The Most Famous Mafia Boss, Ranked

Choose the boss you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 20, 2024 07:42
The influence of notorious Mafia bosses in the annals of criminal history is a staple of fascination and study. By ranking these figures, one gains a clearer view of the magnitude of their impact and the various narratives that swirl around their activities. This ranking serves not only as an educational tool but also as a way to gauge public perception of these significant yet controversial figures. Voting on such a list empowers you to have a say in shaping historical perspectives. It offers an interactive way to engage with history, providing a democratic method to assess who stands out most in the complex web of organized crime. Through your votes, the list remains current and reflective of collective opinion, reinforcing the importance of community involvement in historical discourse.

Who Is the Most Famous Mafia Boss?

  1. 1
    Lucky Luciano

    Lucky Luciano

    Considered the father of modern organized crime in the United States for splitting New York City into five different Mafia families.
    • Real Name: Charles Luciano
    • Contribution: The Commission
  2. 3
    Carlo Gambino

    Carlo Gambino

    Head of the Gambino crime family, he was known for being low-key and powerful, avoiding high-profile crimes.
    • Era: 1950s-1970s
    • Leadership Style: Quiet but effective
  3. 4
    John Gotti

    John Gotti

    Nicknamed 'The Teflon Don,' he was the boss of the Gambino crime family in New York City.
    • Era: 1980s-1990s
    • Notoriety: Avoiding convictions until 1992
  4. 5
    Tony Accardo

    Tony Accardo

    Also known as 'Big Tuna,' he was a long-time boss of the Chicago Outfit and was known for his strategic, yet brutal leadership.
    • Era: 1940s-1990s
    • Leadership: Decades-long reign
  5. 6
    Pablo Escobar

    Pablo Escobar

    Not a traditional 'Mafia' boss, but the leader of the Medellín Cartel, he is often considered one of the most powerful drug lords in the world.
    • Nationality: Colombian
    • Peak Wealth: Estimated $30 billion
  6. 7
    Bernardo Provenzano

    Bernardo Provenzano

    The boss of the Sicilian Mafia, known as 'Cosa Nostra,' he was notorious for his elusiveness and was captured in 2006 after 43 years on the run.
    • Era: 1960s-2000s
    • Nickname: The Tractor
  7. 8
    Meyer Lansky

    Meyer Lansky

    Known as the 'Mob's Accountant,' he was crucial in the development of the National Crime Syndicate in the United States.
    • Expertise: Financial wizardry
    • Nationality: American
  8. 9
    Vito Genovese

    Vito Genovese

    A boss of the Genovese crime family, he was known for his ruthlessness and attempts to take over the Mafia during the 1950s.
    • Era: 1930s-1960s
    • Nickname: Don Vito
  9. 10
    Frank Costello

    Frank Costello

    Known as the 'Prime Minister of the Underworld', he led the Luciano crime family and was influential in politics.
    • Era: 1930s-1950s
    • Influence: Political connections

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Mafia boss. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Manager is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 226 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Manager once every 24 hours. The rank of each Manager is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Mafia Boss

Lucky Luciano
Rank #1 for the most famous Mafia boss: Lucky Luciano (Source)
The Mafia has a long history. It started in Italy and spread to other countries. The Mafia's roots are deep in Sicily. In the late 19th century, it gained power. The Mafia provided protection and demanded loyalty. It grew strong through violence and fear.

Mafia bosses held great power. They led with strict rules. They demanded respect and obedience. The boss made all important decisions. Their word was final. They controlled many illegal activities. These included gambling, extortion, and drug trafficking. They also had legitimate businesses. This helped them launder money.

A Mafia boss had to be smart and cunning. They needed to outthink law enforcement. They used bribes and threats. They also had to manage internal conflicts. Trust was key in the Mafia. Betrayal was met with swift punishment. Loyalty ensured survival.

The Mafia had a strict hierarchy. The boss was at the top. Below him were the underboss and consigliere. The underboss was second in command. The consigliere was an advisor. Below them were capos. Capos managed crews of soldiers. Soldiers did the dirty work. They collected money and enforced rules.

The Mafia operated in secrecy. They used codes and signals. Meetings were held in secret locations. They avoided drawing attention. Silence was crucial. Talking to authorities was forbidden. Breaking this rule meant death.

Law enforcement struggled to combat the Mafia. The Mafia had deep connections. They infiltrated politics and business. This made it hard to prosecute them. Witnesses were often too scared to testify. Many cases went unsolved.

Over time, the Mafia's influence grew. They expanded to other countries. In the United States, they became powerful. They controlled cities like New York and Chicago. They influenced politics and business. They made billions of dollars.

The Mafia's power began to wane in the late 20th century. Law enforcement improved. New laws made it easier to prosecute them. Undercover operations exposed their activities. Many high-ranking members were arrested. This weakened the Mafia's structure.

Despite this, the Mafia still exists. They continue to operate in many countries. They have adapted to modern times. They use technology to their advantage. They remain involved in illegal activities. They also continue to invest in legitimate businesses.

The Mafia's history is filled with violence and intrigue. Their bosses were feared and respected. They built empires through crime and corruption. Their legacy continues to fascinate people. The Mafia remains a symbol of organized crime. Their story is a reminder of the power and danger of criminal organizations.

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