The Most Popular Breed of Rabbit for Meat Production, Ranked

Choose the breed you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 17, 2024 06:53
In the realm of sustainable agriculture and self-sufficiency, choosing the right breed of rabbit for meat production is a key decision for many farmers and hobbyists alike. Different breeds possess distinct characteristics such as growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and meat quality which can significantly impact production efficacy and profitability. It's important for newcomers and experienced breeders to understand which breeds could best meet their specific needs. This interactive system allows users to vote on and see real-time rankings of various rabbit breeds as per their popularity and effectiveness in meat production. By participating, you contribute to a collective knowledge base that benefits potential and current rabbit breeders in making informed decisions. Your votes help to identify and highlight the breeds that are most favored, combining practical utility with peer-driven insights.

What Is the Most Popular Breed of Rabbit for Meat Production?

  1. 1
    New Zealand White
    Denelson83 and Others · Public domain
    This breed is the most popular for meat production due to its high growth rate, large size, and the quality of its meat. They are also easy to care for and have a docile temperament.
    The New Zealand White is a popular breed of rabbit primarily bred for meat production. It is known for its large size, high growth rate, and excellent meat quality. This breed has a pure white fur, and its compact body structure makes it easy to handle and manage.
    • Size: Large
    • Growth Rate: High
    • Meat Quality: Excellent
    • Fur Color: Pure white
    • Body Structure: Compact
  2. 2
    This breed is also popular for meat production due to its high growth rate and the quality of its meat. They are also known for their efficient feed conversion and are easy to care for.
    The Californian is a breed of rabbit primarily bred for its meat production. It is known for its distinctive coloration and muscular build.
    • Size: Medium to large-sized rabbit
    • Weight: Adults typically weigh between 9 and 12 pounds (4.1 and 5.4 kg)
    • Coloring: White fur with distinct black nose, ears, feet, and tail
    • Body Type: Well-developed and muscular
    • Growth Rate: Rapid growth, reaching market weight faster than many other breeds
  3. 3
    This breed is known for its large size and is often used for both meat and fur production. They are also known for their docile temperament and make great pets.
    The Flemish Giant is a breed of rabbit known for its large size and suitability for meat production. It is one of the most popular breeds in this category.
    • Size: Adult Flemish Giants typically weigh between 14 to 16 pounds (6.4 to 7.3 kilograms), making them one of the largest domestic rabbit breeds.
    • Appearance: They have broad shoulders, muscular bodies, and a long, thick, and powerful hindquarters. Their coat is dense and glossy, and it comes in various colors like fawn, black, blue, and white.
    • Growth Rate: Flemish Giants have a rapid growth rate during their early development stages, which facilitates their use as a meat breed.
    • Temperament: They are known for their calm and docile nature, making them suitable for handling and raising in captivity.
    • Fertility: Flemish Giants generally have good fertility rates, which contributes to their popularity in commercial meat production.
    Flemish Giant in other rankings
  4. 4


    This breed is often used for meat production due to its high meat-to-bone ratio and the quality of its meat. They are also known for their soft fur, which is often used for clothing.
    The Rex is a formidable and highly sought-after creature in Ark: Survival Evolved. It is a large predator resembling a Tyrannosaurus Rex, earning its name as the king of the dinosaurs. The Rex is known for its immense strength, size, and aggressive nature, making it a formidable foe and an excellent mount for both combat and transportation.
    • Species: Tyrannosaurus Rex
    • Size: Massive
    • Strength: Extremely High
    • Speed: Moderate
    • Health: Very High
  5. 5
    This breed is known for its high meat yield and the quality of its meat. They are also easy to care for and have a docile temperament.
    The Champagne d'Argent is a popular breed of rabbit known for its meat production qualities. It is a medium-sized rabbit with a distinctive silver-blue coat and pink eyes. The breed has a dense, fine fur that can be used for fur production as well. Champagne d'Argents have a calm temperament and are relatively easy to handle, making them suitable for both commercial and backyard rabbit farming.
    • Size: Medium
    • Coat Color: Silver-blue
    • Eye Color: Pink
    • Fur type: Dense, fine fur
    • Temperament: Calm
  6. 6
    This breed is often used for meat production due to its high growth rate and the quality of its meat. They are also known for their soft fur, which is often used for clothing.
    The American Chinchilla is a breed of rabbit that is primarily bred for meat production. It is known for its commercial viability, good meat-to-bone ratio, and excellent meat quality. The breed has a distinctive coat color, resembling the fur of a chinchilla, which sets it apart from other rabbit breeds.
    • Weight: 8-12 pounds (3.6-5.4 kg)
    • Coat Color: Gray with black ticking
    • Body Type: Medium-sized, muscular
    • Meat-to-Bone Ratio: Excellent
    • Meat Quality: Tender and flavorful
  7. 7

    Silver Fox

    Walter Garland
    This breed is known for its high meat yield and the quality of its meat. They are also known for their soft fur, which is often used for clothing.
    The Silver Fox is a breed of rabbit that is known for its large size and excellent meat quality. It has striking fur markings that resembles a silver fox, hence its name. This breed is primarily raised for meat production and is highly valued by rabbit breeders and farmers.
    • Size: Large
    • Fur Color: Silver with black ticking
    • Meat Quality: Excellent
    • Growth Rate: Fast
    • Carcass Dressing Percentage: Between 60-65%
  8. 8
    This breed is often used for meat production due to its high meat-to-bone ratio and the quality of its meat. They are also known for their soft fur, which is often used for clothing.
    Satin is a lustrous fabric known for its smooth, glossy surface and luxurious appearance. It is usually made from silk, polyester, or a blend of both. Satin has a distinctive weave, created by floating the warp yarns over multiple weft yarns, resulting in a high-contrast sheen and soft feel.
    • Material: Silk, polyester, or a blend of both
    • Weave: Floating warp with multiple weft yarns
    • Glossiness: High
    • Texture: Smooth and soft
    • Drape: Elegant and fluid
  9. 9
    These are mixed breed rabbits that are specifically bred for meat production. They are often a combination of several of the breeds listed above and are known for their high growth rate and meat yield.
    The Meat Mutts is a specialized rabbit breed developed specifically for meat production. It is renowned for its excellent meat quality and fast growth rate. The breed is a hybrid resulting from the systematic crossbreeding of various meat rabbit breeds.
    • Average weight (adult): 9-11 pounds (4-5 kilograms)
    • Growth rate: Rapid growth, reaching market weight within 12-14 weeks
    • Fertility: High fertility rate, allowing for frequent breeding cycles
    • Feed efficiency: Excellent feed-to-meat conversion ratio
    • Meat quality: Tender, flavorful meat with minimal fat content
  10. 10
    This breed is often used for meat production due to its high meat-to-bone ratio and the quality of its meat. They are also known for their soft fur, which is often used for clothing.
    The Standard Rex is a breed of rabbit primarily used for meat production. It is known for its dense, velvety fur which is highly prized in the fur industry. The breed has a compact body, well-developed musculature, and a calm temperament. The Rex rabbits are generally docile and make excellent pets as well.
    • Size: Medium to large
    • Weight: 8-10 pounds (3.6-4.5 kg)
    • Fur Type: Rex (dense, plush, velvety)
    • Fur Colors: Variety of colors including black, blue, chocolate, and white
    • Body Type: Compact, well-muscled

Missing your favorite breed?


Ranking factors for popular breed

  1. Growth rate
    The growth rate of the rabbit breed determines how quickly they reach the appropriate size for meat production. Fast-growing breeds are preferable for commercial meat production as they reduce the time and resources required to raise the rabbits.
  2. Feed conversion rate
    This refers to the efficiency with which the rabbits convert their feed into body mass. Efficient feed conversion is essential for cost-effective meat production. Select a breed with a high feed conversion rate, which means rabbits can efficiently turn their feed into bodyweight gain.
  3. Body size and weight
    Larger and heavier rabbit breeds will yield more meat per animal, making them more suitable for meat production.
  4. Litter size
    Choose rabbit breeds with larger litter sizes as it would lead to a higher number of rabbits produced per breeding cycle.
  5. Breeding cycle
    Some rabbit breeds have shorter breeding cycles than others, which means they can give birth to multiple litters in a year. Choose a breed with a short breeding cycle to maximize the number of rabbits produced.
  6. Disease resistance
    Rabbit breeds that are more resistant to common diseases and parasites will require lesser medical interventions, reducing costs and resources required for their upkeep.
  7. Meat quality and taste
    Different rabbit breeds produce meat with different texture, flavor, and overall quality. Choose a breed that yields high-quality, tasty meat that will appeal to consumers.
  8. Temperament and ease of handling
    Docile and easy-to-handle breeds will make managing the rabbits easier and reduce the risk of injury to both the rabbits and the handlers.
  9. Climate adaptation
    Select a breed that is well-suited to the specific climate and environmental conditions of your region.
  10. Market demand and preferences
    Consider regional and cultural preferences for specific rabbit breeds to ensure the meat you produce is appealing and marketable to your target consumers.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular breed of rabbit for meat production. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or breed is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 168 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each breed once every 24 hours. The rank of each breed is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most popular breed of rabbit for meat production

Background Information: Rabbit meat has been consumed by humans for centuries and is considered a delicacy in many cultures. Rabbits are a popular source of protein due to their lean meat and low cholesterol content. Additionally, rabbits are easy to breed and require minimal space, making them an ideal livestock for small-scale farmers. When it comes to rabbit breeds for meat production, there are several options to choose from. The most commonly raised breeds for meat include New Zealand Whites, Californian, and Flemish Giants. New Zealand Whites are known for their rapid growth and high meat-to-bone ratio, making them a popular choice for commercial rabbit farming. Californians are also favored for their meat quality and large size, while Flemish Giants are known for their impressive size and meat yield. Ultimately, the choice of rabbit breed for meat production depends on the specific needs and preferences of the farmer or consumer.

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