The Most Handsome Vampire in Twilight, Ranked

Choose the vampire you think is the most handsome!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:54
Fans of a popular vampire series often engage in lively debates over which character stands out for their ethereal charm and enigmatic presence. Ranking these beloved undead characters can provide a structured way of seeing fan preferences aggregated in one place, making it easier for new audiences to understand popular opinions and for longtime fans to advocate for their favorites. By participating in the voting process on this site, users not only contribute to a collective assessment but also immerse themselves in a community passionate about their favorite fictional beings. Each vote casts a spotlight on different characters, highlighting diverse attributes that might appeal uniquely to various fans. This engaging activity fosters a deeper connection within the community as members share and compare their insights.

Who Is the Most Handsome Vampire in Twilight?

  1. 1

    Edward Cullen

    The protagonist vampire known for his deep love and protection over Bella. His striking appearance and mysterious aura make him irresistibly handsome.
    • Actor: Robert Pattinson
    • Species: Vampire
  2. 2

    Jasper Hale

    Known for his unique ability to manipulate emotions, Jasper's quiet strength and deep, empathetic understanding make him captivating.
    • Actor: Jackson Rathbone
    • Special Ability: Pathokinesis
  3. 3

    Carlisle Cullen

    The patriarch of the Cullen clan, Carlisle's compassion, wisdom, and timeless good looks define his appeal.
    • Actor: Peter Facinelli
    • Occupation: Doctor
  4. 4


    A member of the Volturi guard, Demetri's allure comes from his mysterious demeanor and his powerful ability to track anyone, anywhere.
    • Actor: Charlie Bewley
    • Special Ability: Tracking
  5. 5


    A nomadic vampire known for his adventurous spirit, Garrett's rugged good looks and charismatic personality make him appealing.
    • Actor: Lee Pace
    • Known For: Adventurous Spirit
  6. 6


    With his smooth talking and suave appearance, Laurent's sophistication and worldly demeanor make him intriguing.
    • Actor: Edi Gathegi
    • Affiliation: Nomad
  7. 7


    A member of the Egyptian coven, Benjamin's unique ability to control the elements combined with his youthful appearance makes him stand out.
    • Actor: Rami Malek
    • Special Ability: Elemental Manipulation
  8. 8


    A nomadic vampire with a predatory nature, James's intense gaze and lethal demeanor add to his dangerous charm.
    • Actor: Cam Gigandet
    • Special Ability: Tracking
  9. 9

    Emmett Cullen

    With his brawny physique and playful personality, Emmett combines charm and strength, making him a fan favorite.
    • Actor: Kellan Lutz
    • Known For: Strength
  10. 10


    Twin brother to Jane, Alec's youthful appearance and terrifying ability to cut off senses make him a darkly intriguing character.
    • Actor: Cameron Bright
    • Special Ability: Sensory Deprivation

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most handsome vampire in Twilight. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Vampire is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 189 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Vampire once every 24 hours. The rank of each Vampire is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Handsome Vampire in Twilight

The Twilight series introduces readers to a world where vampires and werewolves exist. Among the characters, one vampire stands out for his striking appearance and charm. He captures the attention of many with his looks and mysterious aura.

This vampire belongs to a family that chooses to live differently from other vampires. They avoid human blood, opting for animal blood instead. This lifestyle sets them apart and makes them unique. The family’s decision to live among humans adds to their mystique.

The handsome vampire has a pale complexion, which is typical for his kind. His eyes change color depending on his thirst. When he is well-fed, his eyes are a warm, golden hue. When he is thirsty, they turn dark, almost black. This change in eye color adds to his allure and makes him even more intriguing.

His hair is another striking feature. It is a unique shade that catches the light in a way that makes it seem to shimmer. This, combined with his well-defined features, makes him stand out in any crowd. His strong jawline and high cheekbones give him a sculpted look that many find irresistible.

He moves with a grace that is almost otherworldly. His movements are smooth and fluid, giving him an air of confidence and control. This grace extends to his interactions with others. He speaks in a calm, measured tone, which adds to his charm.

Despite his outward appearance, he carries a sense of melancholy. He has lived for many years and has seen much of the world. This long life has given him a depth that others find fascinating. He is wise beyond his years, and this wisdom shows in his eyes.

His relationship with his family is strong. They support each other and work together to maintain their lifestyle. This bond adds another layer to his character. He is not just a handsome face; he is also a loyal and caring individual.

His presence in the series adds a layer of complexity to the story. He is not just a vampire; he is a character with depth and emotion. His interactions with other characters show his multifaceted nature. He can be gentle and kind, but also fierce when necessary.

The handsome vampire’s story is one of love, struggle, and self-discovery. He grapples with his nature and strives to live a life that aligns with his values. This internal struggle makes him relatable and adds to his appeal.

In the end, it is not just his looks that make him stand out. It is his character, his choices, and his interactions with others. He is a vampire who strives to be more than his nature, and this makes him truly remarkable. His story is one of growth and change, making him one of the most memorable characters in the series.

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