The Most Popular City in Virginia, Ranked

Choose the city you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:44
Choosing a city to visit, relocate to, or explore in Virginia can be a challenge given the state's rich diversity of culture, history, and natural beauty. A reliable method to assist this decision is by examining the preferences and experiences of others. Through voting, individuals contribute their personal insights, helping to shape a clearer picture of each city's unique allure. This live ranking adjusts as new votes are cast, continuously updating to reflect current opinions. Your participation is invaluable; each vote helps ensure that the ranking remains reflective of genuine preferences and insights. Whether you're a tourist, a local, or considering becoming a resident, your input directly affects the resourcefulness of this list.

What Is the Most Popular City in Virginia?

  1. 1
    Virginia Beach

    Virginia Beach

    The largest city in Virginia, known for its beaches, boardwalk, and vibrant tourism industry.
    • Population: 459,470
    • Area: 497 sq mi
  2. 2


    A waterfront city that is home to the world's largest naval base and rich in maritime history.
    • Population: 242,803
    • Area: 96 sq mi
  3. 3


    The capital city of Virginia, known for its significant history, vibrant arts scene, and diverse cuisine.
    • Population: 226,610
    • Area: 62.5 sq mi
  4. 4


    A historic city known for its well-preserved 18th-century buildings and vibrant waterfront.
    • Population: 159,467
    • Area: 15 sq mi
  5. 5


    The largest city in Virginia by area, Suffolk is known for its historic sites, natural beauty, and peanuts.
    • Population: 94,324
    • Area: 429 sq mi
  6. 6
    Newport News

    Newport News

    A city with a strong military presence and rich historical sites, including the Mariners' Museum.
    • Population: 179,225
    • Area: 69 sq mi
  7. 7


    Located on the southeastern end of the Virginia Peninsula, Hampton is known for its aerospace and military research.
    • Population: 137,148
    • Area: 51 sq mi
  8. 8


    Known as the Star City of the South, Roanoke is famed for its scenic beauty and outdoor activities.
    • Population: 99,143
    • Area: 43 sq mi
  9. 9


    Known for its natural reserves and wetlands, Chesapeake offers a blend of urban and rural living.
    • Population: 249,422
    • Area: 341 sq mi
  10. 10


    A city with a rich naval history, Portsmouth is home to the Norfolk Naval Shipyard and several historic homes.
    • Population: 95,535
    • Area: 34 sq mi

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular city in Virginia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or city is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 150 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each city once every 24 hours. The rank of each city is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular City in Virginia

Virginia Beach
Rank #1 for the most popular city in Virginia: Virginia Beach (Source)
Virginia is a state with a rich history and diverse culture. It boasts many cities, each with its unique charm. Among these, one stands out as the most popular. This city draws people with its blend of history, culture, and modern life.

The city has deep historical roots. It played a significant role in the early days of the United States. Many historic sites and buildings still stand, offering a glimpse into the past. Visitors can walk through streets that echo with stories from centuries ago. Museums and monuments tell tales of the city’s importance in shaping the nation.

Culture thrives in this city. Art galleries, theaters, and music venues abound. The local arts scene is vibrant, with events and festivals held throughout the year. These celebrations showcase the creativity and talent of the community. Street performers and artists add to the lively atmosphere.

The city is also a hub for education. Several universities and colleges call it home. These institutions attract students from across the country and around the world. They contribute to the city’s youthful energy and progressive outlook. Research and innovation flourish here, driven by academic excellence.

Nature lovers find much to enjoy in this city. Parks and green spaces provide a respite from urban life. Trails and gardens offer places for relaxation and recreation. The city’s commitment to preserving natural beauty is evident in its well-maintained public areas.

Food is another highlight. The city’s culinary scene is diverse and exciting. Restaurants serve a mix of traditional and modern dishes. Local chefs experiment with flavors, creating unique dining experiences. Farmers' markets and food festivals celebrate the region’s agricultural heritage.

The city’s economy is strong. It has a mix of industries, from technology to tourism. Job opportunities attract professionals, while a supportive business environment fosters growth. The city’s infrastructure supports its economic activities, with efficient transportation and communication networks.

Community spirit is strong in this city. Residents take pride in their home and work together to improve it. Volunteer groups and local organizations play active roles. This sense of community makes the city welcoming and inclusive.

Safety is a priority. The city has effective law enforcement and community programs. These efforts ensure a secure environment for residents and visitors. The city’s low crime rate is a testament to these initiatives.

Housing options cater to different needs and budgets. From historic homes to modern apartments, there is something for everyone. The real estate market is dynamic, reflecting the city’s growth and appeal. New developments blend with old neighborhoods, creating a harmonious urban landscape.

Transportation is convenient. The city has a well-connected public transit system. Buses and trains make commuting easy. Bike lanes and walkways encourage eco-friendly travel. The city’s layout is pedestrian-friendly, with many attractions within walking distance.

In summary, this city in Virginia offers a rich tapestry of history, culture, and modern amenities. Its vibrant arts scene, educational institutions, natural beauty, and strong economy make it a desirable place to live and visit. The community spirit, safety, and convenient transportation add to its appeal. It is no wonder this city stands out as the most popular in Virginia.

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