The Most Famous Swedish Viking, Ranked

Choose the Swedish Viking you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:50
Knowing which Swedish Viking stands out most significantly helps historians and enthusiasts gauge the impacts these figures had on their era and beyond. By identifying and ranking these prominent figures, we can better understand the narratives and legacies that shaped early Scandinavian history. This ordered approach offers a transparent view into the significance and influence of each Viking based on communal insights and preferences. This site allows visitors to actively participate in the historical discourse by voting for whom they believe are the most noteworthy Vikings from Sweden. Each vote contributes to the live updating of the rankings, reflecting collective assessments and changing opinions over time. Through this interactive method, the site aims to create a dynamic resource for educational and engaging exploration of Viking history.

Who Is the Most Famous Swedish Viking?

  1. 1
    Erik the Red

    Erik the Red

    Founded the first Norse settlements in Greenland.
    • Notable discovery: Greenland
    • Reason for leaving Iceland: Exiled for manslaughter
  2. 2
    Ragnar Lothbrok

    Ragnar Lothbrok

    Semi-legendary Viking hero and king, known from Viking Age Old Norse poetry and sagas.
    • Notable raids: Paris, France
    • Legacy: Subject of numerous sagas and legends
  3. 3
    Leif Erikson

    Leif Erikson

    Considered the first European to land in North America, nearly 500 years before Columbus.
    • Notable discovery: Vinland (part of North America)
    • Father: Erik the Red
  4. 4
    Bjorn Ironside

    Bjorn Ironside

    Swedish Viking and commander, known for his raids in France and Italy.
    • Notable raids: Mediterranean coast
    • Kingdom: Sweden
  5. 5
    Ivar the Boneless

    Ivar the Boneless

    Commander of the Great Heathen Army that invaded England.
    • Notable achievement: Capturing large parts of England
    • Possible disability: Unknown condition affecting his legs
  6. 6
    Gunnar Hamundarson

    Gunnar Hamundarson

    Icelandic hero and protagonist in the Njáls saga, known for his bravery and strength.
    • Saga: Njáls saga
    • Skills: Unmatched fighter
  7. 7
    Egil Skallagrimsson

    Egil Skallagrimsson

    Notorious Viking warrior, poet, and protagonist of Egil's Saga.
    • Skills: Poetry and combat
    • Saga: Egil's Saga
  8. 8
    Harald Hardrada

    Harald Hardrada

    King of Norway who also led invasions into England.
    • Notable battle: Battle of Stamford Bridge
    • Death: 1066
  9. 9

    Freydis Eiriksdottir

    A woman Viking warrior, known for her role in the Vinland sagas.
    • Relation: Daughter of Erik the Red
    • Expeditions: Vinland
  10. 10
    Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye

    Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye

    One of the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok, known for his distinctive eye mark.
    • Kingdom: Denmark and parts of Sweden
    • Father: Ragnar Lothbrok

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Swedish Viking. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Swedish Viking is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 109 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Swedish Viking once every 24 hours. The rank of each Swedish Viking is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Swedish Viking

Erik the Red
Rank #1 for the most famous Swedish Viking: Erik the Red (Source)
The Vikings were seafaring Norse people from the late eighth to early eleventh century. They came from what is now Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Among them, Swedish Vikings were notable for their exploration and trade. They traveled far and wide, leaving a lasting impact on many regions.

Swedish Vikings were known for their longships. These ships were fast, light, and could navigate both open sea and shallow rivers. This allowed them to travel great distances, reaching as far as the Byzantine Empire and the Caspian Sea. They traded goods such as furs, slaves, and amber. Their trade routes extended deep into what is now Russia, establishing important trade centers.

The Swedish Vikings were also skilled warriors. They participated in raids and battles across Europe. Their reputation as fierce fighters spread quickly. They often settled in the lands they explored, blending with local cultures. This led to the spread of Norse culture and influence across many regions.

One key aspect of their society was their social structure. They had a complex hierarchy, with chieftains at the top. These leaders were responsible for organizing expeditions and trade missions. They also played a crucial role in maintaining order within their communities.

Religion played a significant role in the lives of Swedish Vikings. They worshipped a pantheon of gods, with Odin, Thor, and Freyja being among the most important. Their religious beliefs influenced their daily lives, from farming to warfare. They held various rituals and ceremonies to honor their gods and seek their favor.

Swedish Vikings left behind a rich legacy. Their runestones, carved with inscriptions, provide valuable insights into their history and culture. These stones often commemorate important events or honor deceased individuals. They offer glimpses into the lives and achievements of these early Norse people.

Archaeological finds have also shed light on Swedish Viking life. Excavations have uncovered settlements, burial sites, and artifacts. These discoveries help us understand their daily routines, social structures, and interactions with other cultures.

The impact of Swedish Vikings can still be seen today. Place names, language influences, and cultural practices in parts of Europe trace back to their presence. Their legacy continues to fascinate historians, archaeologists, and the general public alike.

The story of the Swedish Vikings is one of exploration, trade, and cultural exchange. They were more than just raiders; they were skilled navigators, traders, and settlers. Their influence reached far beyond their homeland, shaping the course of history in many regions. Their legacy endures, offering a window into a vibrant and dynamic past.

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