The Most Famous Guest Star on 'Friends', Ranked

Choose the guest star you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 19, 2024 07:40
The surge of excitement when a well-known face appears in an episode of a beloved television series like 'Friends' can be a memorable part of viewing. Each guest star brings their own unique flare to the show, adding a layer of intrigue or comedy that enhances the dynamics of the regular cast. This element often sparks debates among fans about who made the most significant impact or was the most interesting addition. By participating in a live ranking, fans have the opportunity to express their preferences and see how others feel about these appearances. Your votes help determine who stands out as the most impactful guest star, according to collective fan opinion. This interactive list not only fosters a sense of community but also gives an interesting perspective on the influence of guest appearances on the show's overall appeal.

Who Is the Most Famous Guest Star on 'Friends'?

  1. 2
    Julia Roberts

    Julia Roberts

    Julia Roberts guest-starred as Susie Moss in the Season 2 episode, where she played Chandler's childhood friend seeking revenge.
    • Episode: The One After The Superbowl, Part 2
    • Season: 2
  2. 4
    Bruce Willis

    Bruce Willis

    Bruce Willis appeared in three episodes of Season 6 as Paul Stevens, the father of Ross's girlfriend, Elizabeth.
    • Episodes: Three episodes in Season 6
    • Character: Paul Stevens
  3. 5
    Paul Rudd

    Paul Rudd

    Paul Rudd played Mike Hannigan, Phoebe's eventual husband, appearing as a recurring character in the final two seasons.
    • Character: Mike Hannigan
    • Recurring Role: Yes
  4. 6
    Sean Penn

    Sean Penn

    Sean Penn appeared in two episodes of Season 8 as Eric, the fiancé of Phoebe's twin sister, Ursula.
    • Episodes: Two episodes in Season 8
    • Character: Eric
  5. 7
    Danny DeVito

    Danny DeVito

    Danny DeVito guest-starred as Roy 'Goodbody', a stripper, in the Season 10 episode, 'The One Where the Stripper Cries'.
    • Episode: The One Where the Stripper Cries
    • Season: 10
  6. 9
    Tom Selleck

    Tom Selleck

    Tom Selleck played Dr. Richard Burke, Monica's love interest, appearing in several episodes across multiple seasons.
    • Character: Dr. Richard Burke
    • Recurring Role: Yes
  7. 10
    Robin Williams

    Robin Williams

    Robin Williams made an uncredited cameo alongside Billy Crystal in the beginning of the Season 3 episode, 'The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion'.
    • Episode: The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion
    • Season: 3

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous guest star on 'Friends'. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or guest is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 195 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each guest once every 24 hours. The rank of each guest is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Guest Star on 'Friends'

Brad Pitt
Rank #1 for the most famous guest star on 'Friends': Brad Pitt (Source)
The TV show 'Friends' became a cultural phenomenon in the 1990s. Its main cast, consisting of six friends living in New York City, captured the hearts of millions. But beyond the central characters, guest stars also played a big role in the series' success. These guest stars often added a fresh dynamic to the episodes.

During its ten-season run, 'Friends' featured many notable guest appearances. These stars ranged from music legends to Hollywood icons. They brought their own flair to the show, often playing memorable roles that left a lasting impression on fans.

The presence of these guest stars not only boosted the show's appeal but also drew in new viewers. Their appearances often became major talking points. Fans eagerly anticipated episodes featuring these special guests, adding to the show's already massive popularity.

The show's creators were strategic in casting these guest roles. They chose individuals who could seamlessly integrate into the storyline. These guest stars often played love interests, family members, or quirky characters that interacted with the main cast. Their roles, though sometimes brief, were impactful.

The casting of these guest stars was a testament to the show's wide reach and influence. It attracted high-profile names, many of whom were at the peak of their careers. Their involvement in 'Friends' further cemented the show's status in pop culture.

The impact of these guest stars extended beyond their episodes. Fans still recall these appearances fondly, even years after the show ended. These guest roles contributed to some of the most iconic moments in the series. They added depth, humor, and sometimes even drama to the storyline.

The inclusion of these guest stars also highlighted the show's ability to blend different genres. 'Friends' was primarily a comedy, but it often incorporated elements of drama and romance. The guest stars played a key role in achieving this balance. Their performances added layers to the narrative, making the show more engaging.

The show's success with guest stars also set a trend for other TV series. Many shows began to feature high-profile guest appearances, hoping to replicate the success of 'Friends'. This strategy often worked, drawing in viewers and generating buzz.

In addition to boosting the show's popularity, these guest appearances also benefited the stars themselves. Many saw a boost in their careers after appearing on 'Friends'. The show provided a platform for them to showcase their talent to a wide audience.

The legacy of 'Friends' and its guest stars continues today. The show remains popular through reruns and streaming platforms. New generations of viewers discover the series and its memorable guest appearances. The impact of these guest stars is still felt, proving the lasting influence of 'Friends'.

In sum, the guest stars on 'Friends' played a significant role in the show's success. Their contributions added to the richness of the series, making it a beloved classic. Their memorable performances continue to be celebrated by fans, ensuring that 'Friends' remains a timeless piece of television history.

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