The Most Famous Virgin, Ranked

Choose the Virgin you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:52
Throughout history, the stories of numerous Virgins have fascinated and inspired millions. These figures, revered for their purity and spiritual significance, hold a special place in cultural and religious narratives across the world. By hosting a ranking of the most renowned Virgins, we aim to provide a consolidated view of those who have left a significant impact on society through their life stories and teachings. This ranking is dynamic and shaped by the votes of our visitors, reflecting current public opinion and interest. Each vote helps to shape an ongoing picture of which figures resonate most with people today. We encourage you to participate and cast your vote, contributing to this evolving reflection of what these profound characters mean in contemporary contexts.

Who Is the Most Famous Virgin?

  1. 2
    Saint Agnes

    Saint Agnes

    Christian martyr and saint, known for her vow of virginity and martyrdom at a young age.
    • Feast Day: January 21
    • Symbol: Lamb
  2. 3
    Saint Lucy

    Saint Lucy

    Christian martyr, known for her vow of virginity and for her eyes being gouged out, hence the patron saint of the blind.
    • Feast Day: December 13
    • Patronage: The blind
  3. 4
    Saint Cecilia

    Saint Cecilia

    Christian martyr and the patron saint of music and musicians, known for her vow of virginity.
    • Feast Day: November 22
    • Patronage: Music, Musicians
  4. 5
    The Virgin Mary

    The Virgin Mary

    Central figure in Christianity, mother of Jesus Christ, known for her purity and virgin birth.
    • Religious significance: Christianity
    • Symbolism: Purity and virgin birth
  5. 6
    Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton

    English mathematician, physicist, and author who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time. Believed to have died a virgin.
    • Field: Physics, Mathematics
    • Notable Work: Laws of motion and universal gravitation
  6. 7
    Queen Elizabeth I

    Queen Elizabeth I

    Queen of England and Ireland, known for her virgin status, which earned her the nickname 'The Virgin Queen'.
    • Reign: 1558-1603
    • Nickname: The Virgin Queen
  7. 9
    Saint Sebastian

    Saint Sebastian

    Early Christian saint and martyr, known for his beauty and dedication to God, often depicted tied to a post and shot with arrows.
    • Feast Day: January 20
    • Symbol: Arrows
  8. 10
    Immanuel Kant

    Immanuel Kant

    German philosopher and one of the central Enlightenment thinkers, believed to have never married or had sexual relations.
    • Philosophy: Critical philosophy
    • Notable Work: Critique of Pure Reason

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Virgin. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Virgin is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 91 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Virgin once every 24 hours. The rank of each Virgin is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Virgin

Joan of Arc
Rank #1 for the most famous Virgin: Joan of Arc (Source)
A well-known figure in many cultures and religions is the Virgin. This figure often symbolizes purity, virtue, and grace. Various traditions have their own stories and depictions. These stories usually center on themes of divine intervention, miracles, and unwavering faith.

In many places, the Virgin is seen as a protector and a source of comfort. People often turn to her in times of need. They believe she can intercede on their behalf. This belief has led to the creation of numerous shrines and places of worship dedicated to her. These sites attract millions of visitors each year. Pilgrims come to seek her blessings, offer thanks, or fulfill vows.

Artists have also been inspired by the Virgin for centuries. Paintings, sculptures, and icons depict her in various ways. Some show her with a serene expression, while others capture moments of deep sorrow or joy. These works of art are not just for admiration. They serve as focal points for prayer and meditation.

The Virgin's influence extends beyond religion. In literature, she appears as a symbol of ideal womanhood. Writers use her image to explore themes of sacrifice, motherhood, and devotion. She often represents the highest form of love and compassion. This makes her a powerful figure in storytelling.

Music and poetry also celebrate the Virgin. Composers have written hymns and songs in her honor. These pieces often express deep reverence and awe. Poets use her as a muse, crafting verses that praise her virtues and tell her story. These works help keep her memory alive and relevant.

Across different cultures, the Virgin has many names and faces. Each one reflects the unique beliefs and values of the people who revere her. Despite these differences, the core attributes remain the same. She embodies purity, kindness, and a deep connection to the divine.

The Virgin's enduring appeal lies in her ability to inspire and uplift. She offers a model of goodness and strength. People find hope and solace in her example. Her story continues to resonate, providing a timeless source of comfort and inspiration.

In modern times, the Virgin remains a significant figure. Her image appears in various forms of media, from films to social media. People still celebrate her through festivals and special days. These events bring communities together, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

The Virgin's legacy is vast and multifaceted. She has left an indelible mark on art, culture, and spirituality. Her story is one of unwavering faith and divine grace. This makes her a beloved figure around the world. Her influence shows no signs of waning, proving that her message of love and purity transcends time and place.

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