The Most Popular British Dessert, Ranked

Choose the dessert you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:41
When hosting a dinner party, one often encounters the challenge of choosing a dessert that will appeal to all guests. Given the diversity of tastes and preferences, having a broad overview of which British desserts hold the top spots can significantly ease this decision-making process. It's not just about what the host enjoys; it's about catering to a collective palate, ensuring that every guest leaves with a sweet, satisfied smile. Here, users have the opportunity to contribute their opinions and cast votes, creating a dynamic list of favored British desserts. This not only serves as a guide for those seeking to impress and accommodate their guests but also offers a glimpse into current culinary trends. As preferences shift, so too will the rankings, offering an up-to-date snapshot of what's currently cherished in the world of British desserts.

What Is the Most Popular British Dessert?

  1. 1


    A layered dessert made with fruit, a thin layer of sponge fingers soaked in sherry or another fortified wine, custard, and topped with whipped cream.
    • Origin: 16th-century England
    • Variations: Fruit, jelly, sponge cake, custard, whipped cream
  2. 2
    Victoria Sponge Cake

    Victoria Sponge Cake

    A two-layer sponge cake filled with a layer of jam and whipped cream, named after Queen Victoria, who was known to enjoy a slice with her tea.
    • Origin: 19th-century England
    • Main Ingredients: Flour, eggs, sugar, butter, jam, whipped cream
  3. 3
    Sticky Toffee Pudding

    Sticky Toffee Pudding

    A classic British dessert made of moist sponge cake, covered in toffee sauce and often served with vanilla ice cream or custard.
    • Origin: 20th-century England
    • Main Ingredients: Dates, flour, cream, sugar
  4. 4
    Summer Pudding

    Summer Pudding

    A British dessert made by lining a bowl with slices of bread, then filling it with a mixture of berries and their juices. It is left to soak overnight and served with cream.
    • Origin: 19th-century England
    • Main Ingredients: Bread, mixed berries, sugar
  5. 5
    Eton Mess

    Eton Mess

    A traditional English dessert consisting of a mixture of strawberries, broken meringue, and whipped double cream.
    • Origin: Eton College
    • Main Ingredients: Strawberries, meringue, whipped cream
  6. 6
    Banoffee Pie

    Banoffee Pie

    An English dessert pie made from bananas, cream, and toffee, combined either on a buttery biscuit base or one made from crumbled biscuits and butter.
    • Origin: 1970s England
    • Main Ingredients: Bananas, cream, toffee, biscuits
  7. 7
    Apple Crumble

    Apple Crumble

    A British dessert of baked chopped apples topped with a crispy crumble topping.
    • Origin: World War II England
    • Main Ingredients: Apples, flour, butter, sugar
  8. 8
    Bakewell Tart

    Bakewell Tart

    A sweet tart consisting of a shortcrust pastry shell, spread with jam and covered with a sponge-like filling enriched with ground almonds (frangipane).
    • Origin: Bakewell, Derbyshire, England
    • Main Ingredients: Pastry, jam, frangipane
  9. 9
    Spotted Dick

    Spotted Dick

    A traditional British pudding made with suet and dried fruit (usually currants or raisins) and often served with custard.
    • Origin: 19th-century England
    • Main Ingredients: Suet, dried fruit, flour, sugar
  10. 10
    Bread and Butter Pudding

    Bread and Butter Pudding

    A traditional British dessert made by layering slices of buttered bread scattered with raisins in an oven dish, over which an egg custard mixture, made with milk or cream, is poured.
    • Origin: 17th-century England
    • Main Ingredients: Bread, butter, raisins, egg, milk or cream

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular British dessert. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Dessert is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 19 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Dessert once every 24 hours. The rank of each Dessert is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular British Dessert

Rank #1 for the most popular British dessert: Trifle (Source)
British desserts have a rich history. They reflect the country's diverse culture and long-standing traditions. Many of these sweet treats date back centuries. They often use simple, local ingredients that are easy to find. The British climate and geography play a role in this. For example, dairy products, grains, and fruits are common.

In the past, desserts were a luxury. Only the wealthy could afford them. Sugar was rare and expensive. Over time, trade and exploration made sugar more accessible. This changed the way people made and enjoyed desserts. Recipes evolved, and new ones emerged. Some desserts became symbols of British heritage.

Family recipes passed down through generations keep traditions alive. Many British households have their own versions of classic desserts. These recipes often have secret ingredients or special techniques. Sharing these desserts at gatherings strengthens family bonds.

British desserts also have a social aspect. Afternoon tea is a well-known tradition. It involves serving tea with an array of sweet treats. This ritual began in the 19th century. It became a way for people to socialize and enjoy a break in the afternoon. Today, it remains a popular activity.

Seasonal desserts play a significant role in British culture. Holidays and festivals often feature specific treats. These desserts mark special occasions and bring people together. They create a sense of anticipation and celebration. Some are linked to religious events, while others are tied to seasonal harvests.

The British love for desserts extends beyond the home. Bakeries, cafes, and restaurants offer a wide range of sweet options. Many have become famous for their unique takes on traditional recipes. These establishments often use high-quality ingredients and skilled techniques. They attract locals and tourists alike.

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in traditional British desserts. TV shows, cookbooks, and food blogs highlight these classics. They inspire a new generation to appreciate and recreate them. This renewed interest helps preserve culinary heritage.

The simplicity of British desserts is part of their charm. They often rely on basic techniques and ingredients. This makes them accessible to home cooks of all skill levels. Many recipes are forgiving and adaptable. They allow for creativity and personal touches.

British desserts have also influenced other cuisines. As people from the UK traveled and settled abroad, they brought their recipes with them. This led to the spread of British desserts around the world. They have been adapted and incorporated into other cultures' culinary traditions.

In conclusion, British desserts are more than just sweet treats. They are a reflection of history, culture, and community. They bring people together and create lasting memories. Their simplicity and adaptability ensure they remain beloved by many. Whether enjoyed at home or in a bakery, these desserts continue to delight and satisfy.

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