The Most Famous Lawyer in India, Ranked

Choose the lawyer you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 07:42
Choosing the right legal counsel can be daunting. To assist with this, public opinion on who stands out in the field of law can be enlightening. Such rankings provide insight into who has gained trust and recognition for their legal expertise and achievements in India. By voting for your preferred legal professionals, you contribute to a collective assessment that benefits those seeking guidance. Your participation helps ensure that this live ranking reflects current trends and opinions, offering a useful resource for individuals and businesses alike.

Who Is the Most Famous Lawyer in India?

  1. 1
    Ram Jethmalani

    Ram Jethmalani

    Renowned Indian lawyer and politician.
    • Specialization: Criminal law
    • Career Span: Over 70 years
  2. 2

    Harish Salve

    Prominent Indian lawyer.
    • Specialization: Constitutional, commercial, and taxation law
    • Notable Case: Represented India at ICJ in Kulbhushan Jadhav case
  3. 3

    Soli Sorabjee

    Former Attorney General of India.
    • Tenure as Attorney General: 1989-1990, 1998-2004
    • Awards: Padma Vibhushan
  4. 4

    Fali S. Nariman

    Eminent Indian jurist.
    • Specialization: Constitutional law
    • Awards: Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan
  5. 5
    Kapil Sibal

    Kapil Sibal

    Indian lawyer and politician.
    • Specialization: Law
    • Political Affiliation: Indian National Congress
  6. 6

    Mukul Rohatgi

    Former Attorney General for India.
    • Specialization: Criminal, commercial, constitutional, and taxation law
    • Tenure as Attorney General: 2014-2017
  7. 7
    Abhishek Singhvi

    Abhishek Singhvi

    Indian lawyer and politician.
    • Specialization: Constitutional law
    • Political Affiliation: Indian National Congress
  8. 8
    Gopal Subramanium

    Gopal Subramanium

    Indian lawyer and former Solicitor General of India.
    • Specialization: Law of arbitration and constitutional law
    • Tenure as Solicitor General: 2009-2011
  9. 9

    K. Parasaran

    Veteran Indian lawyer.
    • Specialization: Constitutional law
    • Tenure as Attorney General: 1983-1989
  10. 10

    Rohinton Fali Nariman

    Former Judge of the Supreme Court of India and distinguished lawyer.
    • Specialization: Constitutional law
    • Tenure as Supreme Court Judge: 2014-2021

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous lawyer in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Attorney is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 122 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Attorney once every 24 hours. The rank of each Attorney is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Lawyer in India

Ram Jethmalani
Rank #1 for the most famous lawyer in India: Ram Jethmalani (Source)
India has a long history of great lawyers who have shaped its legal system. These lawyers have played key roles in landmark cases and have influenced the country's legal landscape. Their contributions extend beyond the courtroom, impacting society and governance.

The most famous lawyers in India often come from diverse backgrounds. Some have humble beginnings, while others come from families with legal traditions. Regardless of their origins, these lawyers share a common trait: a deep commitment to justice and the rule of law.

Education is a crucial part of their journey. Many attend prestigious law schools in India and abroad. They often excel academically, showing early signs of their future success. Their education provides them with a strong foundation in legal principles and practices.

Early in their careers, these lawyers often work under established legal minds. This mentorship helps them gain practical experience and insights into complex legal issues. They learn the importance of thorough research, clear argumentation, and ethical conduct.

As they build their careers, these lawyers take on challenging cases. They represent clients in high-stakes disputes, often involving significant legal and social issues. Their ability to navigate complex legal terrain sets them apart. They become known for their skill in presenting compelling arguments and their deep understanding of the law.

Many of these lawyers also engage in public service. They may take on pro bono cases, providing legal assistance to those who cannot afford it. This commitment to public service enhances their reputation and demonstrates their dedication to justice.

Their influence extends beyond individual cases. They often participate in legal reforms, advocating for changes that improve the legal system. Their expertise and experience make them valuable contributors to policy discussions and legislative processes.

Media plays a significant role in their fame. High-profile cases attract public attention, and these lawyers become household names. Their courtroom performances are closely followed, and their opinions are widely respected.

Despite their success, these lawyers often face challenges. The legal profession is demanding, and high-profile cases come with intense scrutiny. They must balance their professional responsibilities with personal commitments. Their resilience and determination help them navigate these pressures.

Their legacy is not limited to their lifetime. Many of these lawyers inspire future generations. Young lawyers look up to them as role models and strive to emulate their achievements. Their contributions to the legal field continue to influence new lawyers and shape the profession.

In summary, the most famous lawyers in India are distinguished by their legal acumen, commitment to justice, and public service. They have made significant contributions to the legal system and society. Their influence extends beyond the courtroom, impacting legal reforms and inspiring future generations. Their journey is marked by dedication, hard work, and a deep sense of responsibility to the law and society.

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