The Most Famous Street Artist, Ranked

Choose the street artist you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 14, 2024 07:50
Street art brings color and voice to urban landscapes, reflecting the energy and emotions of the city. Many passersby pause to admire these creative expressions without knowing much about the artists behind the work. By gathering insights on prominent street artists, it becomes easier for admirers to connect with the art on a deeper level, appreciating not just the artwork but also the artist's intent and message. This interactive ranking seeks to recognize talented street artists based on public opinion. By casting your vote, you contribute to a live tally that helps determine which artists resonate most with audiences. This way, enthusiasts like you make sure that the artists receiving attention are truly appreciated by a broad and diverse audience, enhancing visibility for those whose work adds significant value to public spaces.

Who Is the Most Famous Street Artist?

  1. 1


    An anonymous England-based street artist, political activist, and film director, known for his satirical street art and subversive epigrams.
    • Notable Work: Balloon Girl
    • Identity: Unknown
  2. 2
    Shepard Fairey

    Shepard Fairey

    An American contemporary street artist, graphic designer, activist, illustrator, and founder of OBEY Clothing who emerged from the skateboarding scene.
    • Notable Work: Obey Giant
    • Famous Piece: Hope poster for Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign
  3. 3


    A French urban artist known for his ceramic tile mosaics modeled on the pixelated art of 1970s–1980s 8-bit video games, his work can be seen in cities across the world.
    • Notable Work: Space Invaders
    • Cities Invaded: Over 60 worldwide
  4. 4


    A French photographer and street artist whose identity is unconfirmed. Known for his large-scale, monochromatic photographs of people's faces displayed in urban locations.
    • Notable Project: Inside Out
    • Style: Photograffeur
  5. 5


    An American street artist known for her life-size wheatpaste prints and paper cutouts of figures. Swoon's work often explores social and environmental themes.
    • Real Name: Caledonia Curry
    • Notable Projects: Swimming Cities
  6. 6
    Os Gemeos

    Os Gemeos

    Identical twin brothers from Brazil known for their large-scale, yellow characters and intricate, detailed work that often features social and political commentary.
    • Notable Work: Giants
    • Origin: São Paulo, Brazil
  7. 8


    A New York-based artistic collaboration between Patrick McNeil and Patrick Miller, known for their pioneering use of wheatpasting and stenciling in the 2000s.
    • Notable Work: Les Ballets De Faile
    • Medium: Mixed Media
  8. 9

    David Choe

    An American painter, muralist, graffiti artist and graphic novelist of Korean descent, known for his figure paintings characterized by desire, degradation, and exaltation.
    • Notable Work: Facebook Headquarters Murals
    • Unique Style: Dirty Style

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous street artist. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Graffitiartist is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 156 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Graffitiartist once every 24 hours. The rank of each Graffitiartist is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Street Artist

Rank #1 for the most famous street artist: Banksy (Source)
Street art has grown from a fringe movement to a celebrated form of expression. It began as a way for artists to voice opinions and share messages in public spaces. These artists often use walls, sidewalks, and buildings as their canvases. They create works that challenge social norms, political systems, and cultural values.

The roots of street art trace back to the late 20th century. In large cities, artists began to use spray paint and stencils. Their works were often illegal and done under the cover of night. This added a layer of risk and excitement. The anonymity of these artists was part of the allure. Their identities were hidden, which made their work even more intriguing.

As street art gained popularity, it started to be seen as a legitimate art form. Galleries and museums began to showcase street art. This shift helped to bring it into the mainstream. The public started to appreciate the skill and creativity involved. Street art festivals and events began to pop up around the world. These gatherings allowed artists to share their work with a wider audience.

Street artists often tackle important issues. Their work can address topics like inequality, climate change, and human rights. By placing their art in public spaces, they reach people who might not visit galleries or museums. This accessibility is a key aspect of street art. It brings art to the masses and sparks conversations.

The tools and techniques used in street art have evolved. Spray paint is still common, but artists also use stickers, paste-ups, and even sculptures. Technology has played a role too. Some artists use projectors and digital tools to create their pieces. This evolution keeps the art form fresh and dynamic.

Despite its growth, street art still faces challenges. Many cities have strict laws against it. Artists risk fines and arrest. Some view street art as vandalism, not as a form of expression. This tension between art and legality is ongoing. It adds a layer of complexity to the work of street artists.

The rise of social media has had a big impact on street art. Platforms like Instagram allow artists to share their work with a global audience. This has helped to build a community of street art fans. It also allows artists to gain recognition and support. Social media has made street art more accessible and helped to spread its influence.

Street art has a unique ability to capture the spirit of a place. It can reflect the culture and history of a city. Each piece tells a story and adds to the urban landscape. Street art is ever-changing. New works appear, and old ones fade or get painted over. This constant change is part of its charm.

In conclusion, street art has come a long way since its early days. It has moved from the shadows to the spotlight. It continues to evolve and inspire. Street artists use their work to make powerful statements and connect with people. Their art is a vibrant and vital part of the urban environment.

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