The Most Famous Unicorn, Ranked

Choose the Unicorn you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:51
Deciding which unicorn stands out among the rest has always been a subject of lively debate among enthusiasts and fans. Such discussions often highlight differing opinions on mystical prowess, magical implications, and mythical significance. Ranks provide a structured way to see which opinions are most widespread, offering a clearer picture of societal preferences. By participating in the voting process, users contribute to a collective assessment, shaping an ever-changing tableau of fantasy favorites. Your input helps to paint a broader picture of which mythical creatures resonate most deeply with the public. Engaging with this interactive process not only enriches the overall data but also enhances personal investment in the mythological community.

Who Is the Most Famous Unicorn?

  1. 1

    The Last Unicorn

    A character from the fantasy novel 'The Last Unicorn' written by Peter S. Beagle.
    • Author: Peter S. Beagle
    • Publication Year: 1968
  2. 2


    The unicorn protagonist in the animated film 'The Last Unicorn'.
    • Release Year: 1982
  3. 3

    Lady Amalthea

    The human form of the unicorn in 'The Last Unicorn'.
    • Alter Ego: The Last Unicorn
  4. 4

    Swift Wind

    A magical talking unicorn from 'She-Ra: Princess of Power'.
    • Alter Ego: Spirit
  5. 5


    A talking unicorn with a butterfly mark in the anime series 'Hunter × Hunter'.
    • Series: Hunter × Hunter
  6. 6

    Princess Celestia

    A unicorn with immense magical power from 'My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic'.
    • Title: Princess
  7. 7
    Unicorn in 'Harry Potter'

    Unicorn in 'Harry Potter'

    A magical creature from the 'Harry Potter' series by J.K. Rowling.
    • First Appearance: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  8. 8
    Agnes's Unicorn

    Agnes's Unicorn

    A fluffy unicorn plush toy belonging to Agnes in the 'Despicable Me' movies.
    • Owner: Agnes
  9. 9


    The main character of the anime 'Unico', based on a manga by Osamu Tezuka.
    • Creator: Osamu Tezuka
    • First Appearance: 1976
  10. 10
    Unicorn from 'My Little Pony'

    Unicorn from 'My Little Pony'

    A franchise featuring magical unicorns, including Twilight Sparkle and Rarity.
    • First Appearance: 1981

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Unicorn. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or unicorn is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 56 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each unicorn once every 24 hours. The rank of each unicorn is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Unicorn

Unicorns have fascinated people for centuries. These mythical creatures often appear in folklore, literature, and art. They are usually depicted as white horses with a single, spiraling horn on their foreheads. The image of the unicorn has evolved over time, but its essence remains enchanting.

The origins of the unicorn legend are unclear. Some scholars believe it began in ancient civilizations. Early references to unicorn-like creatures appear in texts from Greece, India, and China. These ancient descriptions vary, but they share common traits. The unicorn is often seen as a symbol of purity and grace.

In medieval Europe, unicorns became prominent in stories and tapestries. They were often linked to themes of innocence and virtue. Many believed unicorns could only be tamed by a virgin. This led to the unicorn becoming a symbol of chastity and purity. Medieval bestiaries, which were collections of animal descriptions, included unicorns as real creatures.

Renaissance artists and writers also embraced the unicorn. They used it to convey deeper meanings in their works. Paintings from this period often show unicorns in serene, natural settings. These images reflect the unicorn's association with nature and the divine.

The unicorn's horn, called an alicorn, was believed to have magical properties. People thought it could neutralize poison and cure diseases. This belief led to a lucrative trade in fake alicorns. Narwhal tusks and other materials were sold as genuine unicorn horns. This trade continued for centuries, despite the lack of evidence for the horn's supposed powers.

In modern times, the unicorn has taken on new meanings. It is often seen as a symbol of rarity and uniqueness. The term "unicorn" is now used in the business world. It describes startups valued at over a billion dollars. This usage highlights the unicorn's enduring appeal as something extraordinary and rare.

Unicorns also remain popular in pop culture. They appear in books, movies, and merchandise. Their image is often bright and colorful, appealing to both children and adults. This modern portrayal is more whimsical but still captures the magic of the unicorn.

The unicorn's lasting presence in various cultures speaks to its universal appeal. It represents the human desire for wonder and the belief in the extraordinary. Whether seen as a symbol of purity, a rare treasure, or a whimsical figure, the unicorn continues to captivate imaginations.

In summary, the unicorn is a timeless symbol. Its journey from ancient myths to modern icons shows its adaptability and enduring charm. The unicorn remains a powerful image, embodying purity, magic, and rarity. Its story continues to evolve, but its essence stays the same. The unicorn, in all its forms, will likely enchant future generations as it has for centuries.

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