The Most Popular Conservative, Ranked

Choose the conservative you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:55
Choices abound in the world of conservative ideologies, yet discerning which voices resonate most effectively with the public can be a challenging pursuit. Having a clear ranking of popular conservatives aids in understanding trends, preferences, and influential ideas shaping discussions today. It becomes a valuable tool not just for observers, but for those engaged in the conversation around policies and political education. By participating in the voting process, individuals contribute to a broader community insight, helping shape a narrative that is refined by popular opinion and active engagement. This dynamic ranking evolves with each vote, reflecting real-time shifts in influence and popularity. It’s an opportunity to weigh in on who you think makes the most substantial impact in the conservative sphere.

Who Is the Most Popular Conservative?

  1. 1
    Donald Trump

    Donald Trump

    45th President of the United States, known for his populist and conservative policies.
    • Presidency: 2017-2021
    • Political Party: Republican
  2. 2
    Ben Shapiro

    Ben Shapiro

    American conservative political commentator, public speaker, author, and lawyer.
    • Media Influence: Founder of The Daily Wire.
    • Books Published: Multiple, including 'The Right Side of History'
  3. 3
    Rush Limbaugh

    Rush Limbaugh

    Influential American conservative radio host and political commentator.
    • Radio Show Start: 1988
    • Influence: Widely recognized as one of the most influential media figures in American conservatism.
  4. 4
    Ted Cruz

    Ted Cruz

    U.S. Senator from Texas, known for his conservative stance on various policy issues.
    • Senate Start: 2013
    • Presidential Run: 2016
  5. 5
    Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan

    40th President of the United States, known for his conservative economic policies.
    • Presidency: 1981-1989
    • Political Party: Republican
  6. 6
    Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill

    Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during and after WWII, known for his leadership and conservative views.
    • Term: 1940-1945, 1951-1955
    • Party: Conservative
  7. 7
    Milton Friedman

    Milton Friedman

    American economist and Nobel Prize laureate, known for his support of free market capitalism.
    • Nobel Prize in Economics: 1976
    • Philosophy: Advocated for minimal government intervention in the economy.
  8. 8
    Barry Goldwater

    Barry Goldwater

    U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate, considered the founder of the modern conservative movement in the United States.
    • Presidential Run: 1964
    • Political Party: Republican
  9. 9
    William F. Buckley Jr.

    William F. Buckley Jr.

    American conservative author and commentator, founder of National Review magazine.
    • National Review Founding: 1955
    • Influence: Considered a central figure in the development of conservative thought in the 20th century.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular conservative. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or conservative is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 167 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each conservative once every 24 hours. The rank of each conservative is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Conservative

Donald Trump
Rank #1 for the most popular conservative: Donald Trump (Source)
Conservatives hold a significant place in political landscapes worldwide. They often advocate for traditional values, limited government, and free-market economics. Their influence spans various sectors, including politics, media, and culture. Understanding the background of popular conservative figures helps to grasp their impact and the reasons behind their popularity.

Many conservatives come from diverse backgrounds. Some have roots in business, where they learn the importance of fiscal responsibility and economic growth. Others emerge from legal or academic fields, bringing a strong foundation in constitutional principles and historical context. These experiences shape their views on governance and public policy.

Education plays a key role in their development. Many attend prestigious universities, where they study law, economics, or political science. These subjects provide them with a deep understanding of governmental systems and economic theories. Their academic achievements often lend credibility to their arguments and positions.

Family influences also contribute to their conservative beliefs. Growing up in households that value tradition and personal responsibility often instills these principles at an early age. These values guide their decisions and policies throughout their careers. They emphasize the importance of family, religion, and community in maintaining societal stability.

Media presence is crucial for popular conservatives. They use various platforms to communicate their ideas and reach a broad audience. Television, radio, and social media allow them to connect with supporters and spread their message. Their ability to articulate their views clearly and persuasively often attracts a loyal following.

Public speaking skills are another common trait among popular conservatives. They excel at delivering speeches that resonate with their audience. Their rhetoric often focuses on themes of patriotism, freedom, and individual rights. These speeches inspire and mobilize their base, reinforcing their influence.

Political experience is also a significant factor. Many popular conservatives have held public office or have been involved in political campaigns. This experience provides them with practical knowledge of the political process and the challenges of governance. It also helps them build networks and alliances that support their objectives.

Philanthropy and community involvement further enhance their appeal. Many engage in charitable activities, supporting causes that align with their values. This involvement demonstrates their commitment to improving society and helps build a positive public image.

Their positions on key issues often reflect a commitment to limited government and personal freedom. They advocate for lower taxes, reduced regulation, and a free-market economy. They also support strong national defense and law enforcement. These positions resonate with many who believe in self-reliance and minimal government intervention.

In summary, popular conservatives often come from varied backgrounds, but share common traits and experiences. Their education, family influences, media presence, public speaking skills, political experience, and community involvement all contribute to their prominence. Their commitment to traditional values, limited government, and personal freedom attracts a dedicated following. Understanding these factors helps to appreciate their impact and the reasons behind their popularity.

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