The Most Successful Prime Minister in the World, Ranked

Choose the Prime Minister you think is the most successful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:24
Assessing the effectiveness of global leaders can provide valuable insights into different styles of governance and policy impact. By rating prime ministers from around the world, we can gather public opinion and weigh their successes in a comprehensive and nuanced manner. This process allows us to appreciate the diverse strategies implemented to tackle various national and international challenges. On this site, your votes help shape the continuously updated rankings of these prominent leaders. This dynamic assessment offers an engaging way for users to contribute their viewpoints and learn about the achievements and failings of these prime ministers. By participating, you not only broaden your understanding of global politics but also influence how these leaders are perceived internationally.

What Is the Most Successful Prime Minister in the World?

  1. 1
    Lee Kuan Yew

    Lee Kuan Yew

    Founding father of Singapore, transforming it into a prosperous nation.
    • Term: 1959-1990
    • Country: Singapore
  2. 3
    Jawaharlal Nehru

    Jawaharlal Nehru

    The first Prime Minister of India and a central figure in Indian politics before and after independence.
    • Term: 1947-1964
    • Country: India
  3. 4
    Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill

    British Prime Minister during WWII, who led Britain to victory.
    • Term: 1940-1945, 1951-1955
    • Country: United Kingdom
  4. 5
    Shinzo Abe

    Shinzo Abe

    The longest-serving Prime Minister in Japanese history, known for his economic policies known as 'Abenomics'.
    • Term: 2006-2007, 2012-2020
    • Country: Japan
  5. 6
    Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela

    South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and political leader who served as President.
    • Term: 1994-1999
    • Country: South Africa
  6. 8
    David Ben-Gurion

    David Ben-Gurion

    Primary national founder of the State of Israel and the first Prime Minister.
    • Term: 1948-1954, 1955-1963
    • Country: Israel
  7. 9
    Konrad Adenauer

    Konrad Adenauer

    The first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, leading post-war reconstruction.
    • Term: 1949-1963
    • Country: Germany
  8. 10

    Indira Gandhi

    The first and, to date, the only female Prime Minister of India.
    • Term: 1966-1977, 1980-1984
    • Country: India

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most successful Prime Minister in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Minister is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 199 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Minister once every 24 hours. The rank of each Minister is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Successful Prime Minister in the World

Lee Kuan Yew
Rank #1 for the most successful Prime Minister in the world: Lee Kuan Yew (Source)
A successful Prime Minister leads with vision and integrity. They steer their country through challenges and bring about positive change. Their leadership style often includes a mix of determination, empathy, and strategic thinking. They listen to the people and make decisions that benefit the nation as a whole.

These Prime Ministers often inherit difficult situations. They might face economic downturns, social unrest, or international conflicts. Despite these hurdles, they manage to find solutions. They implement policies that boost the economy, create jobs, and improve living standards. They also work to ensure peace and stability, both at home and abroad.

A key trait of a successful Prime Minister is the ability to unite people. They bridge divides and foster a sense of national unity. This involves addressing the needs and concerns of various groups within the country. They engage in dialogue and seek common ground. By doing so, they build trust and cooperation among citizens.

Effective communication is another hallmark of their success. They articulate their vision clearly and inspire confidence. They keep the public informed and involved in the decision-making process. This transparency helps to build support for their policies and initiatives.

These leaders also prioritize education and healthcare. They understand that a healthy, educated population is crucial for a country's progress. They invest in schools, universities, and hospitals. They ensure that these services are accessible to all citizens, regardless of their background.

Infrastructure development is another area where successful Prime Ministers excel. They oversee the construction of roads, bridges, and public transport systems. These projects not only create jobs but also improve the quality of life for citizens. They make it easier for people to travel, work, and connect with each other.

Environmental protection is also on their agenda. They recognize the importance of preserving natural resources for future generations. They implement policies to reduce pollution, conserve energy, and promote sustainable practices. These efforts contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment.

A successful Prime Minister also plays a crucial role on the global stage. They represent their country in international forums and foster diplomatic relations. They work to resolve conflicts and promote peace. Their efforts help to enhance their country's reputation and influence around the world.

In addition to these achievements, these leaders often leave a lasting legacy. Their policies and initiatives continue to benefit the country long after their tenure ends. They inspire future generations of leaders and set a high standard for governance.

In conclusion, a successful Prime Minister is a visionary leader who brings about positive change. They navigate challenges with determination and empathy. They unite people, communicate effectively, and prioritize key areas like education, healthcare, and infrastructure. Their leadership extends beyond national borders, contributing to global peace and stability. Their legacy endures, marking them as exemplary leaders in the annals of history.

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