The Most Fun Build to Have in Skyrim, Ranked

Choose the build you think is the most fun!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 06:34
Choosing the right build in Skyrim can significantly enhance a player's experience, tailoring gameplay to individual preferences. With countless options available, it can sometimes be daunting for players to select which path best suits their style or objectives. A system that ranks these builds based on user feedback can simplify these decisions, providing new and seasoned players alike with reliable guidance on which builds are currently providing the most enjoyment. This site offers a dynamic list of favorite Skyrim builds as voted by the community. By contributing votes, users help ensure that the ranking reflects collective experiences and current trends in gameplay. Each vote helps others make informed choices, thereby enriching the Skyrim community's overall experience. Engage with the rankings to see how popular opinions match up with your own, and perhaps find a new favorite way to explore the corners of Tamriel.

What Is the Most Fun Build to Have in Skyrim?

  1. 1

    Stealth Archer

    A build focusing on stealth and archery to eliminate enemies from a distance without being detected.
    • Popular Skills: Archery, Sneak, Light Armor
    • Ideal Races: Bosmer, Khajiit
  2. 2


    A dark build focused on reanimating the dead to fight alongside the player.
    • Popular Skills: Conjuration, Alteration, Illusion
    • Ideal Races: Breton, Dunmer
  3. 3

    Conjuration Archer

    Combines the stealth of archery with the power of conjuration to summon weapons and allies.
    • Popular Skills: Conjuration, Archery, Sneak
    • Ideal Races: Bosmer, Breton
  4. 4

    Vampire Lord

    Utilizes the unique abilities of a Vampire Lord from the Dawnguard DLC for powerful magic and combat skills.
    • Popular Skills: Illusion, Sneak, Destruction
    • Ideal Races: Any
  5. 5

    Sneak Thief

    Focuses on stealth to steal and pickpocket, using illusion magic and daggers for defense.
    • Popular Skills: Sneak, Lockpicking, Illusion
    • Ideal Races: Khajiit, Argonian
  6. 6

    Two-Handed Warrior

    A straightforward combat build focusing on dealing massive damage with two-handed weapons.
    • Popular Skills: Two-Handed, Heavy Armor, Smithing
    • Ideal Races: Nord, Orc
  7. 7

    Dual-Wielding Berserker

    A combat-oriented build that focuses on high damage output through dual-wielding weapons.
    • Popular Skills: One-Handed, Light Armor, Smithing
    • Ideal Races: Redguard, Orc
  8. 8

    Destruction Mage

    A magic-centric build focusing on using destruction spells to deal damage from a distance.
    • Popular Skills: Destruction, Alteration, Enchanting
    • Ideal Races: Altmer, Dunmer
  9. 9

    Battle Mage

    A versatile build that combines the use of heavy armor and magic to create a formidable opponent.
    • Popular Skills: Destruction, Heavy Armor, Conjuration
    • Ideal Races: Altmer, Breton
  10. 10


    A righteous warrior build combining heavy armor and restoration magic to fight evil.
    • Popular Skills: Heavy Armor, Restoration, One-Handed
    • Ideal Races: Nord, Imperial

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most fun build to have in Skyrim. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or building is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 60 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each building once every 24 hours. The rank of each building is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Fun Build to Have in Skyrim

Skyrim offers a vast, immersive world where players can create unique characters. The game allows for a wide range of playstyles, each bringing a different kind of excitement. Choosing the most fun build depends on what you enjoy most in gameplay.

Many players find joy in combat-heavy builds. These characters excel in close-quarters battles. They wield powerful weapons and wear heavy armor. This build focuses on strength and endurance. Players often enjoy the thrill of charging into battle, taking on multiple enemies at once. The satisfaction of landing a powerful blow can be immense.

Others prefer a more strategic approach. These builds rely on stealth and precision. Characters move silently, strike from the shadows, and avoid direct confrontation. This playstyle rewards patience and careful planning. Players who enjoy sneaking past enemies and executing perfect ambushes often find this build the most fun.

Magic-based builds offer a different kind of excitement. These characters harness the power of spells. They can heal, summon creatures, or unleash destructive forces. The variety of spells available means players can tailor their approach to each situation. This build appeals to those who enjoy versatility and creativity in their gameplay.

Some players mix elements from different builds. This hybrid approach allows for a balanced playstyle. Characters can switch between melee combat, stealth, and magic as needed. This flexibility can make the game more dynamic and engaging. It also allows players to adapt to different challenges.

Exploration is a key part of Skyrim. Some builds enhance this aspect of the game. Characters can focus on skills that help them navigate the world more easily. They might excel in lockpicking, speech, or alchemy. These skills open up new opportunities and make exploration more rewarding. Players who enjoy discovering hidden secrets and treasures often find this build the most fun.

The best build for you depends on your personal preferences. Think about what aspects of the game you enjoy most. Do you like fast-paced combat, careful planning, or creative problem-solving? Your answer will guide you to the build that offers the most fun.

Experimenting with different builds can also be enjoyable. Trying out new skills and playstyles keeps the game fresh. It allows you to experience Skyrim from different perspectives. You might discover new aspects of the game that you hadn't noticed before.

In conclusion, the most fun build in Skyrim is the one that aligns with your interests. Whether you prefer brute strength, stealth, magic, or a mix, there's a build for you. The key is to find what makes the game most enjoyable for you. Explore, experiment, and have fun discovering your perfect playstyle.

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