The Most Popular Bible Commentary, Ranked

Choose the commentary you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 21, 2024 06:50
In the diverse world of biblical interpretation, it can be a daunting task to select a commentary that resonates well with personal beliefs and study needs. With a multitude of perspectives and insights available, identifying which works are most enlightening and revered by others could save new and seasoned readers alike both time and effort. This dynamic ranking serves as a communal tool for readers to vote on and view which Bible commentaries are currently most valued by the public. Through your participation, you help generate a live list that reflects the collective appreciation and utility of these works, guiding peers while enriching your own study journey.

What Is the Most Popular Bible Commentary?

  1. 1
    This is a comprehensive, multi-volume commentary that covers the entire Bible. It is well-respected for its scholarship and its focus on practical application.
    The Expositor's Bible Commentary is a comprehensive and highly regarded commentary on the entire Bible. It provides an in-depth analysis and interpretation of each book in the Bible, offering valuable insights and explanation for readers. This commentary is widely used by pastors, scholars, and Bible study groups to gain a deeper understanding of the biblical text.
    • Comprehensive Coverage: Covers all 66 books of the Bible.
    • Verse-by-Verse Commentary: Provides detailed commentary on each verse.
    • Multiple Contributors: Written by a team of scholars, ensuring diverse perspectives.
    • Historical and Cultural Context: Offers insights into the historical and cultural background of the biblical texts.
    • Theological Insights: Explores theological themes and perspectives throughout the commentary.
    The Expositor's Bible Commentary in other rankings
  2. 2
    This is a classic commentary that has been in use for over 300 years. It is notable for its clear, concise language and its focus on spiritual insight.
    Matthew Henry's Commentary is a renowned and widely used Bible commentary that provides in-depth analysis and interpretation of the Scriptures. It offers valuable insights and explanations of the biblical text, serving as a comprehensive guide for understanding and applying the teachings of the Bible.
    • Publication Date: 1708
    • Language: English
    • Content: Commentary on the entire Bible
    • Format: Print and digital
    • Author's Perspective: Reformed Protestant
  3. 3
    John Calvin was a prominent theologian and Reformer. His commentaries are well-respected for their depth and insight.
    John Calvin's Commentaries is a collection of biblical commentaries written by the Protestant Reformer John Calvin. This commentary series consists of detailed explanations and interpretations of the books and passages of the Bible, providing insights into the theological perspectives of John Calvin and his followers. It has become one of the most widely read and influential commentaries in the history of Christianity.
    • Language: Originally written in Latin, also available in translated versions
    • Exhaustiveness: Covers almost the entire Bible, with detailed commentaries on each book and selected passages
    • Theological Perspective: Reflects Calvinist theology and Reformed Protestant views
    • Doctrinal Analysis: Explores doctrines and theological themes within the biblical texts
    • Historical Context: Provides historical background and context of biblical events
  4. 4
    This is a modern, scholarly commentary series that is well-regarded for its thoroughness and attention to detail.
    The New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament (NICOT/NICNT) is a widely respected and comprehensive series of Bible commentaries. This collection provides an in-depth study of the Old Testament and New Testament books, offering valuable insights and analysis from leading biblical scholars.
    • Scope: Covers both the Old Testament and New Testament books.
    • Scholarly Approach: Based on rigorous academic research and biblical scholarship.
    • Verse-by-Verse Commentary: Provides detailed analysis and interpretation of individual verses.
    • Historical and Cultural Context: Explores the historical, cultural, and social context in which the texts were written.
    • Original Languages: Includes discussion of Hebrew and Greek language nuances and translations.
    The New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament in other rankings
  5. 5
    This is a concise, accessible commentary series that is popular among laypeople and Bible study groups.
    The Tyndale Bible Commentary is a widely recognized and highly acclaimed Bible commentary that provides in-depth explanations and insights into the biblical text. It offers a comprehensive and accessible resource for studying and understanding the Bible.
    • Publication Date: 1961
    • Number of Volumes: 49
    • Authorship: Contributions from various scholars
    • Scripture Coverage: Covers the entire Bible
    • Denominational Affiliation: Interdenominational
  6. 6
    This is a contemporary commentary series that emphasizes practical application and relevance to modern life.
    The Bible Speaks Today is a series of Bible commentaries that aims to bring the timeless truths of Scripture to life and apply them to the present day. It provides accessible and practical expositions of individual books of the Bible, written by renowned scholars and pastors.
    • Authorship: Written by various biblical scholars and pastors.
    • Scope: Covers individual books of the Bible, providing verse-by-verse commentary and application.
    • Accessibility: Designed for readers with a range of biblical knowledge and backgrounds.
    • Contemporary Relevance: Focuses on applying biblical teachings to modern life and addressing relevant issues.
    • Balanced Approach: Combines scholarly insight with pastoral sensitivity and practical application.
  7. 7
    This is a series of commentaries that are designed to help readers apply the teachings of the Bible to their daily lives.
    The NIV Application Commentary is a highly regarded Bible commentary that aims to bridge the gap between ancient context and modern application. It provides practical and insightful interpretation of the biblical text to help readers understand and apply the teachings of the Bible to their lives.
    • Target Audience: Christians, pastors, Bible study leaders, and individuals seeking practical application of biblical teachings.
    • Translation: Based on the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible.
    • Exegesis: Offers in-depth analysis of biblical texts, considering historical context, cultural background, and original languages.
    • Application Focus: Emphasizes practical application of biblical teachings to contemporary issues and daily life. Provides clear insights and guidance for real-life application.
    • Scholarly Approach: Written by a team of respected scholars and theologians, combining academic rigor with accessibility for a broad range of readers.
  8. 8
    This is a commentary series written by well-known pastor and teacher John MacArthur. It is known for its clarity and practicality.
    The MacArthur Bible Commentary is a widely acclaimed and highly regarded Bible commentary that offers deep and insightful analysis of the biblical text. It provides a comprehensive yet accessible resource for studying the Scriptures.
    • Publication Date: July 2005
    • Number of Pages: 2048
    • Cover Type: Hardcover
    • Translations Covered: New King James Version (NKJV)
    • Verse-by-Verse Commentary: Yes
  9. 9
    This is a series of commentaries that are specifically designed for preachers and teachers. They provide insights into preaching and teaching the Bible effectively.
    The Preacher's Commentary is a widely acclaimed Bible commentary that provides valuable insights and explanations on the biblical text. It aims to assist preachers, teachers, and students in understanding and applying the teachings of the Bible.
    • Comprehensive Coverage: Covers the entire Bible, providing commentary on each verse or section.
    • Verse-by-verse Commentary: Offers detailed explanations and interpretations of the biblical text.
    • Historical Context: Provides insights into the historical and cultural background of the biblical passages.
    • Theological Analysis: Presents theological perspectives and analysis of the biblical teachings.
    • Practical Application: Includes practical applications and examples for preaching and teaching purposes.
  10. 10
    This is a scholarly commentary series that is known for its detailed analysis of the original languages of the Bible.
    The Anchor Bible Commentary is one of the most popular and highly regarded series of Bible commentaries. It provides in-depth, scholarly analysis and interpretation of the biblical texts, offering valuable insights into the historical, cultural, and theological aspects of the Scriptures.
    • Number of Volumes: Over 90 volumes
    • Coverage: Covers both the Old and New Testaments
    • Original Languages: Includes Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek language texts
    • Comprehensive Notes: Provides detailed and comprehensive footnotes and annotations
    • Historical and Cultural Context: Explores the historical and cultural context of the biblical texts
    The Anchor Bible Commentary in other rankings

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Ranking factors for popular commentary

  1. Authorship and credentials
    Check who wrote the commentary and their academic, theological, or pastoral credentials, as this can greatly affect the quality and reliability of their interpretations.
  2. Theological perspective
    Consider the theological perspective of the commentary's author or publisher, as this may influence how they interpret certain passages or themes. Some commentaries are more conservative or liberal, while others may emphasize certain denominational or theological viewpoints.
  3. Depth and scope
    Consider the depth and breadth of the commentary in terms of its discussion of historical context, linguistic analysis, and theological insights. Some commentaries may focus primarily on the historical and cultural context, while others may provide a verse-by-verse exposition.
  4. Presentation and clarity
    Look for a commentary that is well-organized, clear, and easy to follow, with helpful headings and logical structure. A good commentary should present complicated concepts and arguments in an accessible way that is easy to understand.
  5. Accessibility and ease of use
    Consider the format and layout of the commentary, including its use of footnotes, cross-references, and additional resources. A user-friendly commentary will make it easier to find the information you need and will be more enjoyable to read.
  6. Scholarly reputation and reviews
    Research the commentary's scholarly reputation, including any endorsements or reviews from respected scholars, theologians, or pastors. These can help you determine the overall quality and reliability of the commentary.
  7. Publication date and relevance
    Although older commentaries can still be valuable, more recent publications typically have the advantage of incorporating new findings and perspectives from biblical scholarship. A more recent commentary may also be more relevant to contemporary issues and concerns.
  8. Intended audience
    Some commentaries are specifically written for pastors or scholars, while others are intended for laypeople or students. Make sure to choose a commentary that suits your level of expertise and needs.
  9. Editions and updates
    Some commentaries have been revised and updated over time, so it's important to consider which edition you're purchasing. Updated editions may provide more accurate or up-to-date information, while older editions may still offer valuable insights.
  10. Series and multi-volume commentaries
    Some commentaries are part of a larger series or set that covers multiple biblical books. If you plan to study many books in depth, you may want to invest in a series or multi-volume commentary that provides a consistent approach and style across multiple books.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Bible commentary. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or commentary is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 180 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each commentary once every 24 hours. The rank of each commentary is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular bible commentary

The Bible is one of the most widely read and revered books in the world. For centuries, scholars, theologians, and laypeople have sought to deepen their understanding of its teachings through commentaries. These commentaries provide valuable insights into the context, history, and meaning of the Bible's many stories and teachings. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which commentary is the most popular or useful. At StrawPoll, we've gathered data and insights from our users to help shed light on this question. So, what is the most popular Bible commentary? Read on to find out.

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