The Most Famous Hungarian, Ranked

Choose the Hungarian you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 18, 2024 07:40
Hungary has birthed many influential figures who have left indelible marks across various fields, from science and politics to arts and sports. Recognizing these individuals not only celebrates their accomplishments but also inspires others by showcasing the vibrant cultural and intellectual heritage of Hungary. Such recognition often culminates in debates and discussions about who truly stands out in the annals of Hungarian history. To facilitate this exploration of Hungarian luminaries, a voting-based ranking system offers a dynamic way for people to express their opinions and participate in shaping the narrative of national pride. This method allows for an engaging and participatory approach to history, where the rankings are not static but reflective of contemporary public perceptions and sentiments. It's an opportunity for everyone to contribute to acknowledging the legacies of these notable Hungarians.

Who Is the Most Famous Hungarian?

  1. 1
    Béla Bartók

    Béla Bartók

    One of the most significant musicians of the 20th century.
    • Contribution: Incorporation of Hungarian folk music into classical compositions
    • Notable Works: Concerto for Orchestra, Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta
  2. 2
    László Bíró

    László Bíró

    Inventor of the modern ballpoint pen.
    • Invention: Ballpoint pen
    • Year: 1938
  3. 3
    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Actress and socialite known for her glamorous lifestyle.
    • Career: Actress in film, television, and stage
    • Personality: Epitome of Hollywood glamour
  4. 4
    Imre Kertész

    Imre Kertész

    Nobel Prize-winning author, known for works dealing with the Holocaust.
    • Notable Work: Fatelessness
    • Nobel Prize: Literature, 2002
  5. 5
    Ferenc Puskás

    Ferenc Puskás

    Legendary Hungarian footballer and manager.
    • Known for: Scoring prowess and leadership in the Golden Team of Hungary
    • Achievements: Olympic champion in 1952, namesake of FIFA Puskás Award
  6. 6
    Ernő Rubik

    Ernő Rubik

    Inventor of the Rubik's Cube.
    • Invention: Rubik's Cube
    • Year: 1974
  7. 7
    George Soros

    George Soros

    Influential financier and philanthropist.
    • Philanthropy: Founder of the Open Society Foundations
    • Net Worth: Billions
  8. 8
    Harry Houdini

    Harry Houdini

    Illusionist and stunt performer, noted for sensational escape acts.
    • Real Name: Erik Weisz
    • Signature Acts: Escapes from handcuffs, water tanks, and straitjackets
  9. 9
    Joseph Pulitzer

    Joseph Pulitzer

    Newspaper publisher and the namesake of the Pulitzer Prizes.
    • Legacy: Pulitzer Prizes, awarded for achievements in journalism and the arts
    • Contribution: Innovations in newspaper publishing
  10. 10

    John von Neumann

    Mathematician, physicist, and polymath who made major contributions to a variety of fields.
    • Fields: Mathematics, quantum mechanics, computer science, economics
    • Contributions: Foundational work in computer science, game theory

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Hungarian. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Hungarian is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 116 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Hungarian once every 24 hours. The rank of each Hungarian is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Hungarian

Béla Bartók
Rank #1 for the most famous Hungarian: Béla Bartók (Source)
Hungary, a country in Central Europe, has a rich history and culture. It has given the world many famous figures. These individuals have excelled in various fields, leaving a lasting impact on their areas of expertise.

One of the most notable fields is music. Hungary has produced brilliant composers and musicians. Their works are celebrated worldwide. These artists have contributed significantly to classical music. Their compositions are still performed today, showcasing their enduring legacy.

In the realm of science, Hungary has also made significant contributions. Hungarian scientists have been at the forefront of many groundbreaking discoveries. Their work has advanced our understanding of various scientific fields. These individuals have received international recognition and numerous awards for their contributions.

The world of literature has also been enriched by Hungarian writers. Their works have been translated into many languages, reaching a global audience. These writers have explored diverse themes and styles, adding to the richness of world literature. Their stories continue to inspire and move readers around the world.

Hungary's impact on sports is also noteworthy. Athletes from this country have excelled in various sports, winning numerous medals and championships. Their dedication and skill have brought pride to their nation. These sports figures have become role models for aspiring athletes.

In the realm of politics and diplomacy, Hungary has produced influential leaders. These individuals have played key roles in shaping the country's history and its relations with other nations. Their leadership and vision have left a lasting mark on Hungary and the world.

Hungarian contributions to the arts are also significant. Artists from this country have made their mark in painting, sculpture, and other visual arts. Their works are displayed in galleries and museums around the world. These artists have pushed the boundaries of their mediums, creating innovative and thought-provoking pieces.

In the field of cinema, Hungary has produced talented filmmakers and actors. Their films have received critical acclaim and won prestigious awards. These filmmakers have brought Hungarian stories and perspectives to international audiences, enriching the global film industry.

Hungary's culinary traditions have also gained international recognition. Hungarian cuisine is known for its rich flavors and unique dishes. Chefs from this country have introduced these culinary delights to the world, contributing to the global food scene.

The contributions of these famous Hungarians have left a lasting impact on the world. Their achievements in music, science, literature, sports, politics, arts, cinema, and cuisine have brought recognition and pride to their country. They have showcased the talent and creativity that Hungary has to offer.

These individuals have not only excelled in their respective fields but have also inspired others to pursue their passions. Their legacies continue to influence and shape the world today. Hungary's rich cultural and historical heritage is reflected in the achievements of these remarkable individuals. They have made significant contributions to the global community, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

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