The Most Famous Gorilla, Ranked

Choose the gorilla you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:39
Determining the most renowned gorilla through a community vote holds numerous benefits. It not only provides insight into public opinion but also highlights the cultural and scientific impact of these magnificent creatures. By assessing the prominence of various gorillas, people can gain a deeper appreciation of their stories and the conservation efforts surrounding them. This dynamic list evolves with each vote, capturing real-time preferences and perspectives. Whether driven by media exposure or landmark research contributions, each gorilla has a unique story that resonates differently with individuals. Your votes help to shape this ongoing narrative, offering a collective view on which stories hold the most significance today.

Who Is the Most Famous Gorilla?

  1. 1


    Koko was known for her ability to communicate using American Sign Language.
    • Birth: July 4, 1971
    • Death: June 19, 2018
    • Language: American Sign Language
  2. 2


    Harambe became globally known after a controversial incident where he was shot at the Cincinnati Zoo.
    • Birth: May 27, 1999
    • Death: May 28, 2016
    • Location: Cincinnati Zoo
  3. 3


    Ivan spent 27 years living in a shopping mall before being moved to the Atlanta Zoo.
    • Birth: 1962
    • Death: August 20, 2012
    • Location: Atlanta Zoo
  4. 4


    Snowflake was famous for being the only known albino gorilla until his death.
    • Birth: 1964
    • Death: 2003
    • Location: Barcelona Zoo
  5. 5

    Binti Jua

    Binti Jua is known for saving a three-year-old boy who fell into her enclosure at the Brookfield Zoo.
    • Birth: March 17, 1988
    • Event: 1996
    • Location: Brookfield Zoo
  6. 6


    Colo was the first gorilla to be born in captivity and lived to be the oldest known living gorilla before her death.
    • Birth: December 22, 1956
    • Death: January 17, 2017
    • Location: Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
  7. 7


    Guy was a popular attraction at the London Zoo and remembered for his gentle nature.
    • Birth: May 30, 1946
    • Death: 1978
    • Location: London Zoo
  8. 8


    Jabari gained notoriety after breaking out of his enclosure at the Dallas Zoo and injuring several people before being shot by police.
    • Birth: 1996
    • Death: March 18, 2004
    • Location: Dallas Zoo
  9. 9


    Michael was a male gorilla who was taught American Sign Language as part of a project similar to Koko.
    • Birth: 1973
    • Death: April 19, 2000
    • Language: American Sign Language
  10. 10


    Known as the 'Gorilla King', Titus was studied for decades by researchers in Rwanda.
    • Birth: August 24, 1974
    • Death: September 14, 2009
    • Location: Rwanda

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous gorilla. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Gorilla is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 220 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Gorilla once every 24 hours. The rank of each Gorilla is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Gorilla

Gorillas are large primates. They live in forests and mountains of central Africa. These creatures are known for their strength and gentle nature. They move in groups led by a dominant male. This leader is often called a silverback due to the silver hair on his back. Gorillas communicate through sounds, gestures, and facial expressions. They use these to express emotions and convey messages.

Gorillas eat plants, leaves, and fruit. They spend much of their day foraging for food. Their diet helps maintain the ecosystem by dispersing seeds. Gorillas have a slow reproduction rate. Females give birth every four to six years. Young gorillas stay with their mothers for several years, learning survival skills.

Gorillas face many threats. Habitat loss due to logging and farming reduces their living space. Poaching for bushmeat and trophies also endangers them. Diseases, some transmitted by humans, pose a significant risk. Conservation efforts aim to protect gorillas and their habitats. These include anti-poaching patrols and creating protected areas. Education and awareness campaigns also play a key role.

Gorillas have captured human fascination. They appear in books, movies, and documentaries. These portrayals often highlight their intelligence and emotional depth. Gorillas can use tools and solve problems. They show empathy and form strong bonds with each other. These traits make them relatable to humans.

Research on gorillas provides insight into evolution and behavior. Scientists study them to understand social structures and communication. Observations in the wild and in captivity contribute to this knowledge. These studies help improve conservation strategies.

Gorillas have inspired many conservationists. Efforts to save them often focus on preserving their natural habitats. This involves working with local communities. Sustainable development projects aim to reduce human impact on gorilla habitats. Ecotourism provides income while promoting conservation. Visitors can see gorillas in the wild, fostering a connection with these animals.

Gorillas also play a role in scientific research. Their genetic similarity to humans makes them valuable for medical studies. Research on gorillas helps understand human diseases and develop treatments. Ethical considerations are important in this research. Ensuring the well-being of gorillas is a priority.

Gorillas have left a mark on popular culture. They symbolize strength, gentleness, and family bonds. These qualities resonate with people. Gorillas remind us of our connection to nature and the importance of protecting it. Their story is one of survival and resilience. It inspires efforts to conserve wildlife and habitats.

Gorillas continue to face challenges. Ongoing conservation efforts are crucial for their survival. Protecting these majestic animals requires global cooperation. Each action taken to save gorillas contributes to a larger goal. Ensuring their future means preserving the rich biodiversity of our planet. Gorillas are a testament to the beauty and complexity of life on Earth.

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