The Most Famous Mufti, Ranked

Choose the Mufti you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 11, 2024 08:15
In the dynamic world of Islamic scholarship, the insights and rulings of muftis play a crucial role in guiding the faithful on various aspects of life and religion. Understanding which muftis are influencing contemporary thought not only helps in appreciating diverse religious discourses but also aids individuals in finding guidance that resonates with their personal and community issues. By participating in the ranking of the most renowned muftis, users contribute to a collective understanding of influence and relevance in the Islamic scholarly community. Voting and seeing live rankings provides an engaging way to interact with the broader discourse, encouraging a more informed and active participation in religious discussions.

Who Is the Most Famous Mufti?

  1. 1
    He is a renowned Islamic scholar, jurist, and author from Pakistan. He has served as a judge on the Federal Sharia Court of Pakistan and is widely respected for his expertise in Islamic finance.
  2. 2
    Mufti Menk
    Agi wiki · CC BY-SA 4.0
    He is a popular Islamic scholar and speaker from Zimbabwe. He has a large following on social media and has delivered lectures and speeches in many countries around the world.
  3. 3
    He was a prominent Islamic scholar and jurist from India. He authored many books on Islamic law and was known for his expertise in the Hanafi school of thought.
  4. 4
    Mufti Ismail Musa Menk
    Agi wiki · CC BY-SA 4.0
    He is a Zimbabwean Islamic scholar and speaker. He is known for his lectures on a wide range of topics related to Islam and has a large following on social media.
  5. 5
    He is a Pakistani Islamic scholar and member of the Islamic Ideology Council. He is known for his views on a range of social issues and has been involved in several controversies over the years.
  6. 6
    He is a British Islamic scholar and author. He is known for his expertise in Islamic law and has written several books on the subject.
  7. 7
    He was a prominent Islamic scholar and jurist from India. He was known for his expertise in the Hanafi school of thought and authored several books on Islamic law.
  8. 8
    He is a Canadian Islamic scholar and author. He is known for his expertise in Islamic finance and has written several books on the subject.
  9. 9
    He was a Pakistani Islamic scholar and leader of the Jamia Islamia Banuri Town. He was assassinated in 2004 by militants who opposed his views.
  10. 10
    He is a Pakistani Islamic scholar and leader of the Jamia Binoria seminary. He is known for his views on a range of issues and has been involved in several controversies over the years.

Missing your favorite Mufti?


Ranking factors for famous Mufti

  1. Recognition and reputation
    The level of recognition and reputation among the Muslim community is an important factor in determining the fame of a mufti.
  2. Scholarly contributions
    The extent of their scholarly contributions and the impact they have had on Islamic jurisprudence can also play a significant role in their level of fame.
  3. International presence
    Some muftis may have an international following, which can increase their level of fame and influence.
  4. Education and training
    The level of education and training that a mufti has received, including the institutes and scholars they studied under, can also contribute to their fame.
  5. Media presence
    The extent to which a mufti appears in media, including traditional media and social media, can increase their visibility and reach.
  6. Public perceptions and influence
    The public's perception of a mufti and their level of influence within the Muslim community can also be an important factor in determining their level of fame.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Mufti. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Mufti is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 183 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Mufti once every 24 hours. The rank of each Mufti is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most famous mufti

Muftis are Islamic scholars who specialize in interpreting Islamic law and issuing legal opinions or fatwas. The title of Mufti is given to those who have completed rigorous Islamic education and have been granted the authority to give legal opinions on various matters related to Islamic law. Over the years, many renowned Muftis have emerged, each with their own unique interpretations and following. From the legendary Ibn Taymiyyah to contemporary scholars like Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the list of famous Muftis is extensive. In this poll, we aim to determine who is the most famous Mufti among the masses. Will it be the charismatic Sheikh Hamza Yusuf or the influential Mufti Menk? Cast your vote and let's find out!

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