The Most Famous FBI Profiler, Ranked

Choose the profiler you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:37
Determining the most influential FBI profiler involves understanding the impacts they have had on solving complex cases. Their strategies and insights into the human mind have not only helped in apprehending criminals but have also advanced the field of forensic psychology. These professionals have gained recognition through their meticulous work and dedication to law enforcement and public safety. By ranking these profilers, users like you contribute to acknowledging their expertise and the critical roles they play in crime-solving. Your votes help highlight the accomplishments of these individuals to a broader audience, providing insights into the effectiveness of different profiling techniques and approaches. This interactive process not only enhances public knowledge but also celebrates the profilers' commitments to justice.

Who Is the Most Famous FBI Profiler?

  1. 1
    John E. Douglas

    John E. Douglas

    Former special agent and unit chief in the US FBI's Criminal Profiling Program, he is one of the first criminal profilers and has written books on criminal psychology.
    • Notable Works: Mindhunter, Journey into Darkness
    • Contribution: Pioneered the use of criminal profiling techniques.
  2. 2
    Robert Ressler

    Robert Ressler

    An FBI agent and author, credited with coining the term 'serial killer'. He played a significant role in the development of criminal profiling.
    • Notable Works: Whoever Fights Monsters, I Have Lived in the Monster
    • Contribution: Coined the term 'serial killer'.
  3. 3

    Gregg McCrary

    A former FBI profiler, McCrary has been involved in the analysis of numerous violent and sexual crimes, applying his expertise in criminal behavior.
    • Background: Behavioral Science Unit.
    • Expertise: Violent and sexual crimes.
  4. 4

    Roy Hazelwood

    A pioneer in the study of sexual predators and a former FBI profiler, Hazelwood is known for his work in the Behavioral Science Unit.
    • Specialization: Sex crimes and offender profiling.
    • Contribution: Advanced understanding of sexual predators.
  5. 5

    Mary Ellen O'Toole

    A retired FBI profiler who specialized in psychopathy and has worked on many high-profile cases, including the Green River Killer.
    • Specialization: Psychopathy.
    • Notable Cases: Green River Killer.
  6. 6

    Clint Van Zandt

    A former FBI agent and profiler, Van Zandt is known for his media commentary on criminal cases and his experience in hostage negotiation.
    • Media Presence: Frequent media commentator on criminal cases.
    • Specialization: Hostage negotiation.
  7. 7

    Candice DeLong

    A former FBI criminal profiler and criminologist, DeLong is often referred to as the real-life Clarice Starling from 'Silence of the Lambs'.
    • Media Presence: Host of 'Deadly Women' TV series.
    • Contribution: Worked on high-profile cases, including the Unabomber.
  8. 8

    James R. Fitzgerald

    A retired FBI agent and profiler known for his role in the Unabomber investigation, Fitzgerald's work in forensic linguistics helped capture Ted Kaczynski.
    • Specialization: Forensic linguistics.
    • Notable Cases: Unabomber.
  9. 9

    Mark Safarik

    A retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent and member of the elite Behavioral Analysis Unit, Safarik is known for his expertise in the analysis of violent criminal behavior.
    • Unit: Behavioral Analysis Unit.
    • Expertise: Analysis of violent criminal behavior.
  10. 10

    Stephen Band

    A former FBI profiler, Band has contributed significantly to the understanding of criminal behavior and the development of profiling techniques.
    • Contribution: Development of profiling techniques.
    • Background: FBI's Behavioral Science Unit.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous FBI profiler. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Profile is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 213 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Profile once every 24 hours. The rank of each Profile is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous FBI Profiler

John E. Douglas
Rank #1 for the most famous FBI profiler: John E. Douglas (Source)
The FBI has a unit dedicated to understanding the minds of criminals. This unit, known as the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU), works to profile and catch some of the most dangerous criminals. Profilers in this unit study crime scenes, victims, and behaviors to create profiles of unknown offenders.

Profiling involves looking at patterns. Profilers examine how a crime was committed, the choice of victims, and other details. They use this information to predict the age, background, and habits of the suspect. This can help narrow down the search for the criminal.

The process of profiling has roots in the 1970s. During this time, the FBI began to study serial killers. They interviewed many convicted killers to understand their motives and methods. This research helped shape the techniques used in profiling today.

Profilers often work on cases involving serial crimes. These can include murders, sexual assaults, and kidnappings. They look for links between different crimes to see if they were committed by the same person. By understanding the criminal's behavior, they can predict future actions and help prevent more crimes.

Profilers must have strong analytical skills. They need to notice small details and think critically about what those details mean. They also need to understand human behavior and psychology. This helps them get into the mind of the criminal and predict their next move.

The work of a profiler can be intense and stressful. They deal with gruesome crime scenes and disturbing details. They must remain objective and focused, despite the emotional toll. It is a job that requires dedication and resilience.

Profilers often work closely with local law enforcement. They provide insights that can lead to breakthroughs in difficult cases. Their profiles can help police identify suspects and understand the best ways to approach them.

The role of the profiler has been popularized in books, movies, and TV shows. These portrayals often dramatize the work, but they also highlight its importance. Profilers play a crucial role in solving crimes and bringing criminals to justice.

The methods used in profiling continue to evolve. Advances in technology and psychology provide new tools and insights. Profilers must stay updated on these changes to remain effective.

Despite the challenges, many find the work rewarding. They play a key role in protecting the public and bringing closure to victims' families. The impact of their work can be profound.

Profilers remain an essential part of the FBI's efforts to combat crime. Their ability to understand and predict criminal behavior makes them invaluable. Through their work, they help make the world a safer place.

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