The Most Popular Cafe in London, Ranked

Choose the cafe you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:42
When seeking the ideal spot for a morning coffee or a cozy corner for afternoon chats, the abundance of cafes in London can be both delightful and daunting. Knowing the most popular cafe can save time and enhance the overall experience by guiding potential visitors to places that have been tried and tested by many before them. This site offers a dynamic way to see which cafes are currently resonating with the public. By voting on your top cafes, you contribute to a real-time ranking that helps others make informed decisions. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor, your participation helps paint a clearer picture of the city's cafe scene.

What Is the Most Popular Cafe in London?

  1. 1

    Monmouth Coffee Company

    Famous for sourcing and roasting coffee from single farms, estates, and cooperatives.
    • Location: Covent Garden, London
    • Known For: Single-origin coffee
  2. 2

    Flat White

    A pioneer in bringing the Australian café culture to London, known for its excellent flat whites.
    • Location: Soho, London
    • Known For: Introducing flat white coffee to London
  3. 3

    Prufrock Coffee

    A leader in the London coffee scene, offering barista training alongside high-quality brews.
    • Location: Leather Lane, London
    • Known For: Coffee education and quality
  4. 4

    Look Mum No Hands!

    A café and bike shop in one, offering a community space for cyclists and excellent coffee.
    • Location: Old Street, London
    • Known For: Combining cycling culture with quality coffee
  5. 5

    Ozone Coffee Roasters

    A New Zealand-owned café and roastery known for its excellent coffee and sustainable practices.
    • Location: Shoreditch, London
    • Known For: Sustainability and high-quality coffee
  6. 6


    An independent Australian/New Zealand owned café known for its exceptional coffee and food.
    • Location: Fitzrovia, London
    • Known For: High-quality coffee and Australian vibes
  7. 7

    Department of Coffee and Social Affairs

    Offers a unique blend of coffee, community, and social justice, with multiple locations in London.
    • Location: Multiple locations across London
    • Known For: Community focus and social justice
  8. 8

    The Attendant

    A unique cafe set in a Victorian toilet, offering a cozy atmosphere and excellent coffee.
    • Location: Fitzrovia, London
    • Known For: Unique setting and high-quality coffee
  9. 9


    A chain of espresso bars, cocktail bars, and restaurants that started in Shoreditch, known for its trendy atmosphere.
    • Location: Multiple locations across London
    • Known For: Trendy atmosphere and quality coffee
  10. 10

    The Coffee Jar

    A small, independent coffee shop in Camden, known for its homey feel and excellent pastries.
    • Location: Camden, London
    • Known For: Cozy atmosphere and great pastries

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular cafe in London. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or cafe is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 23 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each cafe once every 24 hours. The rank of each cafe is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Cafe in London

London is home to many cafes. Some stand out more than others. These popular spots attract both locals and tourists. Their charm lies in their unique blend of ambiance, quality, and service.

Many of these cafes have a rich history. They often occupy buildings with a story. Some date back to the 19th century. These places offer more than just coffee. They provide a taste of the past. The interiors often feature vintage decor. This adds to the overall experience.

The menu is another key factor. These cafes serve a variety of drinks. Coffee is the main attraction. Baristas use high-quality beans. They often source these beans from well-known regions. This ensures a rich and consistent flavor. Many cafes also offer specialty drinks. These include lattes, cappuccinos, and espressos. Some places even have unique house blends.

Food is also important. These cafes serve more than just pastries. Many offer full meals. Breakfast and brunch are popular times. You can find a range of options. From classic English breakfasts to modern takes on traditional dishes. Fresh ingredients are a common theme. This focus on quality extends to their baked goods. Many cafes bake their own pastries and bread. This adds a personal touch.

The atmosphere is a big draw. These cafes often have a cozy feel. Soft lighting and comfortable seating are common. Many places also have outdoor seating. This is perfect for people-watching. The staff play a crucial role too. Friendly and attentive service makes a big difference. Regular customers often form bonds with the staff. This creates a welcoming environment.

Location is another factor. Many popular cafes are in trendy neighborhoods. These areas are known for their vibrant culture. They often have a mix of shops, galleries, and other attractions. This makes them ideal spots for cafes. Easy access to public transport also helps. It makes these cafes convenient for everyone.

Events and activities add to the appeal. Some cafes host live music. Others have art exhibitions. These events draw in crowds. They also add to the cafe's charm. Book clubs and poetry readings are also common. These activities create a sense of community.

Social media plays a role too. Many cafes have a strong online presence. They use platforms like Instagram and Facebook. This helps them reach a wider audience. Beautiful photos of their drinks and food attract new customers. Positive reviews and word-of-mouth also help. Many people discover these cafes through recommendations.

Sustainability is another trend. Many popular cafes focus on eco-friendly practices. They use recyclable materials. Some even source ingredients locally. This reduces their carbon footprint. It also supports local farmers and producers. This focus on sustainability appeals to many customers.

In summary, the most popular cafes in London offer a mix of history, quality, and ambiance. They serve high-quality drinks and food. Their atmosphere is cozy and inviting. They are often located in trendy areas. Events and social media help them attract customers. Sustainability is also a key focus. These factors combine to create a memorable experience.

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