The Most Famous Missing Person, Ranked

Choose the missing person you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 20, 2024 07:43
Ranking famous missing persons helps shed light on cases that have puzzled and intrigued the public for years. By highlighting these cases, the list serves as a reminder of ongoing mysteries and the importance of continued attention. Such rankings not only maintain public interest but also encourage new information and tips that could be crucial in solving these disappearances. When you participate by voting, you contribute to raising awareness about each case. Each vote can potentially reignite interest and conversation around lesser-known disappearances, helping communities and families hold onto hope. This dynamic list reflects current public interest and serves as a barometer for which cases still capture the heart and mind of people around the world.

Who Is the Most Famous Missing Person?

  1. 2

    Madeleine McCann

    Madeleine McCann disappeared in 2007 from her holiday apartment in Portugal, sparking a major international search.
    • Disappearance Date: May 3, 2007
    • Age at Disappearance: 3 years
  2. 3

    Natalee Holloway

    Natalee Holloway vanished in 2005 during a high school graduation trip to Aruba, leading to widespread media coverage.
    • Disappearance Date: May 30, 2005
    • Age at Disappearance: 18 years
  3. 4
    Jimmy Hoffa

    Jimmy Hoffa

    Jimmy Hoffa was an influential American labor leader who disappeared in 1975 and was declared legally dead in 1982.
    • Disappearance Date: July 30, 1975
    • Profession: Labor Union Leader
  4. 5
    D.B. Cooper

    D.B. Cooper

    D.B. Cooper is the pseudonym of an unidentified individual who hijacked a plane in 1971 and then vanished after parachuting out with a ransom.
    • Hijacking Date: November 24, 1971
    • Ransom Amount: $200,000
  5. 6
    Michael Rockefeller

    Michael Rockefeller

    Michael Rockefeller, a member of the Rockefeller family, disappeared during an expedition in New Guinea in 1961.
    • Disappearance Date: November 19, 1961
    • Expedition Purpose: Collecting Artifacts
  6. 7
    Frederick Valentich

    Frederick Valentich

    Frederick Valentich was an Australian pilot who disappeared in 1978 while flying over the Bass Strait, after reporting an unidentified aircraft.
    • Disappearance Date: October 21, 1978
    • Last Communication: Reported an unidentified aircraft
  7. 8
    Emanuela Orlandi

    Emanuela Orlandi

    Emanuela Orlandi was a Vatican City citizen who disappeared in 1983, leading to numerous theories about her fate.
    • Disappearance Date: June 22, 1983
    • Age at Disappearance: 15 years
  8. 9
    Raoul Wallenberg

    Raoul Wallenberg

    Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish diplomat credited with saving thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. He disappeared in 1945 after being detained by Soviet forces.
    • Disappearance Date: January 17, 1945
    • Profession: Diplomat
  9. 10
    Harold Holt

    Harold Holt

    Harold Holt was the Prime Minister of Australia who disappeared while swimming in 1967 and was presumed drowned.
    • Disappearance Date: December 17, 1967
    • Profession: Prime Minister of Australia

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous missing person. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or missing person is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 180 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each missing person once every 24 hours. The rank of each missing person is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Missing Person

Amelia Earhart
Rank #1 for the most famous missing person: Amelia Earhart (Source)
Many people vanish without a trace each year. Some cases capture the public's attention more than others. These cases often involve mysterious circumstances, leading to widespread speculation and media coverage. The intrigue surrounding these disappearances stems from the unknown. People want to understand what happened.

Law enforcement agencies invest significant resources in these cases. They conduct searches, interview witnesses, and follow leads. Despite their efforts, some cases remain unsolved. This lack of resolution keeps the public's interest alive. Theories abound, ranging from foul play to voluntary disappearance. Each theory has its proponents, but none provide conclusive answers.

The media plays a crucial role in these cases. News outlets report on developments, keeping the story in the public eye. This coverage can help generate new leads. However, it can also spread misinformation. Sensational headlines and speculative reporting can cloud the facts. The pressure on investigators increases as the public demands answers.

Family and friends of the missing person endure immense stress. They live in a state of uncertainty, torn between hope and despair. Their lives change forever. Some become advocates, raising awareness about the case and pushing for continued investigation. They seek closure, but often, it eludes them.

The internet has transformed how missing person cases unfold. Online communities discuss theories and share information. Social media amplifies the reach of these discussions. Sometimes, this leads to breakthroughs. Other times, it spreads false leads. The digital age has added a new dimension to these mysteries.

Cold cases, those unsolved for years, often attract renewed interest. Advances in technology, such as DNA testing, can breathe new life into these investigations. Law enforcement agencies sometimes reopen these cases, hoping for a breakthrough. The passage of time can also bring new witnesses or evidence to light.

These high-profile cases often lead to changes in laws and procedures. They highlight gaps in the system and prompt reforms. For example, new protocols for handling missing person reports may emerge. These changes aim to prevent future disappearances or improve response times.

The fascination with missing person cases reflects a broader human desire for answers. People want to believe that every mystery can be solved. The reality, however, is that some questions remain unanswered. This uncertainty fuels ongoing interest and speculation.

In the end, the most famous missing person cases remain shrouded in mystery. They captivate the public's imagination and challenge investigators. The search for answers continues, driven by a mix of hope, determination, and curiosity.

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