The Most Popular Big Nate Book, Ranked

Choose the book you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 26, 2024 06:30
In the world of children's literature, series like Big Nate have carved out a special niche, captivating young readers with their humor and relatable situations. Determining which book stands out in such a beloved series can be quite the challenge as each title brings its unique flavor and charm, sparking diverse opinions among fans. By participating in a live ranking, fans get a chance to voice their preferences, contributing to a dynamic aggregate of collective opinions. This process not only paints a clearer picture of the audience's favorites but also engages the community, allowing individual votes to sculpt the landscape of popular opinion in real time.

What Is the Most Popular Big Nate Book?

  1. 1
    This is the first book in the series and introduces the character of Nate Wright. It's a great starting point for readers who are new to the series.
    Big Nate: In a Class by Himself is the first book in the Big Nate novel series. It revolves around the hilarious and relatable adventures of Nate Wright, a sixth-grade student who is determined to become the coolest kid in school. The book follows Nate as he navigates school life, deals with bullies, tries to impress his crush, and constantly gets in trouble with teachers and his principal. Filled with witty humor and entertaining illustrations, this book captures the ups and downs of middle school life in a hilarious and relatable way.
    • Series: Big Nate novels
    • Publication date: March 23, 2010
    • Genre: Children's fiction, Humor
    • Number of pages: 224
    • Reading age: 8-12 years
  2. 2

    Big Nate Strikes Again

    Lincoln Peirce
    This book follows Nate as he tries to win a science competition and impress his crush, Jenny. It's a fun and relatable story for middle-grade readers.
    Big Nate Strikes Again is a humorous children's novel written by Lincoln Peirce. It is part of the popular Big Nate book series, following the misadventures of Nate Wright, a precocious and often trouble-prone sixth-grader. In this installment, Nate faces new challenges and obstacles in school and his daily life, while also trying to navigate friendships, crushes, and growing up.
    • Series: Big Nate Book
    • Genre: Children's Fiction
    • Publication Year: 2010
    • Age Range: 8-12 years
    • Page Count: 224
  3. 3

    Big Nate on a Roll

    Lincoln Peirce
    In this book, Nate tries to win a skateboard competition and deal with his friend's sudden popularity. It's a great read for kids who like sports and humor.
    Big Nate on a Roll is a humorous children's novel written by Lincoln Peirce. It is part of the popular Big Nate book series, which follows the adventures of Nate Wright, a self-proclaimed genius and sixth-grade troublemaker. In this particular book, Nate finds himself facing a string of hilarious and outrageous misadventures as he navigates school life, friendships, and his own overconfidence.
    • Title: Big Nate on a Roll
    • Genre: Children's novel
    • Series: Big Nate book series
    • Author: Lincoln Peirce
    • Publication Date: 2011
  4. 4

    Big Nate Goes for Broke

    Lincoln Peirce
    This book follows Nate as he tries to save his school's art program and deal with a new principal. It's a heartwarming story about standing up for what you believe in.
    Big Nate Goes for Broke is the seventh book in the Big Nate series, written by Lincoln Peirce. It follows the hilarious misadventures of Nate Wright, a spirited middle school student, as he navigates through social challenges, school problems, and his unique sense of humor.
    • Series: Big Nate
    • Book Number: 7
    • Publication Year: 2012
    • Genre: Humor, Graphic Novel
    • Number of Pages: 224
  5. 5
    This is a collection of comic strips from the Big Nate series. It's a great way to enjoy the humor and characters of the series in a bite-sized format.
    Big Nate: The Crowd Goes Wild! is a comic strip collection written and illustrated by Lincoln Peirce. It follows the hilarious misadventures of Nate Wright, a sixth-grade student known for his mischief and humor. In this book, Nate finds himself caught up in a whirlwind of events as he tries to navigate school, friendships, and his passion for sports. With his signature wit and charm, Nate keeps readers entertained as he faces various challenges and learns valuable life lessons.
    • Publication Date: February 18, 2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Pages: 176
    • Reading Level: Ages 8-12
    • Genre: Humor, Comic Strip
  6. 6
    In this book, Nate tries to prove that he's not a dork by winning a school election. It's a relatable story for kids who struggle with fitting in.
    Big Nate: Say Good-bye to Dork City is a popular book in the Big Nate series, written by Lincoln Peirce. In this hilarious and relatable story, Nate Wright, a sixth-grade student and self-proclaimed genius, navigates his way through middle school, facing all sorts of comical challenges and encounters with classmates. With his quick wit and mischievous personality, Nate keeps readers entertained as he tries to outsmart his teachers, deal with bullies, and win over his crush. As he bids farewell to the Dork City Theater Company, Nate learns valuable lessons about friendship, honesty, and staying true to oneself.
    • Series: Big Nate
    • Genre: Children's Fiction
    • Publication Date: March 19, 2013
    • Pages: 224 pages
    • Age Range: 8 - 12 years
  7. 7

    Big Nate Blasts Off

    Lincoln Peirce
    This book follows Nate as he competes in a robotics competition and deals with a new kid in school. It's a great read for kids who like science and technology.
    Big Nate Blasts Off is the eighth book in the Big Nate book series. It is a humorous graphic novel for children and depicts the adventures of Nate Wright, a middle school student and self-proclaimed genius, as he navigates the trials and tribulations of school and everyday life. In this particular book, Nate is faced with the challenge of attending an elite summer program for gifted students, where he hopes to prove his worth and potentially win a scholarship for his education. The story follows Nate's misadventures and humorous experiences during his time at the program.
    • Publication Date: February 16, 2016
    • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
    • Genre: Humor, Graphic Novel
    • Pages: 224
    • Reading Age: 8-12 years
  8. 8
    In this book, Nate tries to start a garage band and impress his crush, Jenny. It's a fun and musical addition to the series.
    Big Nate: Thunka, Thunka, Thunka is the seventh book in the Big Nate comic strip compilation series. It comprises selected comic strips from the Big Nate series, written and illustrated by Lincoln Peirce. The book was first published on April 18, 2017.
    • Series: Big Nate
    • Book Number: 7
    • Publication Date: April 18, 2017
    • Genre: Humor, Comic Strip Compilation
    • Number of Pages: 176
  9. 9
    This book follows Nate as he tries to win a science fair and deal with a new student in his class. It's a great read for kids who like science and problem-solving.
    Big Nate: Great Minds Think Alike is a book in the Big Nate series, written by Lincoln Peirce. It follows the hilarious adventures of Nate Wright, a mischievous sixth grader with a knack for getting into trouble. In this particular book, Nate and his friends compete in the biggest slime-making competition ever, while Nate also navigates the ups and downs of middle school life.
    • Series: Big Nate
    • Book Title: Great Minds Think Alike
    • Author: Lincoln Peirce
    • Genre: Children's fiction
    • Publication Year: 2012
  10. 10
    This is another collection of comic strips from the Big Nate series. It's a great way to enjoy the humor and characters of the series in a bite-sized format.
    Big Nate: Welcome to My World is a graphic novel written by Lincoln Peirce. It follows the hilarious and misadventurous life of Nate Wright, a sixth-grade student and self-proclaimed genius. In this book, Nate deals with everyday challenges, including his annoying older sister, clueless teachers, and his quest to become the all-time record holder for detentions. Filled with witty humor and relatable situations, readers of all ages can enjoy Nate's comical escapades.
    • Publication Date: March 2013
    • Genre: Graphic Novel, Comedy
    • Pages: 224
    • Age Range: 8 - 12 years
    • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing

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Ranking factors for popular book

  1. Sales numbers
    Evaluate the sales figures of each Big Nate book to gauge its popularity among readers. Books with higher sales numbers generally signify higher popularity.
  2. Reviews and ratings
    Analyze reviews and ratings on platforms like Amazon, Goodreads, and other book review websites. A book with more positive reviews and higher average ratings is likely to be more popular.
  3. Awards and recognition
    Check if any of the Big Nate books have won awards or received special recognition from literary organizations, which may further indicate popularity.
  4. Social media mentions and discussion
    Look for discussions and mentions of the Big Nate books on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Books that are more frequently mentioned and discussed are likely to be more popular.
  5. Editions and translations
    Books that have been reprinted multiple times or translated into different languages may be more popular than others.
  6. Presence in bestseller lists
    Evaluate if any of the Big Nate books have been featured in popular bestseller lists such as The New York Times, Publisher's Weekly, or USA Today. Being on these lists indicates a certain level of popularity.
  7. Word of mouth recommendations
    Assess the level of word-of-mouth recommendation for each book. Friends, family, educators, librarians, and book clubs talking about a particular Big Nate book can be a sign of higher popularity.
  8. Impact on pop culture
    Consider if any of the Big Nate books have influenced popular culture, spawned sequels or spin-offs, or been adapted into other forms of media such as comics, movies, or TV shows. Such books may have a larger fan base and more popularity.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Big Nate book. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or book is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 179 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each book once every 24 hours. The rank of each book is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular big nate book

Background Information: Big Nate is a popular book series written by Lincoln Peirce, which follows the adventures of an 11-year-old boy named Nate Wright. The series has been a hit among young readers since its inception in 1991, with numerous books being published over the years. The popularity of the Big Nate series can be attributed to its relatable characters, humorous storylines, and engaging illustrations. As the series has progressed, readers have grown attached to the characters and eagerly anticipate the release of each new book. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the most popular Big Nate book as voted by readers on StrawPoll.

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