The Most Famous Investigative Journalist, Ranked

Choose the investigative journalist you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 15, 2024 07:40
The impact of investigative journalism can be seen in the way it brings pivotal issues to light, impacting public discourse and policy. Identifying influential figures in this field helps highlight diverse narratives and methodologies woven into the fabric of global media. By recognizing their contributions, we enable a better understanding of the mechanics behind impactful reporting. This dynamic listing allows for a unique interaction with the topic, as each vote contributes to shaping the current perception of excellence in investigative journalism. Users have the power to adjust the visibility of these journalists based on their groundbreaking work, thereby affecting how future generations perceive and learn from these powerful narratives.

Who Is the Most Famous Investigative Journalist?

  1. 1
    Bob Woodward

    Bob Woodward

    An American investigative journalist who gained fame with Carl Bernstein for their Watergate scandal reporting, leading to President Nixon's resignation.
    • Notable Work: All the President's Men
    • Awards: Pulitzer Prize
  2. 2
    Seymour Hersh

    Seymour Hersh

    An American investigative journalist known for exposing the My Lai Massacre and its cover-up during the Vietnam War.
    • Notable Work: My Lai Massacre reporting
    • Awards: Pulitzer Prize
  3. 3
    Nellie Bly

    Nellie Bly

    An American journalist known for her investigative and undercover reporting, including her exposé on the conditions of asylum patients at Blackwell's Island.
    • Notable Work: Ten Days in a Mad-House
    • Awards:
  4. 4

    Ida B. Wells

    An American investigative journalist, educator, and early leader in the civil rights movement, known for her work documenting lynching in the United States.
    • Notable Work: Lynching in America
    • Awards: Posthumously awarded the Pulitzer Prize
  5. 5
    Carl Bernstein

    Carl Bernstein

    An American investigative journalist who, along with Bob Woodward, did groundbreaking work on the Watergate scandal for The Washington Post.
    • Notable Work: All the President's Men
    • Awards: Pulitzer Prize
  6. 6
    Glenn Greenwald

    Glenn Greenwald

    An American journalist, lawyer, and author known for his role in a series of reports detailing the United States and British global surveillance programs, based on classified documents disclosed by Edward Snowden.
    • Notable Work: Edward Snowden NSA revelations
    • Awards: Pulitzer Prize
  7. 7

    Gary Webb

    An American investigative journalist who reported on the CIA's alleged role in facilitating the crack cocaine epidemic in the U.S.
    • Notable Work: Dark Alliance series
    • Awards: Pulitzer Prize
  8. 8
    Anna Politkovskaya

    Anna Politkovskaya

    A Russian investigative journalist, writer, and human rights activist known for her opposition to the Chechen conflict and criticism of Vladimir Putin.
    • Notable Work: Reporting on Chechnya
    • Awards: Olof Palme Prize
  9. 9
    James Risen

    James Risen

    An American journalist and author known for his investigative work for The New York Times, including reports on the NSA's warrantless surveillance program.
    • Notable Work: State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration
    • Awards: Pulitzer Prize
  10. 10
    Jeremy Scahill

    Jeremy Scahill

    An American investigative journalist known for his work on Blackwater and its role in the Iraq War, as well as his reporting on civilian casualties in Afghanistan.
    • Notable Work: Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army
    • Awards: George Polk Award

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous investigative journalist. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Reporter is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 132 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Reporter once every 24 hours. The rank of each Reporter is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Investigative Journalist

Bob Woodward
Rank #1 for the most famous investigative journalist: Bob Woodward (Source)
Investigative journalism seeks to uncover hidden truths. It aims to reveal facts that others try to keep secret. These journalists dig deep into issues, often spending months or years on a single story. They follow leads, interview sources, and sift through documents. Their work often exposes corruption, fraud, and abuse of power.

Investigative journalists must be persistent. They face many obstacles. Sources may be reluctant to talk. Documents can be hard to find. Powerful people may try to block their work. Despite these challenges, they push forward. They believe in the public's right to know the truth.

These journalists often work for newspapers, magazines, or TV networks. Some work independently. They rely on tips from insiders. They also use public records and other sources of information. They piece together small bits of information to form a bigger picture.

Their work can have a big impact. It can lead to changes in laws or policies. It can bring down powerful figures. It can also raise awareness about important issues. Their stories can inspire others to take action.

Investigative journalism has a long history. It has played a key role in many important events. It has uncovered scandals in politics, business, and other fields. It has brought hidden problems to light. It has held the powerful accountable.

To do their work, these journalists need certain skills. They must be good at research. They must be able to analyze complex information. They must be able to write clearly and concisely. They must also be brave. Their work can be dangerous. They may face threats or legal action.

Despite the risks, many journalists choose this path. They are driven by a sense of duty. They want to make a difference. They believe in the power of the press. They know that their work can bring about change.

Investigative journalism is not easy. It requires time, effort, and resources. It also requires support from editors and publishers. They must be willing to invest in long-term projects. They must also stand by their reporters when they face challenges.

The rise of digital media has changed the landscape. There are now more ways to share information. Social media and online platforms allow journalists to reach a wider audience. They can also collaborate with other journalists and organizations. This has led to new forms of investigative journalism.

Despite these changes, the core principles remain the same. Investigative journalists seek to uncover the truth. They aim to shine a light on hidden issues. They work to hold the powerful accountable. Their work is vital to a free and informed society.

In conclusion, investigative journalism plays a crucial role in our world. It uncovers hidden truths and holds the powerful accountable. It requires persistence, skill, and bravery. Despite the challenges, many journalists continue to pursue this important work. They do so because they believe in the public's right to know. They know that their work can make a difference.

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