The Most Successful Profession, Ranked

Choose the profession you think is the most successful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 07:24
Determining which career is viewed as the most successful can provide valuable insight for individuals making educational or career decisions. By examining various professions through the lens of collective public opinion, it's possible to glean which careers are currently held in high regard and why they might be considered aspirational. With a live ranking system that gathers user votes, this approach allows for a dynamic understanding of which professions come out on top in the eyes of the general public. The opportunity to vote on these careers not only engages the community but also ensures that the ranking reflects a broad spectrum of experiences and opinions.

What Is the Most Successful Profession?

  1. 1
    Technology and Software Development

    Technology and Software Development

    Professionals in technology and software development are responsible for creating, testing, and maintaining software and systems that run devices and networks.
    • Average Salary: Varies widely by country and experience
    • Key Skills: Programming, problem-solving, analytical thinking
  2. 2


    Engineers apply scientific principles to design, develop, and analyze technological solutions.
    • Average Salary: High, varies by discipline and experience
    • Key Skills: Problem-solving, creativity, technical skills
  3. 3

    Finance and Investment Banking

    Professionals in finance and investment banking manage money, including investments, loans, and banking.
    • Average Salary: Very high, especially with bonuses
    • Key Skills: Analytical skills, math skills, communication
  4. 4


    Entrepreneurs start and manage their own businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
    • Average Salary: Varies widely, from losses to extremely high earnings
    • Key Skills: Innovation, risk management, leadership
  5. 5
    Marketing and Communications

    Marketing and Communications

    This field involves promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.
    • Average Salary: Varies, potential for high earnings in executive roles
    • Key Skills: Creativity, analytical skills, communication
  6. 6
    Real Estate

    Real Estate

    Real estate professionals help clients buy, sell, and rent properties, including land and buildings.
    • Average Salary: Varies, can be very high with successful sales
    • Key Skills: Sales skills, negotiation, market knowledge
  7. 7
    Entertainment and Sports

    Entertainment and Sports

    This profession includes actors, musicians, athletes, and other entertainers who perform for audiences.
    • Average Salary: Highly variable; top earners make significantly more
    • Key Skills: Talent, perseverance, networking
  8. 8
    Healthcare and Medicine

    Healthcare and Medicine

    This profession includes doctors, nurses, and various healthcare specialists who provide medical care and services.
    • Average Salary: High, varies by specialization and location
    • Key Skills: Empathy, detail-oriented, stamina
  9. 9


    Lawyers and legal professionals advise clients on legal matters, represent them in disputes, and conduct research.
    • Average Salary: High, varies greatly by practice area and location
    • Key Skills: Analytical thinking, research skills, persuasion
  10. 10
    Education and Research

    Education and Research

    Educators and researchers share knowledge and conduct studies to advance understanding in various fields.
    • Average Salary: Varies, generally lower compared to other professions
    • Key Skills: Communication, patience, critical thinking

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most successful profession. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or profession is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 1 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each profession once every 24 hours. The rank of each profession is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Successful Profession

Technology and Software Development
Rank #1 for the most successful profession: Technology and Software Development (Source)
Many people seek success in their careers. They often wonder which profession offers the best chance of success. To understand this, it is important to look at several factors that contribute to success.

Education plays a key role. Professions that require advanced degrees often lead to higher earnings. These jobs also tend to offer more stability and growth opportunities. People in these fields usually invest many years in their education. This investment often pays off with better job prospects and higher salaries.

Experience is another important factor. Those who spend more time in their field tend to do better. They gain valuable skills and knowledge that make them more effective. Experience also helps build a network of contacts. This network can provide support and open doors to new opportunities.

Skills are crucial for success. Some professions require specific technical skills. Others rely more on soft skills like communication and leadership. The most successful people often excel in both areas. They can solve complex problems and work well with others. They also stay up-to-date with new developments in their field.

Work ethic is also important. Successful people often work long hours. They are dedicated and put in the effort needed to achieve their goals. They are also disciplined and manage their time well. This helps them stay focused and productive.

Innovation can set some professionals apart. Those who come up with new ideas or better ways of doing things often find great success. They may create new products or improve existing ones. This can lead to recognition and financial rewards.

Networking is another key factor. Building strong relationships with others in the field can lead to new opportunities. Successful people often have mentors who guide them. They also collaborate with peers and share knowledge. This helps them grow and succeed.

Adaptability is crucial in today’s fast-changing world. Successful professionals can adjust to new situations. They learn new skills and stay flexible. This helps them stay relevant and competitive.

Passion is a common trait among successful people. They love what they do and are motivated by more than just money. This passion drives them to work hard and overcome challenges. It also helps them stay committed to their goals.

Financial management is important as well. Successful people manage their money wisely. They save and invest to build wealth over time. This financial stability allows them to take risks and seize new opportunities.

In summary, many factors contribute to success in a profession. Education, experience, skills, work ethic, innovation, networking, adaptability, passion, and financial management all play a role. Those who excel in these areas often find great success in their careers. They achieve their goals and enjoy the rewards of their hard work.

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