and politician who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam.
    • Service Branch: U.S. Navy
    • Years of Service: 1958–1981
  2. 2
    Chuck Hagel

    Chuck Hagel

    Former U.S. Secretary of Defense and U.S. Senator.
    • Service Branch: U.S. Army
    • Years of Service: 1967–1968
  3. 3
    Oliver Stone

    Oliver Stone

    Award-winning filmmaker who served in the U.S. Army.
    • Service Branch: U.S. Army
    • Years of Service: 1967–1968
  4. 4
    Bob Kerrey

    Bob Kerrey

    Former U.S. Senator and Medal of Honor recipient.
    • Service Branch: U.S. Navy
    • Years of Service: 1966–1969
  5. 5
    Colin Powell

    Colin Powell

    U.S. Army four-star general and statesman who served as Secretary of State.
    • Service Branch: U.S. Army
    • Years of Service: 1958–1993
  6. 6
    Al Gore

    Al Gore

    45th Vice President of the United States and environmental activist.
    • Service Branch: U.S. Army
    • Years of Service: 1969–1971
  7. 7
    Roger Donlon

    Roger Donlon

    First U.S. Army Special Forces officer to receive the Medal of Honor.
    • Service Branch: U.S. Army
    • Years of Service: 1958–1988
  8. 8
    Jim Webb

    Jim Webb

    Former U.S. Senator and Secretary of the Navy.
    • Service Branch: U.S. Marine Corps
    • Years of Service: 1968–1972
  9. 9
    Sam Johnson

    Sam Johnson

    Former U.S. Representative and prisoner of war in Vietnam.
    • Service Branch: U.S. Air Force
    • Years of Service: 1950–1979
  10. 10
    John Kerry

    John Kerry

    Former U.S. Secretary of State and U.S. Senator.
    • Service Branch: U.S. Navy
    • Years of Service: 1966–1970

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Vietnam veteran. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or vet is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 111 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each vet once every 24 hours. The rank of each vet is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Vietnam Veteran

John McCain
Rank #1 for the most famous Vietnam veteran: John McCain (Source)
During the Vietnam War, many soldiers served with valor and courage. Among them, one veteran stands out as the most famous. This individual’s story has become a symbol of bravery and resilience. Their journey began in a small town, where they grew up with a strong sense of duty and patriotism.

When the war broke out, this person enlisted in the military. They trained hard, learning skills that would serve them well in the harsh conditions of Vietnam. Once deployed, they faced the realities of war. The jungles were dense, the heat was intense, and the enemy was elusive. Despite these challenges, they remained focused on their mission.

In combat, this veteran showed remarkable leadership. They led their unit through many difficult battles, often putting themselves in danger to protect others. Their actions earned them the respect of their peers and the admiration of their superiors. They received several commendations for their bravery.

After their service, this veteran returned home to a country divided by the war. Many veterans faced hostility and indifference, but this individual used their experience to inspire others. They spoke openly about the challenges of war and the importance of supporting those who served. Their words resonated with many, helping to bridge the gap between veterans and civilians.

This veteran also became involved in various causes. They worked to improve the lives of fellow veterans, advocating for better healthcare and support services. Their efforts brought much-needed attention to the issues faced by those who served in Vietnam. They also supported initiatives to educate the public about the war and its impact.

Their story has been told in books, movies, and documentaries. Each portrayal captures a different aspect of their life, but all highlight their courage and dedication. Through these mediums, their legacy continues to inspire new generations.

This veteran's influence extends beyond their military service. They have become a symbol of resilience and hope. Their ability to overcome adversity and continue to serve their community is a testament to their character. They remind us of the sacrifices made by all who served in Vietnam and the importance of honoring their contributions.

Their story is not just about war. It is about the human spirit and the power of perseverance. This veteran's life shows that even in the face of great challenges, one can make a difference. Their legacy is a reminder that courage and dedication can leave a lasting impact.

The most famous Vietnam veteran's story is one of service, sacrifice, and inspiration. Their journey from a small-town upbringing to becoming a national symbol is a powerful narrative. They have touched many lives through their actions and words. Their legacy will continue to be a source of inspiration for years to come.

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