The Most Popular Conservative, Ranked

Choose the conservative you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 28, 2024 07:18
In a dynamic world where opinions and favorites shuffle with the seasons, having a clear view of who leads in the conservative thought space can be enlightening. It helps in understanding which ideas hold sway and which voices are shaping discussions. This ongoing ranking taps into the collective judgment of viewers like you to keep the list reflective of current sentiments. Your participation brings life to these rankings. Each vote you cast influences the visibility and perception of conservative figures, fostering a community-driven assessment. As you engage with this interactive list, your choices help paint a clearer picture of prevailing viewpoints and leaders in this arena.

Who Is the Most Popular Conservative?

  1. 1
    Donald Trump
    Shealah Craighead · Public domain
    As the former President of the United States, Trump had a significant influence on the conservative movement in America. He is known for his tough stance on immigration, pro-business policies, and support for traditional values.
    Donald Trump is a businessman, television personality, and politician who served as the 45th President of the United States. He gained significant attention for his controversial statements and policies during his presidency.
    • Birthdate: June 14, 1946
    • Political Party: Republican
    • Presidential Term: January 20, 2017 - January 20, 2021
    • Net Worth: Estimated $2.5 billion
    • Real Estate Business: Trump Organization
    Donald Trump in other rankings
  2. 2
    Limbaugh was a conservative radio host who was known for his controversial opinions and biting commentary. He was a vocal supporter of Trump and was considered one of the most influential conservative voices in America.
    Rush Limbaugh in other rankings
  3. 3
    Shapiro is a conservative commentator and writer who is known for his incisive commentary on politics and culture. He is a frequent guest on Fox News and other conservative media outlets.
  4. 4
    Ann Coulter
    Gage Skidmore · CC BY-SA 3.0
    Coulter is a conservative author and commentator who is known for her provocative and controversial opinions. She is a regular contributor to Fox News and other conservative media outlets.
    Ann Coulter in other rankings
  5. 5
    Carlson is a conservative commentator and host of the popular Fox News show "Tucker Carlson Tonight." He is known for his incisive commentary on politics and culture, and has been a vocal supporter of Trump.
    Tucker Carlson in other rankings
  6. 6
    Hannity is a conservative commentator and host of the popular Fox News show "Hannity." He is known for his support of Trump and his conservative views on politics and culture.
    Sean Hannity in other rankings
  7. 7
    Mark Levin
    Gage Skidmore · CC BY-SA 3.0
    Levin is a conservative author and commentator who is known for his incisive commentary on politics and culture. He is a frequent guest on Fox News and other conservative media outlets.
  8. 8
    Candace Owens
    Gage Skidmore · CC BY-SA 3.0
    Owens is a conservative commentator and political activist who is known for her support of Trump and her opposition to liberal policies. She is a frequent guest on Fox News and other conservative media outlets.
  9. 9
    Cruz is a conservative politician and U.S. Senator from Texas. He is known for his conservative views on politics and his support for traditional values.
  10. 10
    Mike Pence
    D. Myles Cullen · Public domain
    Pence is a conservative politician and former Vice President of the United States. He is known for his support of Trump and his conservative views on politics and culture.

Missing your favorite conservative?


Ranking factors for popular conservative

  1. Public Opinion
    The individual's popularity among conservatives should be measured through public opinion polls, surveys, and other relevant data that reflect the support and favorability they receive from their target audience.
  2. Leadership Positions
    Consideration should be given to whether the individual currently holds or has held influential leadership positions within conservative organizations or political parties. This can include positions such as party leaders, heads of prominent conservative think tanks, or the leader of a major conservative movement or group.
  3. Media Presence
    The level of media coverage and visibility that the individual receives within conservative outlets is another important factor. This can be assessed by considering the frequency and tone of media appearances, interviews, op-eds, and social media presence.
  4. Policy Influence
    The extent to which the individual's ideas and policies have influenced conservative thinking and shaped the conservative agenda is a significant factor. An assessment of the impact their policy proposals have had on conservative legislation, debates, and discourse should be taken into account.
  5. Grassroots Support
    The level of support the individual garners among grassroots conservative activists and organizations is crucial. This can be measured by analyzing endorsements, support from grassroots movements, and the size and engagement of their conservative supporter base.
  6. Fundraising
    The ability of the individual to raise significant funds for their campaigns or causes from conservative donors can also reflect their popularity and support among conservatives.
  7. Electoral Success
    If the individual has won elections or run high-profile campaigns and has been successful in securing legislative positions or executive offices, this demonstrates their ability to mobilize conservative voters and gain substantial support within their constituencies.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular conservative. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or conservative is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 165 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each conservative once every 24 hours. The rank of each conservative is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular conservative

Background Information: Who is the Most Popular Conservative? Conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes traditional values and limited government intervention. In the United States, the conservative movement has been influential in shaping political discourse and policy for decades. With a wide range of conservative figures and leaders, it can be difficult to determine who is the most popular conservative. One way to gauge popularity is through public opinion polls. These polls measure the favorability and approval ratings of various conservative figures, including politicians, media personalities, and activists. Some of the most popular conservatives in recent years have included figures such as Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Ben Shapiro. However, popularity can be subjective and can vary depending on the audience and context. Some conservatives may be more popular among certain demographics or in certain regions of the country. Additionally, popularity may not always translate into political success or influence. Despite these complexities, the question of who is the most popular conservative remains a topic of interest and debate among conservatives and political observers alike. Through ongoing polls and discussions, the answer may continue to evolve and shift over time.

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