The Most Famous Graffiti Tagger, Ranked

Choose the graffiti tagger you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:39
Graffiti tagging has long been a form of expression that paints streets with layers of personality and history. Recognizing the artists behind these vibrant displays can be challenging, as their work is often unsigned and continuously changing. A ranking of the most recognized graffiti taggers helps acknowledge those who have significantly shaped our urban landscapes with their unique styles and messages. This dynamic ranking is shaped by your votes, reflecting current public opinion on these elusive artists. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of street art, your participation helps us create a more accurate reflection of the graffiti community's impact and reach. By voting for your favorites, you contribute to a broader appreciation and understanding of graffiti as a significant cultural element.

Who Is the Most Famous Graffiti Tagger?

  1. 1


    An anonymous England-based street artist, political activist, and film director, known for his satirical street art and subversive epigrams.
    • Notable Work: Balloon Girl
    • Style: Satirical Street Art
  2. 2
    Futura 2000

    Futura 2000

    An American graffiti artist known for his abstract approach to street art.
    • Notable Work: Abstract Street Art
    • Style: Abstract Graffiti
  3. 3
    Shepard Fairey

    Shepard Fairey

    An American contemporary street artist, graphic designer, activist, illustrator, and founder of OBEY Clothing who emerged from the skateboarding scene.
    • Notable Work: Obey Giant
    • Style: Street Art
  4. 4
    Lady Pink

    Lady Pink

    Ecuadorian-American graffiti and mural artist, one of the first women to break into the male-dominated graffiti subculture.
    • Notable Work: Breaking Gender Barriers
    • Style: Graffiti
  5. 5

    Dondi White

    An American graffiti artist best known for his dynamic lettering and characters.
    • Notable Work: Dynamic Lettering
    • Style: Graffiti
  6. 7
    Blek le Rat

    Blek le Rat

    A French graffiti artist known as one of the early pioneers of stencil graffiti art.
    • Notable Work: Stencil Pioneer
    • Style: Stencil Graffiti
  7. 8


    An American graffiti artist known for his large scale and colorful graffiti pieces.
    • Notable Work: Large Scale Pieces
    • Style: Graffiti
  8. 9


    An American contemporary artist, primarily recognized for graffiti art that combines elements of fine art and street art in a unique script.
    • Notable Work: Unique Script
    • Style: Contemporary Street Art

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous graffiti tagger. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or tagger is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 191 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each tagger once every 24 hours. The rank of each tagger is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Graffiti Tagger

Rank #1 for the most famous graffiti tagger: Banksy (Source)
Graffiti has always been a form of expression. It appears on walls, trains, and buildings. Among the many who practice this art, some stand out. One particular tagger has gained immense fame. This person remains anonymous, yet their work is known worldwide. Their pieces often carry strong messages. They challenge norms and provoke thought.

This tagger's journey began in the streets. They used spray paint as their tool. Over time, their style evolved. Early works were simple tags. These were quick and often unnoticed. But as skills grew, so did ambition. The tags turned into intricate designs. Each piece told a story.

The tagger's work often appears overnight. One day, a wall is blank. The next, it holds a masterpiece. This adds to the mystery. People wonder how they manage such feats. The tagger avoids capture, staying one step ahead. This elusiveness adds to their legend.

Critics have mixed opinions. Some see the work as vandalism. They argue it defaces property. Others see it as art. They believe it adds beauty to urban spaces. The debate continues, but the tagger's fame grows.

Their work often addresses social issues. Themes include politics, war, and inequality. The messages are clear and bold. They force viewers to think. This has earned the tagger respect. Many admire the courage to speak out.

The tagger's identity remains a mystery. Some speculate about who it might be. Many theories exist, but none are confirmed. This anonymity is crucial. It allows the tagger to continue their work. It also adds to the allure.

The impact of this tagger is undeniable. They have inspired many. New artists take to the streets, following in their footsteps. They see graffiti as a way to voice their thoughts. The tagger's influence is evident in cities around the world.

Despite the risks, the tagger persists. They face fines and jail time. Yet, they continue to create. This dedication is part of what makes them famous. They believe in their message and their medium.

Collectors have taken notice. Some pieces have been removed from walls. They are sold for high prices in galleries. This blurs the line between street art and fine art. It shows the growing acceptance of graffiti.

The tagger's work has also entered popular culture. It appears in films, books, and music. This broadens their reach. More people become aware of their messages. The tagger's influence extends beyond the streets.

The future of this tagger is uncertain. They may continue to work in the shadows. Or they might reveal their identity. Either way, their legacy is secure. They have changed the world of graffiti forever.

In conclusion, this tagger stands out in the world of graffiti. Their work speaks volumes. It challenges, inspires, and provokes. They remain anonymous, yet their impact is clear. The streets are their canvas, and they use it well.

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