The Most Famous Succubus, Ranked

Choose the Succubus you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:50
The lore of succubi, entwining myth and enigma, captures countless imaginations. Establishing a list that ranks these mythical figures by notoriety provides a unique opportunity to see which traits resonate most with contemporary audiences. Such rankings offer insights into cultural trends and shared narratives that prevail across various communities. By participating in the ranking process, users contribute to a broader discourse about the aspects of these legends that fascinate and intrigue. This ongoing interaction not only enriches the experience but also ensures the rankings reflect current preferences and interests. Engaging with the list encourages exploration and appreciation of the rich tapestry of stories surrounding these enigmatic beings.

Who Is the Most Famous Succubus?

  1. 1


    Often considered the most famous succubus, Lilith is a figure from Jewish mythology, sometimes depicted as Adam's first wife who became a succubus after refusing to submit to him.
    • Origin: Jewish mythology
    • Symbolism: Feminine power and independence
  2. 2

    Morrigan Aensland

    A popular character from the 'Darkstalkers' video game series, Morrigan is a succubus known for her strength, beauty, and playful personality.
    • Origin: Video game
    • Game: Darkstalkers
  3. 3

    Succubus (South Park)

    A character from the animated series 'South Park', she is depicted as a demonic seductress who preys on men.
    • Origin: Television
    • Series: South Park
  4. 4

    Madame Xanadu

    A character in DC Comics, Madame Xanadu has been depicted as having succubus-like abilities, including seduction and manipulation, though she is primarily known as a sorceress.
    • Origin: Comics
    • Publisher: DC Comics
  5. 5

    Succubus (Witcher Series)

    In the 'Witcher' series, succubi are depicted as non-hostile creatures who seduce men to feed off their life force, often with fatal outcomes for the men involved.
    • Origin: Video game and literature
    • Series: The Witcher
  6. 6

    Succubus (World of Warcraft)

    A demonic pet class in the 'World of Warcraft' game, the succubus is known for her abilities to charm and whip her enemies, aiding warlocks in battle.
    • Origin: Video game
    • Game: World of Warcraft
  7. 7

    Bo (Lost Girl)

    The protagonist of the TV series 'Lost Girl', Bo is a succubus who uses her powers to help those in need while searching for her own origins.
    • Origin: Television
    • Series: Lost Girl
  8. 8


    While not a succubus in the traditional sense, Carmilla is a vampire from Sheridan Le Fanu's novella who displays succubus-like qualities through her seduction and preying on young women.
    • Origin: Literature
    • Author: Sheridan Le Fanu
  9. 9


    A character from the 'Throne of Glass' series by Sarah J. Maas, Maeve is a powerful queen with succubus-like qualities, including manipulation and control over others.
    • Origin: Literature
    • Series: Throne of Glass
  10. 10


    In Jewish mythology, Lilin are considered to be the children of Lilith, often depicted as night-demons or succubi.
    • Origin: Jewish mythology
    • Relation: Children of Lilith

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Succubus. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Succubus is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 88 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Succubus once every 24 hours. The rank of each Succubus is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Succubus

Rank #1 for the most famous Succubus: Lilith (Source)
Succubi are mythical creatures found in folklore and religious texts. They are female demons known for seducing men. The word "succubus" comes from the Latin word "succuba," meaning "paramour." These beings appear in many cultures, often with similar traits.

In medieval Europe, people believed succubi visited men in their dreams. They seduced their victims and drained their life force. This belief linked them to sleep paralysis and nightmares. During the Middle Ages, the church used tales of succubi to explain immoral behavior and sinful thoughts. Many saw them as a way to blame external forces for personal failings.

Folklore often describes succubi as beautiful women. Their beauty is a tool to lure men. Despite their appearance, they are dangerous. They use their charm to manipulate and control. Some stories say they have wings or tails, hinting at their demonic nature. These features often emerge when they reveal their true form.

Succubi are not just a Western concept. In Jewish folklore, there are similar beings. They share traits with succubi, such as seduction and draining life force. In Islamic culture, jinn can take on a similar role. These beings also seduce and deceive. This shows the widespread nature of the succubus myth.

Modern depictions of succubi vary. They appear in books, movies, and video games. Often, they are shown as complex characters. Some portray them as evil, while others give them depth and backstory. This shift reflects changing views on morality and human nature.

Despite changes, the core idea remains. Succubi are symbols of temptation and danger. They represent the fear of losing control. This fear is universal and timeless. It explains why these myths persist.

In psychology, some see the succubus myth as a way to understand human desires. It explores the darker side of attraction and relationships. This perspective offers insight into why these stories endure.

The succubus myth also connects to ideas about power. Succubi often hold power over their victims. This reflects fears about dominance and submission. It shows how myths can reveal societal anxieties.

In conclusion, succubi are enduring figures in mythology. They appear in many cultures and continue to fascinate. Their stories offer a lens through which to view human nature and societal fears. They remind us of the complexities of desire and power. These tales, old and new, keep the myth alive.

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