The Most Handsome Weasley, Ranked

Choose the Weasley you think is the most handsome!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:54
Fans of wizarding families often engage in friendly debates about which members stand out in various qualities, including looks. Ranking the most handsome Weasley can serve as a fun way for enthusiasts to engage with their favorite characters and see how others view them. This lighthearted competition gathers community opinions to generate a live ranking that reflects current preferences. By casting your vote, you contribute to a dynamic list that updates in real time with each new vote. This not only shows where your preferences align with the wider community but also adds a personal touch to your fan experience. Whether you participate actively by voting or passively by viewing the results, this ranking offers a unique interaction with a beloved family from a famous wizarding world.

Who Is the Most Handsome Weasley?

  1. 1

    Bill Weasley

    The eldest Weasley sibling known for his cool demeanor and rugged good looks.
    • Occupation: Curse-Breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank
    • Notable Feature: Long hair and earring
  2. 2

    Charlie Weasley

    The second eldest brother who works with dragons in Romania.
    • Occupation: Dragonologist
    • Notable Feature: Muscular build from working with dragons
  3. 3

    Percy Weasley

    The third Weasley brother, ambitious and somewhat estranged from his family for a time.
    • Occupation: High-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic
    • Notable Feature: Neatly combed hair
  4. 4

    George Weasley

    Fred's twin brother, equally charming and a co-owner of their joke shop.
    • Occupation: Co-owner of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
    • Notable Feature: Identical to Fred, with a slightly more mischievous glint
  5. 5

    Fred Weasley

    One of the Weasley twins, known for his mischievous charm and good looks.
    • Occupation: Co-owner of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
    • Notable Feature: Identical to George, but often considered slightly more handsome
  6. 6

    Ginny Weasley

    The youngest Weasley and only daughter, known for her fiery spirit and attractiveness.
    • Occupation: Professional Quidditch player, later Quidditch correspondent
    • Notable Feature: Bright brown eyes and vibrant red hair
  7. 7

    Ron Weasley

    Harry Potter's best friend and the sixth son in the Weasley family.
    • Occupation: Auror, later co-manager of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
    • Notable Feature: Tall and gangly with a freckled complexion
  8. 8

    Molly Weasley

    The matriarch of the Weasley family, beloved for her caring nature and strength.
    • Occupation: Homemaker
    • Notable Feature: Warm smile and a motherly demeanor
  9. 9

    Arthur Weasley

    The patriarch of the Weasley family, known for his kind nature and fascination with Muggles.
    • Occupation: Employee at the Ministry of Magic, Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office
    • Notable Feature: Balding, but retains a youthful enthusiasm
  10. 10

    Hugo Weasley

    Ron and Hermione's son, known for his Weasley traits and youthful charm.
    • Relation: Son of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
    • Notable Feature: Inherits the Weasley red hair and intelligence from his mother

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most handsome Weasley. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Weasley is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 184 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Weasley once every 24 hours. The rank of each Weasley is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Handsome Weasley

The Weasley family, known for their red hair and warm personalities, has always stood out in the wizarding world. They are a large family with seven children, each bringing their own charm and quirks. Among them, one has often been noted for his particularly handsome appearance. This Weasley has a certain allure that sets him apart, making him the subject of admiration among peers and beyond.

Growing up in the Burrow, the Weasley children had a humble but loving upbringing. Their parents, Arthur and Molly, instilled strong values and a sense of loyalty in all their children. Despite their modest means, the Weasleys always found joy in each other's company and the simple pleasures of life. This environment fostered a close-knit family bond that remains unbreakable.

The handsome Weasley, like his siblings, attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At school, he excelled both academically and socially. His natural charisma and good looks made him quite popular among his classmates. Teachers appreciated his diligence, while students admired his friendly demeanor. He quickly became a well-known figure at Hogwarts, often seen as a role model by younger students.

Outside of school, this Weasley pursued various interests that showcased his talents and skills. He had a knack for adventure and often found himself in thrilling situations. His bravery and quick thinking earned him respect and admiration from those around him. Whether facing magical creatures or navigating complex spells, he always rose to the challenge with confidence and grace.

In addition to his bravery, he possessed a deep sense of compassion. He often went out of his way to help others, whether it was offering a kind word or lending a hand in times of need. His empathetic nature endeared him to many, making him not just handsome on the outside but also beautiful within. This combination of looks and personality made him a standout figure in any crowd.

The Weasleys' strong family ties played a significant role in shaping this individual's character. The support and love from his parents and siblings provided a solid foundation for him to grow and thrive. He often spoke fondly of his family, never hesitating to express his gratitude for their unwavering support. This deep connection to his roots kept him grounded, despite the attention and admiration he received.

As he grew older, his charm only seemed to increase. He continued to make a positive impact in the wizarding world, using his talents and influence for good. He remained humble, never letting his looks or popularity go to his head. Instead, he focused on what truly mattered: making a difference and staying true to himself and his values.

In summary, the most handsome Weasley is more than just a pretty face. He embodies the best qualities of his family: bravery, kindness, and loyalty. His good looks are just one aspect of a well-rounded individual who continues to inspire and impress those around him. The admiration he receives is well-deserved, as he exemplifies what it means to be both handsome and honorable.

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