The Most Famous Israeli, Ranked

Choose the Israeli you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 16, 2024 07:41
Throughout history, various individuals from Israel have made significant contributions across diverse fields such as science, politics, art, and technology. Recognizing and ranking these influential figures not only helps acknowledge their impact but also provides educational value for those interested in the cultural and intellectual fabric of the nation. By participating in the process of voting for who you think stands out among the most famous Israelis, you contribute to a broader community dialogue about cultural and historical significance. This voting-driven ranking allows for a dynamic assessment of influence and popularity, updated in real time as new votes are cast.

Who Is the Most Famous Israeli?

  1. 1
    Benjamin Netanyahu

    Benjamin Netanyahu

    Longest-serving Prime Minister of Israel, known for his right-wing policies.
    • Term as Prime Minister: 1996-1999, 2009-2021
    • Political Party: Likud
    • Birthplace: Tel Aviv, Israel
  2. 2
    Golda Meir

    Golda Meir

    Fourth Prime Minister of Israel, known as the 'Iron Lady' of Israeli politics.
    • Term as Prime Minister: 1969-1974
    • Birthplace: Ukraine
    • First Female Prime Minister of Israel: Yes
  3. 3
    Yitzhak Rabin

    Yitzhak Rabin

    Fifth Prime Minister of Israel, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.
    • Assassination: 1995
    • Nobel Peace Prize: 1994
    • Term as Prime Minister: 1974-1977, 1992-1995
  4. 4
    Shimon Peres

    Shimon Peres

    Ninth President and twice Prime Minister of Israel, Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
    • Nobel Peace Prize: 1994
    • Term as President: 2007-2014
    • Term as Prime Minister: 1984-1986, 1995-1996
  5. 5
    Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein

    Theoretical physicist, developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics.
    • Nobel Prize in Physics: 1921
    • Birthplace: Germany
    • Offered Presidency of Israel: 1952
    In other topics
  6. 6
    Ariel Sharon

    Ariel Sharon

    Israeli general and politician, 11th Prime Minister of Israel.
    • Term as Prime Minister: 2001-2006
    • Gaza Disengagement Plan: 2005
    • Birthplace: British Mandate of Palestine
  7. 7
    Theodor Herzl

    Theodor Herzl

    Father of modern political Zionism and in effect the founder of the State of Israel.
    • First Zionist Congress: 1897
    • Birthplace: Hungary
    • Key Work: Der Judenstaat
  8. 8
    Moshe Dayan

    Moshe Dayan

    Military leader and politician, served as Minister of Defense.
    • Six-Day War: 1967
    • Yom Kippur War: 1973
    • Eye Patch: Iconic
  9. 9
    David Ben-Gurion

    David Ben-Gurion

    Primary national founder of the State of Israel and the first Prime Minister of Israel.
    • Term as Prime Minister: 1948-1954, 1955-1963
    • Declaration of Independence: 1948
    • Birthplace: Poland
  10. 10
    Chaim Weizmann

    Chaim Weizmann

    Biochemist, statesman, and a founder of the State of Israel. First President of Israel.
    • Term as President: 1949-1952
    • Weizmann Institute of Science: Founded in his name
    • Birthplace: Belarus

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Israeli. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Israeli is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 124 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Israeli once every 24 hours. The rank of each Israeli is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Israeli

Benjamin Netanyahu
Rank #1 for the most famous Israeli: Benjamin Netanyahu (Source)
Israel, a small yet influential country in the Middle East, has produced many notable figures. These individuals come from various fields, including politics, science, technology, and the arts. Their achievements have put Israel on the global map, earning respect and admiration worldwide.

In politics, Israeli leaders have played crucial roles in shaping the country's history and future. They have faced numerous challenges, including conflicts and peace negotiations. Their decisions have had lasting impacts, not only on Israel but also on the broader region. These leaders are often known for their strong personalities and steadfast commitment to their nation.

Science and technology have also seen significant contributions from Israelis. The country is often referred to as the "Startup Nation" due to its high number of startups and technological innovations. Israeli scientists and engineers have made groundbreaking discoveries and developed cutting-edge technologies. Their work spans various fields, including medicine, cybersecurity, and agriculture. These advancements have improved lives and earned international recognition.

In the arts, Israeli musicians, writers, and filmmakers have gained acclaim. Their works often reflect the rich and complex history of Israel, blending traditional and modern elements. These artists have brought Israeli culture to the global stage, winning awards and captivating audiences worldwide. Their creativity and talent highlight the diverse and dynamic nature of Israeli society.

Education and academia also boast prominent Israeli figures. Scholars from Israeli universities have made significant contributions to various disciplines. They have published influential research and received numerous accolades. Their work often addresses both local and global issues, demonstrating the intellectual prowess of the Israeli academic community.

Sports is another area where Israelis have excelled. Athletes from Israel have competed and won in international competitions, including the Olympics. Their achievements inspire pride and unity among Israelis. These sports figures often serve as ambassadors for their country, promoting a positive image of Israel abroad.

Philanthropy and activism have seen notable contributions from Israelis as well. Many have dedicated their lives to social causes, both within Israel and beyond. They work tirelessly to promote peace, human rights, and environmental sustainability. Their efforts have brought about meaningful change and inspired others to take action.

The influence of these individuals extends far beyond Israel's borders. Their contributions have had a global impact, shaping various fields and industries. They serve as role models, demonstrating the potential for innovation, leadership, and creativity. Their successes reflect the spirit of determination and resilience that characterizes Israel.

In summary, Israel has produced many famous and influential figures across different fields. Their achievements have brought recognition and respect to their country. They continue to inspire and make significant contributions to the world. Their legacy is a testament to the talent and determination found within this small yet impactful nation.

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