The Most Famous Sufi Poet, Ranked

Choose the poet you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:50
The deep, resonating wisdom of Sufi poetry has touched countless hearts through the ages, weaving profound spiritual insights with beautiful verse. However, it might be challenging for enthusiasts and new readers alike to identify which poets have had the most significant impact and why their works continue to inspire. By participating in voting on this list, users have the unique opportunity to help shape the recognition of these influential Sufi poets, reflecting both historical significance and contemporary relevance. Each vote contributes to a broader understanding and appreciation, ensuring that the voices that resonate most strongly are highlighted for others to discover and cherish.

Who Is the Most Famous Sufi Poet?

  1. 1

    Ibn Arabi

    An Arab Andalusian Muslim scholar, mystic, poet, and philosopher.
    • Notable Work: Fusus al-Hikam
    • Born: 26 July 1165
  2. 2


    A Persian poet who "lauded the joys of love and wine but also targeted religious hypocrisy."
    • Notable Work: Divan of Hafez
    • Born: 1315
  3. 3
    Jalaluddin Rumi

    Jalaluddin Rumi

    A 13th-century Persian poet, Islamic scholar, and Sufi mystic.
    • Notable Work: Masnavi
    • Born: 30 September 1207
  4. 4

    Omar Khayyam

    A Persian mathematician, astronomer, and poet, known for his rubāʿiyāt (quatrains).
    • Notable Work: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
    • Born: 18 May 1048
  5. 5
    Bayazid Bastami

    Bayazid Bastami

    A Persian Sufi, known for his sayings and poetry.
    • Notable Contribution: Emphasis on the concept of Fana (annihilation in God)
    • Born: 804
  6. 6


    A Persian Sufi poet who influenced many later Sufi mystics.
    • Notable Work: The Walled Garden of Truth
    • Born: 1080
  7. 7
    Sadi of Shiraz

    Sadi of Shiraz

    A major Persian poet and prose writer of the medieval period.
    • Notable Work: Gulistan
    • Born: 1210
  8. 8
    Fariduddin Attar

    Fariduddin Attar

    A Persian poet, theoretician of Sufism, and hagiographer.
    • Notable Work: The Conference of the Birds
    • Born: c. 1145
  9. 9

    Bulleh Shah

    A Punjabi Sufi poet, humanist, and philosopher.
    • Notable Work: Kafi
    • Born: 1680
  10. 10
    Rabia Basri

    Rabia Basri

    A female Muslim saint and Sufi mystic.
    • Notable Contribution: Emphasized the concept of Divine Love
    • Born: 714

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Sufi poet. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or poet is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 25 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each poet once every 24 hours. The rank of each poet is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Sufi Poet

Sufi poetry has a rich history. It spans across centuries and regions. These poems often explore themes of love, divine connection, and the search for truth. The poets behind these verses hold a special place in literature.

Sufi poets often came from diverse backgrounds. Some were scholars. Others were mystics. All shared a deep devotion to their faith. They used poetry to express their spiritual journeys. Their words aimed to bridge the gap between the human and the divine.

Sufi poetry is marked by its use of symbolic language. Common symbols include the nightingale, the rose, and the beloved. These symbols represent deeper spiritual truths. The nightingale often symbolizes the soul. The rose represents divine beauty. The beloved is a metaphor for God. Through these symbols, poets convey complex ideas in simple terms.

The themes in Sufi poetry are universal. Love is a central theme. This love is not just romantic. It is often a deep, spiritual love for the divine. The poets describe this love as all-consuming. It transforms the lover and brings them closer to the divine.

Another key theme is the journey. Sufi poets often describe the spiritual path as a journey. This journey is filled with trials and challenges. Yet, it also brings moments of joy and enlightenment. The journey is both an inner and outer experience. It involves self-discovery and a deeper understanding of the world.

Sufi poetry also explores the idea of unity. The poets believe in the oneness of all creation. They see the divine in everything. This belief in unity is reflected in their verses. They write about the interconnectedness of all life. This perspective encourages a sense of compassion and empathy.

The language of Sufi poetry is often simple. Yet, it carries deep meaning. The poets use everyday language to convey profound truths. This makes their work accessible to a wide audience. Their words resonate with people from all walks of life.

Sufi poetry has influenced many other literary traditions. Its themes and symbols can be found in various cultures. The universal appeal of these poems lies in their exploration of the human condition. They speak to the heart and soul.

The legacy of Sufi poets continues to inspire. Their work is still read and admired today. It offers a glimpse into the spiritual world of the past. Yet, it remains relevant in the modern world. The themes they explore are timeless. They remind us of the importance of love, unity, and the search for truth.

In conclusion, Sufi poetry is a rich and enduring tradition. It offers deep insights into the spiritual journey. The poets behind these verses have left a lasting impact. Their work continues to inspire and enlighten. Through their poetry, they invite us to explore the depths of our own souls.

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