The Most Famous Miss America, Ranked

Choose the Miss America you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:43
Throughout the history of public competitions and pageants, the winners often remain highlighted in the public memory, their achievements celebrated and their roles evolving through their reign. Among such events, the Miss America pageant stands out as a culturally significant institution, where countless individuals have showcased not only beauty but also talent and intellect. Tracking which Miss America has remained most prominent in public discourse can offer insights into societal values and trends over time. By maintaining a dynamic ranking of the most famous Miss America titleholders, fans and historians alike gain a tool for analyzing the impact these figures have long after their initial win. This listing encourages active participation, allowing users to vote and influence the current rankings. It serves not just as a list, but as an engaging community activity where each vote contributes to a larger narrative of popularity and historical significance.

Who Is the Most Famous Miss America?

  1. 1
    Vanessa Williams

    Vanessa Williams

    Vanessa Williams made history in 1983 by becoming the first African American to win the Miss America title.
    • Year Crowned: 1983
    • State Represented: New York
  2. 2
    Lee Meriwether

    Lee Meriwether

    Lee Meriwether won the Miss America title in 1955 and is also known for her roles in TV and film, notably as Catwoman in the 1966 Batman movie.
    • Year Crowned: 1955
    • State Represented: California
  3. 3
    Gretchen Carlson

    Gretchen Carlson

    Gretchen Carlson, Miss America 1989, is known for her career in television journalism and her advocacy work against workplace harassment.
    • Year Crowned: 1989
    • State Represented: Minnesota
  4. 4

    Phyllis George

    Phyllis George, Miss America 1971, later became a pioneer for women in sports broadcasting.
    • Year Crowned: 1971
    • State Represented: Texas
  5. 5
    Debbye Turner

    Debbye Turner

    Debbye Turner, crowned Miss America in 1990, is recognized for her career as a television host and motivational speaker.
    • Year Crowned: 1990
    • State Represented: Missouri
  6. 6
    Nina Davuluri

    Nina Davuluri

    Nina Davuluri, Miss America 2014, was the first woman of Indian descent to win the title.
    • Year Crowned: 2014
    • State Represented: New York
  7. 7
    Heather French

    Heather French

    Heather French, crowned Miss America in 2000, is known for her advocacy work on behalf of veterans.
    • Year Crowned: 2000
    • State Represented: Kentucky
  8. 8
    Shirley Cothran

    Shirley Cothran

    Shirley Cothran, Miss America 1975, is recognized for her work in education and as a motivational speaker.
    • Year Crowned: 1975
    • State Represented: Texas
  9. 9
    Margaret Gorman

    Margaret Gorman

    Margaret Gorman, the first-ever Miss America, crowned in 1921, is a pivotal figure in the pageant's history.
    • Year Crowned: 1921
    • State Represented: District of Columbia
  10. 10
    Mallory Hagan

    Mallory Hagan

    Mallory Hagan won Miss America in 2013 and has since been an advocate for child abuse prevention and education reform.
    • Year Crowned: 2013
    • State Represented: New York

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Miss America. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or contestant is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 124 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each contestant once every 24 hours. The rank of each contestant is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Miss America

Vanessa Williams
Rank #1 for the most famous Miss America: Vanessa Williams (Source)
Miss America is a well-known beauty pageant in the United States. It began in 1921 as a way to attract tourists to Atlantic City. Over the years, it has grown into a major event. Contestants from each state compete for the title. They showcase their talents, answer questions, and participate in evening gown and swimsuit segments.

The pageant has evolved. It no longer focuses solely on beauty. Today, it emphasizes talent, intelligence, and social impact. The winner receives a scholarship. This helps her pursue further education. She also spends a year promoting a platform of her choice. This can include issues like education, health, or social justice.

Many Miss America winners have gone on to successful careers. Some have become actresses, news anchors, or public figures. They often use their fame to advocate for important causes. The title opens many doors. It provides a platform to make a difference.

Miss America has faced criticism. Some argue it objectifies women. Others believe it reinforces outdated beauty standards. The organization has made changes to address these concerns. They have removed the swimsuit competition. They focus more on the contestants' achievements and goals.

The pageant has a rich history. It reflects changing social norms and values. It has adapted to stay relevant. Miss America remains an iconic event. It continues to inspire young women across the country.

The role of Miss America is demanding. She travels extensively during her reign. She attends events, meets with officials, and speaks to various groups. Her schedule is busy. She must balance her duties with her personal life.

The pageant process is rigorous. Contestants prepare for months. They practice their talents, refine their speaking skills, and stay fit. They also engage in community service. This helps them build their platforms and connect with the public.

The selection process is competitive. Judges look for a well-rounded individual. She must be articulate, talented, and poised. She should also have a strong sense of purpose. The title of Miss America is prestigious. It carries significant responsibility.

Miss America has a lasting impact on its winners. It provides opportunities for personal and professional growth. It helps them develop confidence and leadership skills. The experience is transformative. It shapes their future paths.

The pageant also has a broader influence. It promotes values like education, service, and empowerment. It encourages young women to pursue their dreams. It challenges them to make a positive impact in their communities.

Miss America is more than a beauty pageant. It is a tradition that celebrates excellence and ambition. It continues to evolve, reflecting the aspirations of modern women. It remains a symbol of achievement and possibility.

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