The Most Famous Urban Planner, Ranked

Choose the urban planner you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:51
Urban planning shapes the cities we live in, influencing everything from traffic flow to park placements. A great urban planner can transform an inefficient city into a well-organized hub that nurtures the well-being of its residents. Recognizing those who excel in this field highlights important contributions and inspires current and future generations. On this webpage, users like yourself actively participate in ranking notable figures in urban planning based on their impact and innovation. Your votes help in assembling a dynamic list that reflects collective appreciation and judgment of these professionals' work. This active engagement ensures that the list is reflective of public opinion and constantly updated with fresh perspectives.

Who Is the Most Famous Urban Planner?

  1. 1
    Jane Jacobs

    Jane Jacobs

    An influential urbanist and activist, known for her opposition to conventional urban planning policies.
    • Notable Book: The Death and Life of Great American Cities
    • Key Concept: Eyes on the Street
  2. 2
    Daniel Burnham

    Daniel Burnham

    A leading figure in the development of skyscrapers and urban planning, known for his role in the design of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition.
    • Famous Quote: "Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood."
    • Notable Work: Plan of Chicago
  3. 3
    Le Corbusier

    Le Corbusier

    A pioneer of modern architecture and urban planning, known for his innovative designs and theories.
    • Real Name: Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris
    • Notable Work: The Radiant City
  4. 4

    Sir Ebenezer Howard

    An English urban planner and founder of the garden city movement, which aimed to combine the benefits of the city and the countryside.
    • Notable Book: Garden Cities of To-morrow
    • Key Concept: Self-contained communities surrounded by "greenbelts"
  5. 5
    Norman Foster

    Norman Foster

    A British architect whose company, Foster + Partners, is known for its high-tech architecture and urban planning projects around the world.
    • Notable Building: 30 St Mary Axe ('The Gherkin') in London
    • Sustainability: Focus on environmentally friendly design
  6. 6
    André Lurçat

    André Lurçat

    A French architect and urban planner, known for his contributions to modernist architecture and for his urban planning principles.
    • Design Style: Modernism
    • Notable Work: Design of the Karl-Marx-Schule in Villejuif, France
  7. 7


    Known for his massive urban renewal of Paris in the mid-19th century, which included the creation of wide avenues, parks, and other city improvements.
    • Full Name: Georges-Eugène Haussmann
    • Haussmannization: The transformation of cities with the aim of modernization and beautification
  8. 8
    Patrick Geddes

    Patrick Geddes

    A Scottish biologist, sociologist, geographer, and pioneering town planner, known for his innovative thinking in urban planning and education.
    • Concept: Conservative Surgery
    • Notable Work: Cities in Evolution
  9. 9
    Frederick Law Olmsted

    Frederick Law Olmsted

    Known as the father of American landscape architecture, he co-designed many well-known urban parks including Central Park in New York City.
    • Co-Designer of Central Park: Calvert Vaux
    • Design Philosophy: The importance of accessible green space
  10. 10
    Lúcio Costa

    Lúcio Costa

    A Brazilian architect and urban planner best known for his plan for the construction of Brasília, the capital city of Brazil.
    • Notable Work: Pilot Plan for Brasília
    • Design Principle: The use of the superblock

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous urban planner. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Urban planner is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 113 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Urban planner once every 24 hours. The rank of each Urban planner is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Urban Planner

Jane Jacobs
Rank #1 for the most famous urban planner: Jane Jacobs (Source)
Urban planning shapes cities. It determines how spaces function and how people move. The most famous urban planners have left lasting marks on cities worldwide. Their ideas and designs influence daily life. They create spaces where people live, work, and play.

Urban planners think about many factors. They consider population growth, transportation needs, and environmental impact. They also look at social issues. They aim to make cities livable and sustainable. This means planning for parks, schools, and public spaces. It means designing streets and transit systems that work well.

Good urban planning balances many needs. It must account for cars, bikes, and pedestrians. It must find space for homes, businesses, and recreation. A well-planned city feels cohesive. It supports the needs of its residents.

Urban planners study many subjects. They learn about architecture, engineering, and public policy. They also study sociology and economics. This diverse knowledge helps them make informed decisions. They must understand how cities grow and change.

Urban planning is both an art and a science. It requires creativity and technical skill. Planners use maps, models, and computer programs. They also use their imagination. They must envision what a city can become.

The best urban planners have a vision. They see potential where others see problems. They think long-term. They plan for the future, not just the present. Their work often involves compromise. They must listen to many voices. They must balance competing interests.

Urban planners work with many people. They collaborate with architects, engineers, and government officials. They also engage with the public. They hold meetings and gather feedback. They strive to create plans that reflect the community's needs.

Urban planning has evolved over time. Early planners focused on basic needs. They built roads, bridges, and sewer systems. Modern planners face new challenges. They must address climate change and sustainability. They must plan for smart growth and green spaces.

Technology has changed urban planning. Planners now use advanced tools. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) help them analyze data. Computer models help them test ideas. These tools make planning more precise.

Urban planners often face criticism. Some plans fail to meet expectations. Others face opposition from residents. Successful planners learn from these experiences. They adapt and improve their methods.

The most famous urban planners have a lasting impact. Their work shapes cities for generations. They inspire others in the field. They set standards for excellence. They show what is possible with vision and effort.

Urban planning is vital. It affects how we live and interact. It shapes our environment and our quality of life. The work of skilled planners makes cities better places to live. Their contributions are essential to the fabric of urban life.

In summary, urban planning is complex and multifaceted. It requires a blend of skills and knowledge. The most famous urban planners excel in this field. They create spaces that meet diverse needs. Their work enhances the lives of millions. They leave a legacy of well-designed cities.

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