The Most Famous Stormtrooper, Ranked

Choose the Stormtrooper you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 07:50
Fans of the Star Wars saga have long debated which Stormtrooper stands out as a memorable presence. Considering their usually uniform appearance and roles, identifying the most notable ones might seem challenging. Yet, some have managed to leave a significant mark through unique moments or story significance. By ranking these characters, fans can highlight those that made a particular impact. This interactive voting system lets you contribute to shaping the list according to your own experiences and opinions. Whether it's based on their memorable actions, the importance in certain scenes, or merely their appearance, your votes help determine who climbs higher on the list. Engage with other fans in a shared effort to spotlight the most famous among these iconic figures from the Star Wars universe.

Who Is the Most Famous Stormtrooper?

  1. 1


    A Stormtrooper famously not at his post aboard the Death Star, allowing Han Solo and Luke Skywalker to rescue Princess Leia.
    • First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
    • Notable For: Being impersonated by Luke Skywalker
  2. 2

    FN-2187 (Finn)

    A Stormtrooper who defected to join the Resistance, becoming a key figure in the fight against the First Order.
    • First Appearance: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    • Actor: John Boyega
  3. 3

    TR-8R (FN-2199, Nines)

    Gained fame for his memorable line 'Traitor!' and battle against Finn in 'The Force Awakens'.
    • First Appearance: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    • Notable For: Wielding a Z6 riot control baton
  4. 4

    Captain Phasma

    The commander of the First Order's stormtroopers, known for her distinctive chrome armor.
    • First Appearance: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    • Actor: Gwendoline Christie
  5. 5


    Often confused with TK-421, but also notable for being absent, allowing the heroes to move freely aboard the Death Star.
    • First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
    • Notable For: Being impersonated by Han Solo
  6. 6


    One of the Stormtroopers who participated in the raid on Jakku village at the beginning of 'The Force Awakens'.
    • First Appearance: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    • Notable For: Participation in Jakku village raid
  7. 7


    A Stormtrooper stationed on Starkiller Base, known for his strict adherence to protocol.
    • First Appearance: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    • Notable For: Adherence to protocol
  8. 8

    FN-2003 (Slip)

    Part of Finn's original squad, known for marking Finn with a bloody handprint in 'The Force Awakens'.
    • First Appearance: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    • Notable For: Bloody handprint on Finn
  9. 9


    A Stormtrooper who served under Captain Phasma and was known for his exceptional loyalty to the First Order.
    • First Appearance: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
    • Notable For: Loyalty to the First Order
  10. 10


    A Stormtrooper involved in the search for the Millennium Falcon on the Death Star.
    • First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
    • Notable For: Search for Millennium Falcon

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Stormtrooper. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Stormtrooper is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 35 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Stormtrooper once every 24 hours. The rank of each Stormtrooper is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Stormtrooper

Stormtroopers are iconic figures in popular culture, recognized by their white armor and helmets. They serve as the foot soldiers of the Galactic Empire in the Star Wars universe. Their image has become a symbol of the franchise, representing the might and reach of the Empire.

The origin of stormtroopers traces back to the Clone Wars. The Grand Army of the Republic first used clone troopers, who were created from the genetic template of a bounty hunter. These clones were bred for combat, trained to follow orders without question. They played a crucial role in the Republic's fight against the Separatists.

When the Republic transformed into the Galactic Empire, the clone troopers became stormtroopers. The Empire phased out the cloning process over time. Instead, they started recruiting individuals from various planets. This shift aimed to bolster the ranks with a more diverse set of soldiers. The Empire's propaganda machine worked tirelessly to attract recruits, promising glory and a chance to serve the Emperor.

Stormtroopers are known for their strict discipline and unwavering loyalty. They undergo rigorous training to prepare for battle. Their iconic armor, while often criticized for its lack of protection, serves multiple purposes. It provides a degree of defense, houses communication systems, and creates a uniform appearance. This uniformity helps maintain the image of an unstoppable force.

Despite their fearsome reputation, stormtroopers are often depicted as having poor aim. This portrayal has become a running joke among fans. In reality, the inconsistency in their effectiveness can be attributed to various factors. These include plot requirements and the need to highlight the skills of the protagonists.

Stormtroopers operate under a strict hierarchy. They follow orders from their superiors without hesitation. This chain of command ensures that they act as a cohesive unit. Their presence is meant to instill fear and maintain order in the Empire's territories. They are deployed in various missions, from quelling uprisings to enforcing the Emperor's will.

The design of the stormtrooper armor has evolved over time. Early versions were more utilitarian, focusing on function over form. As the Empire expanded, the armor became more stylized. This shift aimed to create a more imposing and recognizable figure. The black and white color scheme, combined with the helmet's distinctive visor, has made stormtroopers a lasting symbol.

Stormtroopers have left a significant impact on popular culture. They appear in various forms of media, from films and TV shows to books and video games. Their image has been used in merchandise, cosplay, and fan art. This widespread recognition speaks to their enduring appeal.

In conclusion, stormtroopers are more than just soldiers. They represent the reach and power of the Galactic Empire. Their evolution from clone troopers to recruited soldiers reflects the Empire's changing needs. Despite their flaws, they remain an iconic part of the Star Wars universe. Their presence continues to captivate audiences, ensuring their place in the annals of science fiction history.

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