The Most Famous Norwegian Viking, Ranked

Choose the Norwegian Viking you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:44
Deciding who stands out among the Norwegian Vikings helps us understand their impact on history and culture. It's an opportunity to evaluate their adventures, conquests, and contributions to the modern world. A ranking can illuminate the characters of these fierce warriors and intelligent explorers whose actions centuries ago still echo in today's narratives. By participating in this ranking, you contribute to a broader appreciation of Viking heritage and its influence beyond Scandinavia. Your votes help assign value and recognition to each figure, distinguishing those who have left the deepest imprints on both lore and land. Join in shaping this dynamic historical assessment.

Who Is the Most Famous Norwegian Viking?

  1. 1
    Harald Fairhair

    Harald Fairhair

    Considered the first King of Norway, Harald Fairhair is legendary for unifying the Norwegian kingdoms through a series of battles.
    • Reign: c. 872–930
    • Achievement: Unified Norway
  2. 2
    Erik the Red

    Erik the Red

    Father of Leif Erikson, Erik the Red is famous for founding the first Norse settlements in Greenland.
    • Settlement: Greenland
    • Year: c. 982
  3. 3
    Leif Erikson

    Leif Erikson

    A Norse explorer from Iceland, Leif Erikson is considered the first European to land in North America, nearly 500 years before Christopher Columbus.
    • Discovery: Vinland (North America)
    • Era: Around 1000 AD
  4. 4
    Harald Hardrada

    Harald Hardrada

    King of Norway who also led many raids into England and as far east as the Byzantine Empire. His death at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066 is often cited as marking the end of the Viking Age.
    • Reign: 1046–1066
    • Death: Battle of Stamford Bridge
  5. 5
    Ragnar Lodbrok

    Ragnar Lodbrok

    A legendary Viking hero, as well as a legendary Danish and Swedish king, known from Viking Age Old Norse poetry and sagas. According to the traditional literature, Ragnar distinguished himself by many raids against the British Isles and the Holy Roman Empire during the 9th century.
    • Raids: British Isles and Holy Roman Empire
    • Era: 9th century
  6. 6
    Ivar the Boneless

    Ivar the Boneless

    A Viking leader and a commander who invaded what is now England. According to legend, he was exceptionally tall and strong but had bones as weak as cartilage.
    • Invasion: England
    • Era: 9th century
  7. 7
    Olaf II Haraldsson

    Olaf II Haraldsson

    Also known as Saint Olaf, he is revered for his efforts to consolidate Norwegian sovereignty and his posthumous role in the Christianization of Norway.
    • Reign: 1015–1028
    • Canonization: Saint
  8. 8
    Olaf Tryggvason

    Olaf Tryggvason

    King Olaf I of Norway, credited with spreading Christianity in Norway.
    • Reign: 995–1000
    • Achievement: Christianization of Norway
  9. 9
    Sweyn Forkbeard

    Sweyn Forkbeard

    King of Denmark, England, and parts of Norway. His invasion of England in 1013 led to his brief rule over the country.
    • Reign in England: 1013–1014
    • Titles: King of Denmark, England, and Norway
  10. 10


    A Viking leader who became the first ruler of Normandy, a region of France. He is remembered for securing the Seine River valley and his descendants were the Normans, who later conquered England.
    • Establishment: Normandy
    • Year: 911

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Norwegian Viking. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Viking is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 101 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Viking once every 24 hours. The rank of each Viking is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Norwegian Viking

Harald Fairhair
Rank #1 for the most famous Norwegian Viking: Harald Fairhair (Source)
The Vikings were seafaring Norse people from Scandinavia. They lived during the late eighth to early eleventh century. These warriors, traders, and explorers left a mark on history. Among them, one Norwegian Viking stands out as the most famous.

This Viking's story begins in Norway. The rugged landscape shaped his character. He grew up in a time when survival required strength and skill. The harsh climate and rough seas demanded resilience. He learned to navigate both land and water with ease.

His early life involved typical Viking activities. Farming, fishing, and hunting were part of his daily routine. He also trained in combat, mastering the use of weapons. His physical prowess and tactical mind set him apart from others. He soon became a respected figure in his community.

As he matured, his ambitions grew. He sought adventure beyond the familiar shores of Norway. He joined expeditions, sailing across the North Sea. These voyages took him to distant lands. He encountered different cultures and engaged in trade. He also participated in raids, acquiring wealth and fame.

His leadership skills became evident during these expeditions. He led his men with confidence and strategic insight. His ability to plan and execute complex operations earned him loyalty and respect. He became a prominent leader among the Vikings.

His fame spread beyond Norway. His exploits reached distant regions, inspiring both fear and admiration. He established settlements in foreign lands, expanding his influence. These settlements became centers of trade and culture. They played a crucial role in the Viking expansion.

His legacy includes contributions to navigation and shipbuilding. He improved the design of Viking ships, making them faster and more maneuverable. These advancements allowed Vikings to explore new territories. They also enhanced their ability to conduct raids and trade.

His impact extended to the political landscape of the time. He formed alliances with other leaders, both Viking and non-Viking. These alliances strengthened his position and expanded his reach. He also engaged in conflicts, defending his territories and asserting his dominance.

His story is intertwined with the broader Viking Age. This period saw significant changes in Europe. The Vikings influenced trade, culture, and politics. They left a lasting legacy, evident in historical records and archaeological finds.

His life exemplifies the qualities admired by Vikings. Courage, strength, and leadership defined his character. His achievements reflect the spirit of exploration and adventure. He remains a symbol of the Viking Age, representing the resilience and ambition of his people.

His story continues to captivate people today. Scholars study his life to understand the Viking era better. His legacy lives on in literature, art, and popular culture. He is a reminder of the rich history and heritage of Norway.

The most famous Norwegian Viking's life is a testament to the enduring spirit of the Vikings. His journey from a rugged Norwegian landscape to distant shores exemplifies the adventurous and resilient nature of his people. His legacy continues to inspire and fascinate, keeping the Viking spirit alive in the modern world.

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