The Most Popular Church in Australia, Ranked

Choose the church you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 26, 2024 06:33
In a country as culturally diverse as Australia, the variety of churches reflects a wide array of architectural beauty and community values. Identifying the most popular church can help visitors and locals alike find a place that resonates with their spiritual needs and aesthetic preferences. By participating in this interactive ranking, you contribute to a collective understanding of what makes each church special. Your votes help highlight unique features and beloved aspects of these spiritual centers, aiding others in making informed decisions about where they might like to visit or attend services.

What Is the Most Popular Church in Australia?

  1. 1
    Catholic Church
    Jebulon · CC0

    Catholic Church

    Jesus Christ
    The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is a Christian church founded by Jesus Christ in the 1st century AD. It is the largest Christian church in the world and has a significant presence in Australia. The Catholic Church follows the teachings of Jesus Christ and believes in the authority of the Pope, who is the Bishop of Rome and the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church.
    • Headquarters: Vatican City, Rome, Italy
    • Largest denomination: Roman Catholicism
    • Denominations in Australia: Diocese of Sydney, Archdiocese of Melbourne, Archdiocese of Brisbane, and more
    • Clergy: Bishops, priests, and deacons
    • Religious orders: Jesuits, Franciscans, Dominicans, Sisters of Mercy, and many more
  2. 2
    The Anglican Church of Australia is the largest Christian denomination in Australia. It is part of the larger Anglican Communion and follows the traditions and beliefs of the Church of England. Established in 1962, it consists of 23 dioceses spread across the country, each with its own bishop. The Anglican Church of Australia is known for its comprehensive welfare services and involvement in education.
    • Members: Approximately 3.1 million adherents
    • Dioceses: 23 dioceses
    • Leadership: Archbishop of Canterbury as spiritual leader
    • Governance: Episcopal polity
    • Liturgical tradition: High Church, Low Church, and Broad Church
  3. 3
    The Uniting Church in Australia is one of the largest Christian denominations in Australia. It was established in 1977 as a result of a merger between the Congregational Union of Australia, the Methodist Church of Australasia, and the Presbyterian Church of Australia. The Uniting Church aims to be a fellowship that embraces diversity and promotes unity within the Christian faith.
    • Year Established: 1977
    • Membership: Approximately 250,000 members
    • Structure: Governed by a series of Councils and Assemblies
    • Worship Style: Varies across different congregations
    • Social Justice: Strong commitment to social justice and advocacy
  4. 4
    The Presbyterian Church of Australia is a prominent Christian denomination in Australia. It was established in 1901 and has since become one of the largest Protestant denominations in the country. The church bases its teachings and practices on the principles of Reformed theology.
    • Denomination: Presbyterian
    • Formation: 1901
    • Theology: Reformed
    • Size: Over 600 congregations
    • Membership: Approximately 50,000
  5. 5
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as the LDS Church or the Mormon Church, is a Christian denomination that originated in the United States in the early 19th century. It is founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith.
    • Genealogy and Family History: Latter-day Saints believe in researching and preserving family history. The Church provides extensive resources for genealogical research and encourages members to understand and connect with their ancestors.
  6. 6
    The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Protestant Christian denomination that originated in the United States in the mid-19th century. It is one of the fastest-growing Christian churches in Australia, with a strong presence across the country.
    • Beliefs: Seventh-day Adventists believe in the Bible as the inspired Word of God and hold to fundamental Christian doctrines, such as the Trinity, salvation through grace, and the existence of a literal second coming of Jesus Christ.
    • Sabbath Observance: Seventh-day Adventists observe the biblical Sabbath, which begins on Friday evening and ends on Saturday evening. They believe it to be a day of rest, worship, and reflection.
    • Health Emphasis: The church promotes a healthful lifestyle and advocates vegetarianism. It encourages its members to abstain from tobacco, alcohol, and other harmful substances.
    • Educational Institutions: The Seventh-day Adventist Church operates a vast network of educational institutions worldwide, including primary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities.
    • Medical Institutions: The church also has a strong presence in healthcare with hospitals, clinics, and health centers. It places a significant emphasis on holistic health and wellness.
    Seventh-day Adventist Church in other rankings
  7. 7
    The Baptist Union of Australia is a denominational organization that represents the various Baptist churches across Australia. It serves as a platform for coordination, collaboration, and support for these churches in their ministry and mission.
    • Membership: The Baptist Union of Australia has member churches from various Baptist denominations and associations across Australia.
    • Governance: It is governed by a national assembly consisting of representatives from member churches.
    • Leadership: The Baptist Union of Australia has a president who serves as the spiritual leader and represents the organization externally.
    • Purpose: The organization exists to promote the Baptist beliefs, values, and practices and provide resources, support, and guidance to member churches.
    • Ministry: The Baptist Union of Australia supports various ministry areas such as missions, social justice, education, and theological training.
  8. 8
    The Churches of Christ in Australia is a Christian denomination that emerged in the 19th century in Australia. It is a part of the Restoration Movement, striving to follow the teachings and practices of the early Christian church. They seek to base their faith on the Bible and emphasize the autonomy of local congregations.
    • Founded in: 1801
    • Headquarters: Melbourne, Australia
    • Number of churches: over 1,200
    • Membership: approximately 80,000
    • Belief in salvation: faith in Jesus Christ
  9. 9
    Salvation Army
    Rama · CC BY-SA 2.0 fr

    Salvation Army

    William Booth
    The Salvation Army is a Christian denomination and international charitable organization. It operates in more than 130 countries, including Australia. The organization's primary goal is to provide assistance and support to those in need, offering a range of social and community services such as homelessness services, addiction recovery programs, disaster relief, and youth development.
    • Founded: 1865
    • Headquarters: London, United Kingdom
    • Founder's Birthplace: Nottingham, England
    • Motto: Blood and Fire
    • Largest Annual Fundraising Campaign: Red Shield Appeal
    Salvation Army in other rankings
  10. 10
    The Assemblies of God in Australia, also known as Australian Christian Churches, is a Pentecostal Christian denomination in Australia. It is part of the global Pentecostal movement and has a significant presence in the country. The church aims to spread the message of Jesus Christ and promote spiritual growth and evangelism.
    • Year Established: 1937
    • Membership: Over 1,200 affiliated churches and approximately 375,000 members
    • Leadership Structure: Each individual church operates autonomously while being part of the larger Assemblies of God in Australia network
    • Beliefs: Emphasis on the Bible as the inspired Word of God, belief in the Holy Trinity, baptism by immersion, spiritual gifts, and the importance of evangelism
    • Worship Style: Contemporary and charismatic worship services, often featuring live music, fervent prayer, and heartfelt expressions of faith

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Ranking factors for popular church

  1. Number of church members
    The size of the congregation and how many people regularly attend church services are indicators of popularity.
  2. Denomination
    Different denominations might have varying levels of popularity in Australia. Knowing which denominations have more followers can help in determining the popularity of specific churches.
  3. Community involvement
    Churches that actively engage with their communities, provide programs and services, and cater to the needs of their members are likely to be popular.
  4. Church history
    The history, age, and significance of a church in the country can also be a factor that contributes to its popularity.
  5. Online presence
    Churches with a strong online presence, including social media engagement, live streaming of services, and other digital platforms, are likely to be popular as they can reach and connect with more people.
  6. Accessibility and location
    A church's location within the country and how easily accessible it is, particularly for those with disabilities, can contribute to its popularity.
  7. Architecture and aesthetics
    A beautiful or architecturally significant building can often draw visitors, making it more popular.
  8. Resident minister or priest
    A charismatic or well-known religious leader can help a church become more popular, as people are more likely to attend services led by someone they respect and trust.
  9. Diversity and inclusiveness
    Churches that are welcoming to all people, regardless of background, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender, are likely to be more popular.
  10. Family-friendly environment
    Churches that cater to families, offering activities and services for children and adults, tend to be more popular.
  11. Reputation
    A church's reputation within its community, as well as nationally or internationally, can have an impact on its popularity.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular church in Australia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or church is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 195 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each church once every 24 hours. The rank of each church is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular church in australia

Australia is a country known for its diverse culture and religion. Christianity is the largest religion in Australia, with approximately 52% of the population identifying as Christian. With so many churches across the country, it can be challenging to determine which one is the most popular. However, some churches have gained a considerable following over time, making them household names across Australia. In this article, we will explore the most popular churches in Australia and what makes them stand out. From traditional denominations to non-denominational megachurches, we will delve into the rich tapestry of Australia's religious landscape.

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