The Most Famous FBI Agent, Ranked

Choose the agent you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:37
Determining who the most famous FBI agent is can be both informative and engaging. Throughout history, various agents have stepped into the spotlight, each shaping public perception and knowledge of law enforcement. By ranking these individuals, we gain insights into how different agents have impacted society and justice. A live ranking system where users contribute their votes adds a dynamic layer to this exploration. As more people participate, the list becomes a reflection of collective views and preferences, offering a current snapshot of who resonates most with the public. This not only aids in understanding popular opinion but also encourages a broader interaction with the history of law enforcement.

Who Is the Most Famous FBI Agent?

  1. 1
    Robert Mueller

    Robert Mueller

    Served as the sixth Director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013. He is known for his leadership during and after the September 11 attacks and for his long tenure.
    • Tenure: 2001–2013
    • Known for: Leadership post-9/11
  2. 2
    J. Edgar Hoover

    J. Edgar Hoover

    The first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States. He was instrumental in founding the FBI in 1935, where he remained director until his death in 1972.
    • Tenure: 1924–1972
    • Known for: Founding the FBI
  3. 3
    James Comey

    James Comey

    Served as the seventh Director of the FBI from 2013 until his dismissal in May 2017. He played a significant role in several high-profile investigations.
    • Tenure: 2013–2017
    • Known for: Investigations into Hillary Clinton's emails and Russian interference in the 2016 election
  4. 4
    Mark Felt

    Mark Felt

    An FBI special agent who later was revealed as the informant known as "Deep Throat" during the Watergate scandal.
    • Known for: "Deep Throat" informant
  5. 5
    Melvin Purvis

    Melvin Purvis

    An FBI agent famous for leading the manhunts that tracked notorious criminals like John Dillinger and Pretty Boy Floyd in the 1930s.
    • Era: 1930s
    • Known for: Capturing John Dillinger
  6. 6
    John O'Neill

    John O'Neill

    An American counter-terrorism expert, who served as the FBI's chief of counterterrorism. He died in the 9/11 attacks, where he was the security chief at the World Trade Center.
    • Known for: Counter-terrorism expertise and dying in 9/11
  7. 7
    Joe Pistone

    Joe Pistone

    An undercover FBI agent who infiltrated the Bonanno crime family, a major part of his work was documented in the film 'Donnie Brasco'.
    • Alias: Donnie Brasco
    • Known for: Infiltrating the Mafia
  8. 8
    Louis Freeh

    Louis Freeh

    Served as the FBI's Director from September 1993 until June 2001. He is known for his role in the Unabomber investigation.
    • Tenure: 1993–2001
    • Known for: Unabomber investigation
  9. 9
    Clarence Kelley

    Clarence Kelley

    Served as the Director of the FBI from 1973 to 1978, following the death of J. Edgar Hoover. He is known for his efforts to professionalize the FBI.
    • Tenure: 1973–1978
    • Known for: Professionalizing the FBI
  10. 10

    Edgar Hoover (not J. Edgar)

    While not an actual FBI agent, Edgar Hoover often appears in searches due to confusion with J. Edgar Hoover, highlighting the impact of the latter's legacy.
    • Note: Commonly confused with J. Edgar Hoover

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous FBI agent. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or agent is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 129 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each agent once every 24 hours. The rank of each agent is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous FBI Agent

Robert Mueller
Rank #1 for the most famous FBI agent: Robert Mueller (Source)
The FBI has a storied history. It began in 1908. Its mission: to protect and defend the United States. Over the years, many agents have risen to fame. They have solved big cases and brought criminals to justice.

The FBI's work is diverse. Agents handle crimes like espionage, terrorism, and organized crime. They also tackle cybercrime, corruption, and civil rights violations. Each case can be complex and challenging. Agents need skills, training, and dedication.

Training at the FBI Academy is rigorous. Recruits learn law, ethics, and investigative techniques. They also train in physical fitness and firearms. This prepares them for the demands of the job. The academy is in Quantico, Virginia. It is a top-notch facility.

FBI agents often work long hours. They may face danger. They must think quickly and act decisively. Their work can involve undercover operations. It can also mean analyzing data or interviewing witnesses. Each task is crucial.

The FBI has many divisions. Each focuses on a specific type of crime. This helps agents specialize. They can become experts in their fields. This expertise is vital. It allows the FBI to tackle a wide range of threats.

Famous cases often bring agents into the spotlight. Their work can capture public interest. This can be due to the nature of the crime or the skill of the investigation. High-profile cases can define careers. They also shape public perception of the FBI.

Media portrayals of FBI agents vary. Some show them as heroes. Others depict them in a more complex light. These portrayals can influence how people view the FBI. They can also impact the morale of agents.

Despite the challenges, many agents find their work rewarding. They take pride in serving their country. They value the chance to make a difference. The FBI offers a unique career path. It attracts those with a strong sense of duty.

The FBI has evolved over time. It adapts to new threats and technologies. This evolution is ongoing. Agents must stay current with trends and changes. This ensures they can effectively protect the nation.

The role of an FBI agent is multifaceted. It requires intelligence, courage, and integrity. These traits are essential. They help agents navigate the complexities of their work. They also uphold the values of the FBI.

In conclusion, the FBI has a rich history. Its agents play a vital role in national security. They face many challenges but remain committed to their mission. Their work is crucial in maintaining law and order. Through dedication and expertise, they continue to protect and serve.

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