The Most Famous Person That Nobody Knows, Ranked

Choose the person you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 13, 2024 07:47
There are countless individuals who shape culture, technology, and entertainment from behind the scenes. Their impacts are monumental, yet their recognition is often shadowed by the more publicly celebrated figures they support or work alongside. By creating a ranked list of these undervalously famous individuals, we offer a space for acknowledgment and appreciation of their contributions. Your votes help highlight the unseen heroes in various industries, ensuring they receive some of the spotlight they rightly deserve.

Who Is the Most Famous Person That Nobody Knows?

  1. 1
    Satoshi Nakamoto

    Satoshi Nakamoto

    Pseudonymous person or persons who developed bitcoin, authored the bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed bitcoin's original reference implementation.
    • Creation: Bitcoin
    • White Paper Release: 2008
  2. 2


    An anonymous England-based street artist, political activist, and film director.
    • Art Style: Satirical street art and subversive epigrams
    • Notable Work: The Girl with Balloon
  3. 3
    D.B. Cooper

    D.B. Cooper

    An unidentified man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in the northwest United States, in the airspace between Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington, on November 24, 1971.
    • Hijacking Date: November 24, 1971
    • Ransom: $200,000
  4. 4

    The Green Man (Raymond Robinson)

    An severely disfigured American man who became a figure of urban legend in western Pennsylvania.
    • Nickname: The Green Man
    • Location: Western Pennsylvania
  5. 5
    The Zodiac Killer

    The Zodiac Killer

    An unidentified serial killer who operated in Northern California in the late 1960s.
    • Known For: Sending cryptic letters to the Bay Area Press
    • Confirmed Victims: 5
  6. 6
    The Man in the Iron Mask

    The Man in the Iron Mask

    A name given to an unidentified prisoner who was arrested in 1669 or 1670 and subsequently held in a number of French prisons, including the Bastille.
    • Arrest Date: 1669 or 1670
    • Notable Prison: The Bastille
  7. 7

    Tank Man

    Unidentified man who stood in front of a column of tanks leaving Tiananmen Square on June 5, 1989, the day after the Chinese government's violent crackdown on the Tiananmen protests.
    • Event: Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
    • Symbol: Global symbol of peaceful protest
  8. 8
    Raoul Wallenberg

    Raoul Wallenberg

    A Swedish architect, businessman, diplomat, and humanitarian. He is widely celebrated for saving tens of thousands of Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary during the Holocaust.
    • Nationality: Swedish
    • Known For: Saving tens of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust
  9. 9
    Jack the Ripper

    Jack the Ripper

    An unidentified serial killer active in the largely impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888.
    • Time Period: 1888
    • Location: Whitechapel, London
  10. 10

    The Babushka Lady

    An unidentified woman present during the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy who was seen filming the event.
    • Event: Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    • Date: November 22, 1963

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous person that nobody knows. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or person is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 94 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each person once every 24 hours. The rank of each person is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Person That Nobody Knows

Satoshi Nakamoto
Rank #1 for the most famous person that nobody knows: Satoshi Nakamoto (Source)
In the world, some people influence many lives without becoming famous. They shape events, create trends, or inspire others, yet their names remain unknown. These individuals often work behind the scenes, contributing in ways that affect us all.

One such person could be a scientist. This scientist might have discovered a key element in a vaccine. The vaccine then saves millions of lives. While the world praises the vaccine, the scientist remains in the shadows. Their work is crucial, but their name is not on everyone's lips.

Another example is an author. This author writes under a pseudonym. Their books touch the hearts of readers worldwide. The stories inspire movies, songs, and even other books. Yet, the real identity of the author stays hidden. The words are famous, but the person behind them is not.

Consider a software developer. This developer creates a piece of code that becomes the backbone of a popular app. The app changes how people communicate, work, or play. Users know the app well, but not the person who made it possible. The developer's contribution is vital, but their name is unknown.

There are also activists. These activists fight for change in their communities. They organize events, rally people, and push for new laws. Their efforts lead to significant improvements in society. However, they do not seek the spotlight. Their work speaks louder than their names.

In the business world, there are advisors. These advisors guide CEOs and companies to success. They offer insights, strategies, and solutions. The companies thrive because of their advice. Yet, the public does not know these advisors. They prefer to stay out of the limelight.

Musicians also have unknown heroes. A songwriter might pen a hit song for a famous singer. The song tops charts and wins awards. Fans sing along, but few know who wrote the lyrics. The songwriter's talent shines, but their identity remains a mystery.

In history, there have been many such figures. Inventors who created tools that changed industries. Diplomats who brokered peace deals. Educators who shaped the minds of future leaders. Their contributions are immense, but their names are not well-known.

These unsung heroes often prefer it this way. They value their privacy. They find joy in their work, not in fame. They understand that their impact is what matters most. Their influence is felt, even if their names are not recognized.

Their stories remind us that fame is not the only measure of success. True success lies in making a difference. It lies in leaving a positive mark on the world. These individuals do just that, quietly and effectively.

In our daily lives, we might encounter such people. They might be a teacher, a mentor, or a community leader. They work diligently, often without recognition. They inspire, innovate, and improve the world around them.

We can learn from these unknown heroes. We can appreciate the value of quiet dedication. We can strive to make our own positive impact, regardless of whether we receive fame. In doing so, we honor the legacy of those who have shaped our world from behind the scenes.

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