The Most Famous Mr. Irrelevant, Ranked

Choose the Mr. Irrelevant you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:44
Every year, the title of Mr. Irrelevant is bestowed upon the last pick of the NFL Draft. This unique label has grown in significance and curiosity, cultivating a niche yet fervent following. Tracking the progress and impact of these players not only celebrates their professional journey but also underscores the unpredictability and depth of talent in sports. Viewers and fans often debate who the most memorable Mr. Irrelevant is, based on their career achievements or personal stories. By providing a space for fans to vote and see live rankings, the list becomes an engaging way to revisit and reassess the careers of these underdog athletes. Each vote contributes to a broader narrative, highlighting the successes and challenges they've faced.

Who Is the Most Famous Mr. Irrelevant?

  1. 1
    Ryan Succop

    Ryan Succop

    Kicker who became the first Mr. Irrelevant to play in a Super Bowl.
    • Draft Year: 2009
    • College: South Carolina
    • Super Bowl Appearances: Super Bowl LV
  2. 2
    Jim Finn

    Jim Finn

    Fullback who had a successful career with the New York Giants.
    • Draft Year: 1999
    • College: Pennsylvania
    • Notable Team: New York Giants
  3. 3
    Chad Kelly

    Chad Kelly

    Quarterback known for his time with the Denver Broncos.
    • Draft Year: 2017
    • College: Ole Miss
    • Notable Team: Denver Broncos
  4. 4

    Marty Moore

    The first Mr. Irrelevant to play in a Super Bowl.
    • Draft Year: 1994
    • College: Kentucky
    • Super Bowl Appearances: Super Bowl XXXI
  5. 5
    Trey Quinn

    Trey Quinn

    Wide receiver who played for the Washington Redskins.
    • Draft Year: 2018
    • College: SMU
    • Notable Team: Washington Redskins
  6. 6
    Tae Crowder

    Tae Crowder

    Linebacker known for his play with the New York Giants.
    • Draft Year: 2020
    • College: Georgia
    • Notable Team: New York Giants
  7. 7
    David Vobora

    David Vobora

    Linebacker who had a notable career with the St. Louis Rams.
    • Draft Year: 2008
    • College: Idaho
    • Notable Team: St. Louis Rams
  8. 8
    Lonnie Ballentine

    Lonnie Ballentine

    Safety known for his time with the Houston Texans.
    • Draft Year: 2014
    • College: Memphis
    • Notable Team: Houston Texans
  9. 9

    Bill Kenney

    Quarterback who had a successful career, notably with the Kansas City Chiefs.
    • Draft Year: 1978
    • College: Northern Colorado
    • Notable Team: Kansas City Chiefs
  10. 10

    Michael Green

    Safety who played for the Chicago Bears and Seattle Seahawks.
    • Draft Year: 2000
    • College: Northwestern State
    • Notable Teams: Chicago Bears, Seattle Seahawks

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Mr. Irrelevant. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Mr. Irrelevant is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 79 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Mr. Irrelevant once every 24 hours. The rank of each Mr. Irrelevant is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Mr. Irrelevant

Ryan Succop
Rank #1 for the most famous Mr. Irrelevant: Ryan Succop (Source)
Each year, the NFL Draft concludes with the selection of the final player, often referred to as "Mr. Irrelevant." This title may sound dismissive, but it carries a mix of humor and hope. The term began in 1976, thanks to Paul Salata, a former NFL player. He wanted to celebrate the last pick, not mock them. The player who becomes Mr. Irrelevant receives a mix of media attention and fanfare.

Many believe that being Mr. Irrelevant means little chance of success. Yet, history shows that some of these players have defied expectations. They have worked hard, shown resilience, and made it onto NFL rosters. Some even became significant contributors to their teams. These stories inspire many, proving that draft position does not define a player's career.

The week after the draft, Mr. Irrelevant travels to Newport Beach, California. Here, they participate in "Irrelevant Week," a series of events celebrating their achievement. These events include a parade, a regatta, and a banquet. The player also receives the Lowsman Trophy, a parody of the Heisman Trophy. It depicts a player fumbling a football. This light-hearted celebration aims to honor the player's hard work and dedication.

Despite the odds, some Mr. Irrelevants have enjoyed long NFL careers. They have played in games, contributed on special teams, and even started in key positions. Their stories remind us that determination and skill can overcome any draft position. These players often become fan favorites, embodying the underdog spirit.

Coaches and scouts often overlook the final picks, focusing on higher-ranked players. Yet, Mr. Irrelevant's journey shows that talent can emerge from any draft round. These players must prove themselves every day, fighting for a spot on the team. Their perseverance often earns respect from teammates and coaches alike.

While many Mr. Irrelevants do not enjoy long careers, their stories still inspire. They highlight the unpredictable nature of the draft and the importance of hard work. Each year, fans look forward to seeing who will earn the title and how they will fare in the NFL.

The title of Mr. Irrelevant is a reminder that every player drafted has potential. It encourages fans and players to look beyond rankings and statistics. The journey of these players shows that success in the NFL comes from more than just talent. It requires heart, determination, and a bit of luck.

In conclusion, Mr. Irrelevant is more than just the last pick in the NFL Draft. It is a symbol of hope, resilience, and the unpredictable nature of sports. These players remind us that anyone can achieve greatness, regardless of where they start. Their stories inspire fans and athletes alike, proving that every draft pick has value.

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