The Most Famous Princess, Ranked

Choose the princess you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:47
Selecting a favorite princess often depends on personal tastes shaped by stories, movies, and historical accounts. By ranking princesses, one gains a broader understanding of which figures resonate most with the global audience and why. Your participation by voting helps create a dynamic listing that reflects current preferences and opinions. This continuous input from users around the world keeps the list fresh and relevant, offering everyone insights into popular sentiment.

Who Is the Most Famous Princess?

  1. 1
    Diana, Princess of Wales

    Diana, Princess of Wales

    Diana was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, and mother to Princes William and Harry. Her charity work and tragic death made her an iconic figure.
    • Title: Princess of Wales
    • Country: United Kingdom
  2. 2

    Princess Aurora

    Also known as Sleeping Beauty, Aurora is a fictional character from Disney's animated film. She is known for her story of being cursed to sleep until awakened by true love's kiss.
    • Title: Princess
    • Country: Fictional
  3. 3
    Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

    Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

    Married to Prince William, Catherine is known for her fashion sense and charitable work. She is a future Queen Consort of the United Kingdom.
    • Title: Duchess of Cambridge
    • Country: United Kingdom
  4. 4

    Princess Jasmine

    A fictional character from Disney's animated film Aladdin. She is the spirited Princess of Agrabah who longs for a life outside the palace walls.
    • Title: Princess of Agrabah
    • Country: Fictional
  5. 5

    Princess Peach

    A fictional character in Nintendo's Mario franchise. Known for her role as the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom and being frequently kidnapped by Bowser.
    • Title: Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom
    • Country: Fictional
  6. 6
    Princess Charlotte of Cambridge

    Princess Charlotte of Cambridge

    The daughter of Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. She is fourth in line to the British throne.
    • Title: Princess of Cambridge
    • Country: United Kingdom
  7. 8
  8. 9
    Meghan, Duchess of Sussex

    Meghan, Duchess of Sussex

    Married to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle is an American former actress who became a member of the British royal family.
    • Title: Duchess of Sussex
    • Country: United Kingdom
  9. 10

    Princess Leia

    A fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, portrayed by Carrie Fisher. She is a leader in the fight against the Galactic Empire.
    • Title: Princess of Alderaan
    • Country: Galactic Empire

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous princess. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Princess is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 80 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Princess once every 24 hours. The rank of each Princess is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Princess

Diana, Princess of Wales
Rank #1 for the most famous princess: Diana, Princess of Wales (Source)
A princess often captures the imagination of many. Her life seems filled with grace, luxury, and charm. She usually belongs to a royal family, which means she is born into a world of privilege. Her role can vary, but she often has duties and responsibilities tied to her position.

In the past, princesses played key roles in alliances. Marriages between royal families often aimed to strengthen political ties. These unions could bring peace or secure power. A princess's marriage was not just a personal event; it had national importance. Her life was not always her own.

Education for a princess was important. She learned about history, languages, and the arts. She needed to be well-spoken and knowledgeable. This helped her in public appearances and diplomatic functions. She also learned about the customs and traditions of her country.

A princess often engaged in charity work. She supported causes that mattered to her. This work helped improve her public image and brought attention to important issues. She visited hospitals, schools, and other institutions to show her support.

Fashion played a big role in a princess's life. Her clothing choices were often scrutinized. She set trends and influenced public taste. Designers sought to dress her, knowing that her choices would be widely copied. Her style became a part of her identity.

Despite the glamour, a princess's life had challenges. She lived under constant public scrutiny. Her actions, words, and even her friends were watched closely. Privacy was rare. She had to balance her personal desires with her public duties. This could be a heavy burden.

The media played a big role in shaping the image of a princess. Stories about her life filled newspapers and magazines. Photos of her at events, with family, or in casual moments were in high demand. The public followed her life closely, often forming strong opinions about her.

In modern times, the role of a princess has evolved. While some traditions remain, many princesses now have careers. They pursue interests beyond their royal duties. They may work in fields like business, science, or the arts. This shift reflects changes in society's expectations.

A princess today often uses social media to connect with the public. She shares moments from her life, her work, and her interests. This direct communication helps to humanize her and build a closer connection with people. It also allows her to control her image more than in the past.

Despite changes, the allure of a princess endures. She represents a blend of tradition and modernity. Her life continues to fascinate people around the world. She remains a symbol of grace, duty, and style. Her story is one of both privilege and responsibility.

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