The Most Popular Cities in Canada, Ranked

Choose the cities you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 06:15
When planning a visit or a move, it can be enlightening to learn about the cities others favor. Across Canada, each city offers a unique blend of attractions, culture, and ambiance. A ranking of the most popular cities gives potential visitors and residents insight into where they might find the most satisfaction. By participating in this ranking, users contribute their perspectives, enriching the collective wisdom about each city's appeal. Through this dynamic compilation, each vote updates and refines our understanding, guiding newcomers and old friends alike in choosing their next Canadian destination or place to call home.

What Are the Most Popular Cities in Canada?

  1. 1


    The largest city in Canada and a global center for business, finance, arts, and culture.
    • Population: 2.93 million (2021)
    • Province: Ontario
  2. 2


    The largest city in Quebec, known for its vibrant arts scene and historical significance.
    • Population: 1.78 million (2021)
    • Province: Quebec
  3. 3


    A bustling west coast seaport in British Columbia, known for its ethnically diverse culture and natural beauty.
    • Population: 631,486 (2021)
    • Province: British Columbia
  4. 4


    The capital city of Canada, known for its Victorian architecture and museums, including the National Gallery.
    • Population: 1.04 million (2021)
    • Province: Ontario
  5. 5


    A cosmopolitan Alberta city with numerous skyscrapers, known for its Calgary Stampede.
    • Population: 1.34 million (2021)
    • Province: Alberta
  6. 6
    Quebec City

    Quebec City

    The capital city of the Province of Quebec, known for its French colonial architecture, the historic Château Frontenac, and the Winter Carnival.
    • Population: 542,298 (2021)
    • Province: Quebec
  7. 7


    The capital of Alberta, known for its river valley park system and the West Edmonton Mall, one of the largest malls in the world.
    • Population: 1.03 million (2021)
    • Province: Alberta
  8. 8


    The capital and largest city of the province of Manitoba, known for its junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers.
    • Population: 749,534 (2021)
    • Province: Manitoba
  9. 9


    A port city in Ontario known for its industrial heritage and the Royal Botanical Gardens.
    • Population: 569,353 (2021)
    • Province: Ontario
  10. 10


    The capital of Nova Scotia known for its maritime history, as the home of the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21.
    • Population: 439,819 (2021)
    • Province: Nova Scotia

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular cities in Canada. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or City is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 181 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each City once every 24 hours. The rank of each City is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Cities in Canada

Rank #1 for the most popular cities in Canada: Toronto (Source)
Canada is known for its diverse and vibrant cities. Each city offers unique experiences and attractions. They serve as cultural, economic, and social hubs. Many people are drawn to the urban centers for various reasons.

In these cities, you will find a mix of modern and historic architecture. Skyscrapers often stand next to century-old buildings. This blend gives a unique charm to the urban landscape. Public spaces like parks and squares are common. They provide residents and visitors with places to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Cultural diversity is a hallmark of Canadian cities. People from all over the world live and work there. This mix of cultures enriches the local lifestyle. You can experience a range of cuisines, traditions, and festivals. Food scenes in these cities are vibrant. Restaurants offer dishes from many different cultures. Street food and food trucks also add to the culinary experience.

Public transportation is well-developed in most cities. Buses, trains, and subways help people move around easily. Many cities also encourage biking and walking. This focus on public transit and non-motorized travel helps reduce traffic and pollution.

Education is a key feature of these urban areas. They host some of the top universities and colleges in the country. These institutions attract students from across the globe. The presence of these schools contributes to a lively and youthful atmosphere.

Economic opportunities abound in these cities. They are home to various industries like technology, finance, and healthcare. Many people move to the cities for better job prospects. This influx of talent helps drive innovation and growth.

Art and culture thrive in urban centers. Museums, galleries, and theaters are plentiful. They offer a range of exhibits and performances. Music festivals, film screenings, and art shows are regular events. These cultural activities draw both locals and tourists.

Sports also play a big role in city life. Many cities have professional teams in hockey, basketball, and other sports. Sporting events are a major attraction and bring communities together. Recreational facilities like gyms, pools, and parks are also common.

Safety is a priority in these cities. Local governments invest in law enforcement and community programs. They aim to create safe environments for residents and visitors. Public health services are also well-developed. Hospitals and clinics provide quality care.

Housing options vary widely. You can find everything from high-rise apartments to single-family homes. Some areas are more affordable, while others are more upscale. The real estate market is dynamic and caters to different needs and budgets.

Environmental sustainability is a growing focus. Many cities implement green initiatives. These include recycling programs, green spaces, and energy-efficient buildings. Efforts to reduce carbon footprints are ongoing.

In summary, Canadian cities offer a rich blend of culture, opportunity, and quality of life. They attract people from all walks of life. Whether you are looking for education, work, or leisure, these urban centers have something to offer. Each city has its own unique character, but all share the common traits of diversity, vibrancy, and growth.

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