The Most Famous Person Named Felix, Ranked

Choose the person named Felix you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:47
Selecting a name like Felix brings to mind a number of prominent figures from various fields. Determining which Felix stands out the most can be intriguing yet challenging. By ranking them, it becomes clearer who has had the greatest impact culturally, historically, or in their specific domain. This list compiles and ranks individuals named Felix based on public votes, making the process dynamic and participatory. Your vote helps to shape the ranking, reflecting the collective opinion on who the most influential Felix might be. This fosters a connection among participants and the figures represented.

Who Is the Most Famous Person Named Felix?

  1. 1
    Felix Baumgartner

    Felix Baumgartner

    Austrian skydiver, daredevil, and BASE jumper known for his jump from the stratosphere in 2012.
    • Record: Highest skydive
    • Born: April 20, 1969
  2. 2
    Felix Mendelssohn

    Felix Mendelssohn

    German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period.
    • Notable Work: A Midsummer Night's Dream
    • Born: February 3, 1809
  3. 3
    Felix Frankfurter

    Felix Frankfurter

    Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
    • Tenure: 1939–1962
    • Born: November 15, 1882
  4. 4
    Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie)

    Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie)

    Swedish YouTuber known for his Let's Play videos and comedic formatted shows.
    • Subscribers: Over 110 million
    • Born: October 24, 1989
  5. 5
    Felix Dzerzhinsky

    Felix Dzerzhinsky

    Polish and Soviet Bolshevik revolutionary and a Soviet statesman known for establishing and developing the Soviet secret police forces.
    • Role: Founder of the Cheka
    • Born: September 11, 1877
  6. 6
    Felix Salten

    Felix Salten

    Austrian author and critic in Vienna. He is best known for his book Bambi, a Life in the Woods.
    • Notable Work: Bambi, a Life in the Woods
    • Born: September 6, 1869
  7. 7
    Felix Hoffmann

    Felix Hoffmann

    German chemist who first synthesized acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in a stable form, later marketed as Aspirin by Bayer.
    • Notable Achievement: Synthesis of Aspirin
    • Born: January 21, 1868
  8. 8
    Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente

    Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente

    Spanish naturalist and broadcaster famous for his work on international nature documentaries.
    • Notable Work: El Hombre y la Tierra
    • Born: March 14, 1928
  9. 9
    Felix Wankel

    Felix Wankel

    German mechanical engineer and inventor of the Wankel engine.
    • Invention: Wankel engine
    • Born: August 13, 1902
  10. 10
    Felix Magath

    Felix Magath

    German football manager and former professional player.
    • Teams Managed: Bayern Munich, Wolfsburg
    • Born: July 26, 1953

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous person named Felix. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Fel (Fahl) is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 52 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Fel (Fahl) once every 24 hours. The rank of each Fel (Fahl) is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Person Named Felix

Felix Baumgartner
Rank #1 for the most famous person named Felix: Felix Baumgartner (Source)
Felix is a name that has echoed through history, attached to various notable individuals. The name itself has Latin roots, meaning "happy" or "fortunate." Over the centuries, many people named Felix have made significant contributions to different fields, earning fame and recognition.

In the arts, several Felixes have left their mark. Some became renowned composers, creating music that continues to be celebrated. Their works often reflect deep emotion and technical skill, captivating audiences worldwide. Others excelled in literature, crafting stories and poems that resonate across generations. Their writings often explore human nature, society, and the complexities of life.

Science and medicine have also seen contributions from individuals named Felix. Some have made groundbreaking discoveries, advancing knowledge and improving lives. Their research has led to new treatments and technologies, shaping the future of healthcare. These achievements often stem from a passion for understanding the world and a commitment to rigorous study.

In the realm of sports, athletes named Felix have achieved remarkable success. They have broken records, won medals, and inspired many with their dedication and skill. Their achievements often result from years of hard work, training, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. These athletes demonstrate the power of perseverance and the human spirit.

Politics and leadership have not been without notable Felixes. Some have led nations, guided movements, or shaped policies that impact millions. Their leadership styles vary, but their influence is undeniable. They often navigate complex political landscapes, striving to bring about change and progress.

Entertainment has also seen its share of famous Felixes. Some have become beloved actors, captivating audiences with their performances on stage and screen. Their talent and charisma draw people in, creating memorable characters and moments. Others have found success in other areas of the entertainment industry, contributing to its rich tapestry.

In the world of business, some Felixes have built impressive careers. They have founded companies, driven innovation, and led enterprises to success. Their business acumen and vision often set them apart, making them influential figures in their industries. These individuals show the impact of strategic thinking and leadership.

Throughout history, the name Felix has been associated with a diverse array of talents and achievements. Whether in the arts, sciences, sports, politics, entertainment, or business, those bearing the name have often risen to prominence. Their contributions continue to shape the world, leaving lasting legacies.

The name Felix carries a sense of optimism and success. It is a name that has been borne by many who have made a difference in their respective fields. The stories of these individuals remind us of the potential within each person to achieve greatness, regardless of the path they choose.

In reflecting on the name Felix, we see a tapestry of human endeavor and accomplishment. Each story adds to the rich history of the name, illustrating the diverse ways in which people can leave their mark on the world. Whether through creativity, discovery, leadership, or innovation, those named Felix have shown that the name is indeed fitting for those who bring happiness and fortune to others.

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