The Most Famous Cigar Smoker, Ranked

Choose the cigar smoker you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 07:35
Assessing the influence and popularity of famous cigar smokers can be intriguing, particularly when considering their impact on culture and media. Through assessing their significance, enthusiasts and the curious alike gain insights into how these figures not only enjoy cigars but also contribute to the perceived sophistication and nuances associated with its culture. By casting a vote for your favored cigar aficionado, you help in curating a dynamic and collective assessment of prominence among these personalities. This ongoing tally seeks to not only inform newcomers about notable figures but also to engage the community in a meaningful dialogue about the deeply rooted tradition and lifestyle of cigar smoking.

Who Is the Most Famous Cigar Smoker?

  1. 1
    Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill

    British Prime Minister during World War II, known for his leadership and iconic cigar-smoking habit.
    • Cigar Name: Romeo y Julieta
  2. 3
    Groucho Marx

    Groucho Marx

    American comedian and film star, recognized for his quick wit and trademark cigar.
    • Trademark: Cigar and glasses
  3. 5
    Fidel Castro

    Fidel Castro

    Cuban revolutionary and politician, known globally for his love of Cuban cigars.
    • Cigar Name: Cohiba
  4. 6
  5. 7
    George Burns

    George Burns

    American comedian, actor, and writer, famous for his longevity and constant cigar smoking.
    • Lifespan: 100 years
  6. 8
    G. K. Chesterton

    G. K. Chesterton

    English writer, philosopher, and critic, known for his prolific writing and constant cigar presence.
    • Writing Style: Wit and satire
  7. 9
    John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy

    35th President of the United States, known for his love of cigars despite initiating the Cuban trade embargo.
    • Cigar Purchase: Stockpiled Cuban cigars before embargo

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous cigar smoker. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or cigar smoker is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 178 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each cigar smoker once every 24 hours. The rank of each cigar smoker is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Cigar Smoker

Winston Churchill
Rank #1 for the most famous cigar smoker: Winston Churchill (Source)
The world of cigars has a rich history. Many prominent figures have enjoyed cigars, adding to their mystique. These individuals often became symbols of power, influence, and sophistication. Their love for cigars was not just a personal preference. It became a part of their public persona.

Cigars have long been associated with moments of reflection and celebration. They are often seen in the hands of those who have achieved significant success. The act of smoking a cigar can symbolize a break from the pressures of life. It can also represent a moment to savor victory.

In many cultures, cigars are more than just tobacco wrapped in a leaf. They are a sign of status. They can indicate wealth and taste. The ritual of cutting, lighting, and smoking a cigar is almost ceremonial. It requires patience and attention. This ritual appeals to those who appreciate the finer things in life.

Many famous cigar smokers have been leaders in their fields. They have ranged from politicians to artists, from business moguls to entertainers. Their choice to smoke cigars often set them apart from others. It added a layer of intrigue and charisma to their image.

Cigar smoking can also be a social activity. Many of these famous figures would smoke cigars during important meetings. It was a way to bond with others, to discuss ideas, and to make decisions. The shared experience of smoking a cigar can create a sense of camaraderie. It can break down barriers and foster open communication.

The image of a person with a cigar often conveys confidence and authority. It suggests that the individual is in control, that they have earned the right to enjoy such a luxury. This image has been reinforced by countless photographs and stories. These stories often highlight the connection between cigar smoking and success.

Cigars are not just about image, though. Many famous smokers have spoken about the pleasure they derive from the act itself. The taste, the aroma, and the experience of smoking a cigar can be deeply satisfying. It is a sensory experience that can be both relaxing and stimulating.

The tradition of cigar smoking has been passed down through generations. Each new generation finds its own reasons to appreciate this age-old practice. For some, it is about following in the footsteps of their idols. For others, it is about carving out their own identity.

In conclusion, cigars have played a significant role in the lives of many famous individuals. Their love for cigars has often been a reflection of their personality and their achievements. It has added to their allure and has become a part of their legacy. Whether as a symbol of success, a tool for social interaction, or a personal pleasure, cigars have left an indelible mark on history.

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