The Most Famous Snitch, Ranked

Choose the snitch you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:50
Deciding who qualifies as the most famous snitch involves a range of opinions and perspectives, each reflecting unique insights into notoriety and impact. Over time, stories of individuals who have played this role have circulated through both secret whispers and bold headlines. These stories can influence perceptions of past and current events, highlighting the complexities of truth and loyalty. Ranking these figures allows for a communal reflection on their roles and the consequences of their actions. By participating in voting, users contribute to shaping a collective view and understanding the societal, historical, or cultural implications tied to each figure. Such engagement not only enriches the discussion but also aids in giving a broader context as to why these individuals catch such significant public and media attention.

Who Is the Most Famous Snitch?

  1. 1
    Judas Iscariot

    Judas Iscariot

    Biblical figure known for betraying Jesus Christ.
    • Betrayal method: Identified Jesus to the authorities with a kiss.
  2. 2
    Robert Hanssen

    Robert Hanssen

    Former FBI agent who spied for Soviet and Russian intelligence services against the United States for over two decades.
    • Espionage period: 22 years
  3. 3
    Mark Felt

    Mark Felt

    FBI associate director who was 'Deep Throat,' the informant that helped unravel the Watergate scandal.
    • Alias: 'Deep Throat'
  4. 4
    Aldrich Ames

    Aldrich Ames

    Former CIA officer turned KGB double agent, responsible for one of the most significant leaks of CIA agents in history.
    • Arrest year: 1994
  5. 5
    Cassius Dio

    Cassius Dio

    Ancient Roman historian who detailed the political machinations and betrayals in the Roman Senate.
    • Historical period: Roman Empire
  6. 6
    Sammy 'The Bull' Gravano

    Sammy 'The Bull' Gravano

    Former underboss of the Gambino crime family. He became a government witness and helped to convict John Gotti.
    • Convictions: Helped convict 39 mobsters.
  7. 7
    Edward Snowden

    Edward Snowden

    Former NSA contractor who leaked thousands of classified documents to the press.
    • Leak year: 2013
  8. 8
    Henry Hill

    Henry Hill

    Former mobster with the Lucchese crime family, whose life story was the basis for the movie 'Goodfellas.'
    • Movie based on his life: 'Goodfellas'
  9. 9
    Elia Kazan

    Elia Kazan

    Film director and producer who named names of alleged Communists in the film industry before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1952.
    • Testimony year: 1952
  10. 10
    Frank Serpico

    Frank Serpico

    Former NYPD officer who exposed police corruption in the late 1960s and early 1970s, leading to the Knapp Commission.
    • Exposure year: 1970

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous snitch. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or snitch is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 105 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each snitch once every 24 hours. The rank of each snitch is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Snitch

Judas Iscariot
Rank #1 for the most famous snitch: Judas Iscariot (Source)
In many stories, the figure of the snitch stands out. This character often plays a crucial role. They reveal secrets, betray confidences, and shift the course of events. The snitch is a complex figure, often viewed with disdain but also with a certain fascination.

The snitch's actions stem from various motives. Some seek personal gain. They might want money, power, or favor. Others act out of fear. They may face threats or pressure, forcing them to betray others. Still, others might believe they are doing the right thing. They think their actions serve a greater good, even if it means breaking trust.

The consequences of snitching can be severe. For the snitch, exposure can lead to isolation or retaliation. They might lose friends, face danger, or live with a tarnished reputation. For those betrayed, the impact can be devastating. They might lose their freedom, face public shame, or suffer personal losses.

In literature and film, snitches often appear as pivotal characters. They drive the plot forward and add tension. Their actions create conflict and drama. The audience often feels a mix of emotions towards them. There is anger for their betrayal, but sometimes, there is also pity for their plight.

Historically, snitches have played key roles in real-life events. Wars, political upheavals, and criminal investigations often involve informants. These individuals provide crucial information that can change outcomes. Their actions can lead to the capture of criminals, the downfall of regimes, or the end of conflicts.

Despite the negative connotations, the role of the snitch is not always black and white. In some cases, their actions can be seen as necessary. They might expose corruption, prevent harm, or bring justice. The moral ambiguity surrounding snitching makes it a compelling subject for exploration.

Snitches also face ethical dilemmas. They must weigh their loyalty against their sense of duty. They grapple with the consequences of their actions. This internal conflict adds depth to their character. It makes their stories more engaging and thought-provoking.

The figure of the snitch also raises questions about trust and loyalty. It forces us to consider the value of secrets and the cost of betrayal. It challenges our perceptions of right and wrong. These themes resonate with audiences because they touch on fundamental human experiences.

In conclusion, the snitch is a multifaceted character. Their actions have far-reaching consequences. They evoke a range of emotions and provoke thought. Whether in fiction or reality, the snitch remains a compelling figure. Their stories remind us of the complexities of human nature and the delicate balance between loyalty and betrayal.

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