The Most Famous Lawyer in England, Ranked

Choose the lawyer you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 07:42
Choosing a lawyer can be a daunting task, especially when looking for one with renown and expertise in England. Knowing who stands out in the legal field can offer reassurance and guidance when you need legal advice or representation. A ranked list of the most famous lawyers provides a clear and accessible overview of top legal minds, based on public opinion and peer recognition. This dynamic ranking is influenced directly by your votes, reflecting current trends and opinions in the legal industry. By participating, you help update and adjust the rankings, ensuring they remain accurate and relevant. Whether you're seeking legal services or simply curious about the leading figures in English law, your input is crucial in shaping this ongoing list.

Who Is the Most Famous Lawyer in England?

  1. 1

    Lord Denning

    Regarded as one of the most famous and influential British judges of the 20th century, known for his contributions to the development of the law and his accessible judgments.
    • Era: 20th Century
    • Notable Roles: Master of the Rolls
  2. 2
    Cherie Blair

    Cherie Blair

    A leading barrister specializing in public law, human rights, employment law, and arbitration, and the wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
    • Era: Late 20th-21st Century
    • Notable Roles: Founder of the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women
  3. 3
    Geoffrey Robertson

    Geoffrey Robertson

    A leading human rights lawyer and academic, known for his work on freedom of speech and civil liberties, as well as his international human rights cases.
    • Era: Late 20th-21st Century
    • Notable Contributions: Human rights law
  4. 4
    F. E. Smith, 1st Earl of Birkenhead

    F. E. Smith, 1st Earl of Birkenhead

    An influential barrister, politician, and judge in the early 20th century, known for his brilliant oratory skills and significant contributions to law and politics.
    • Era: Early 20th Century
    • Notable Roles: Lord Chancellor
  5. 5
    William Garrow

    William Garrow

    A pioneering barrister, politician, and judge of the 18th and 19th centuries known for his role in the development of the adversarial court system and the phrase 'innocent until proven guilty'.
    • Era: 18th-19th Century
    • Notable Contributions: Adversarial court system
  6. 6
    Sir Edward Coke

    Sir Edward Coke

    A prominent figure in English legal history, known for his development of the common law and his opposition to the Stuart monarchs, which led to the establishment of the supremacy of the law over the crown.
    • Era: 16th-17th Century
    • Notable Works: Institutes of the Lawes of England
  7. 7
    Helena Kennedy, Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws

    Helena Kennedy, Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws

    A barrister, broadcaster, and Labour member of the House of Lords, known for her expertise in human rights law, civil liberties, and constitutional issues.
    • Era: Late 20th-21st Century
    • Notable Contributions: Human rights law
  8. 8
    Clive Stafford Smith

    Clive Stafford Smith

    A British-American lawyer known for his work on behalf of prisoners on Death Row in the United States and for his opposition to Guantanamo Bay detention camp.
    • Era: Late 20th-21st Century
    • Notable Contributions: Death penalty defense
  9. 9

    John Mortimer

    A barrister, dramatist, screenwriter, and author best known for creating the fictional barrister Horace Rumpole, inspired by his own career in law.
    • Era: 20th Century
    • Notable Works: Rumpole of the Bailey
  10. 10
    Baroness Hale of Richmond

    Baroness Hale of Richmond

    The first woman to serve as the President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, known for her contributions to family law and women's rights.
    • Era: 21st Century
    • Notable Roles: President of the Supreme Court

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous lawyer in England. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Attorney is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 67 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Attorney once every 24 hours. The rank of each Attorney is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Lawyer in England

England has a rich history of law and legal practice. Many lawyers have made significant impacts over the centuries. The most famous lawyer in England is known for their skill, dedication, and influence.

Centuries ago, the legal profession in England began to take shape. Lawyers played key roles in shaping laws and policies. They often advised kings, queens, and parliaments. Their work helped form the foundation of modern legal systems.

Education is crucial for any lawyer. The most famous lawyer in England likely attended one of the prestigious universities. These institutions have a long tradition of training top legal minds. Rigorous study and practice are essential parts of their education.

The legal career of such a lawyer usually starts with becoming a barrister or solicitor. Barristers represent clients in court. Solicitors provide legal advice and prepare cases. Both roles require deep knowledge of the law and strong analytical skills.

This lawyer would have handled many high-profile cases. These cases often involve complex legal issues. They may set important precedents that influence future cases. Success in these cases requires thorough preparation and persuasive argumentation.

Public speaking is a key skill for any lawyer. The most famous lawyer in England is likely an eloquent speaker. They must present their cases clearly and convincingly. This skill is vital in courtrooms and in negotiations.

Ethics and integrity are also important. A lawyer must uphold the law and act in their client's best interests. The most famous lawyer in England would be known for their strong moral principles. They would earn respect from peers and clients alike.

In addition to their legal work, such a lawyer might contribute to legal scholarship. They could write articles or books on legal topics. These writings help educate others and advance the field of law.

This lawyer might also engage in public service. They could advise the government on legal matters. They might work on law reform projects. Their expertise can help shape better laws and policies.

Recognition and awards often follow a successful legal career. The most famous lawyer in England would likely receive many honors. These accolades reflect their contributions to the legal field and society.

Mentorship is another important aspect. Experienced lawyers often guide younger ones. The most famous lawyer in England would likely mentor many aspiring lawyers. This helps ensure the continued excellence of the legal profession.

The impact of such a lawyer extends beyond the courtroom. They influence public opinion and legal thought. Their work can bring about significant social change. They help ensure justice and fairness in society.

In conclusion, the most famous lawyer in England stands out for their expertise, dedication, and influence. Their career reflects a deep commitment to the law and to justice. They leave a lasting legacy in the legal field. Their contributions shape the legal landscape and inspire future generations of lawyers.

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