The Most Popular City in Zimbabwe, Ranked

Choose the city you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:44
Deciding on the most popular city in Zimbabwe can be quite subjective, varying significantly depending on personal experiences and priorities. However, a compiled list reflecting public opinion can serve as a useful guide for individuals planning to visit, move, or explore investment opportunities in the country. Such rankings offer insights into cultural, economical, and social hubs that are favored by both locals and tourists. By participating in this live voting system, people contribute their perspectives and preferences, shaping a continuously updated list that reflects collective tastes and opinions. This system not only benefits those seeking information but also encourages a broader participation in acknowledging and celebrating the diverse urban landscapes across Zimbabwe. Make your vote count and see how your favorite city stacks up in real time.

What Is the Most Popular City in Zimbabwe?

  1. 1


    The capital and most populous city of Zimbabwe.
    • Population: Over 1,485,000
    • Founded: 1890
  2. 2


    The second-largest city in Zimbabwe and an important industrial center.
    • Population: Over 650,000
    • Founded: 1840
  3. 3


    A high-density dormitory town in Zimbabwe, situated about 30 km southeast of Harare.
    • Population: Over 340,000
  4. 4


    A city in central Zimbabwe.
    • Population: Over 100,000
  5. 5


    The fourth largest city in Zimbabwe and the capital of Manicaland Province.
    • Population: Over 188,000
  6. 6


    The capital city of the Midlands Province in Zimbabwe.
    • Population: Over 157,000
  7. 7


    A city located in Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe.
    • Population: Over 79,000
  8. 8


    One of the oldest colonial settlements in Zimbabwe, and the capital of Masvingo Province.
    • Population: Over 72,000
  9. 9


    The capital of the Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe.
    • Population: Over 61,000
  10. 10
    Victoria Falls

    Victoria Falls

    A town in western Zimbabwe and a gateway to the massive waterfall of the same name.
    • Population: Over 33,000
    • Founded: 1901

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular city in Zimbabwe. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or city is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 166 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each city once every 24 hours. The rank of each city is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular City in Zimbabwe

Rank #1 for the most popular city in Zimbabwe: Harare (Source)
Zimbabwe, a country in southern Africa, has many cities with rich histories and vibrant cultures. Among these, one city stands out as the most popular. This city serves as the economic and cultural heart of the nation. It attracts many visitors each year, drawn by its unique blend of modernity and tradition.

The city's history dates back to the time of early settlers. Over the years, it has grown from a small settlement into a bustling metropolis. Today, it is home to a diverse population that reflects the country's varied heritage. The streets buzz with activity, and the skyline features a mix of old colonial buildings and new skyscrapers.

Commerce thrives in this city. It hosts the headquarters of many major companies and banks. The central business district is always busy, with people going about their daily routines. Markets and shopping centers offer a variety of goods, from local crafts to international brands. Street vendors add to the lively atmosphere, selling everything from food to handmade items.

Cultural life in the city is rich and varied. Museums and galleries showcase the country's art and history. Music and dance are integral parts of life here. Traditional rhythms blend with modern beats, creating a unique soundscape. Festivals and events celebrate the city's heritage and bring people together.

Education plays a key role in the city's vibrancy. It boasts several top universities and schools. Students from across the country come here to pursue their studies. These institutions contribute to a dynamic and youthful energy in the city.

The city also serves as a transportation hub. Its airport connects Zimbabwe to the rest of the world. Major roads and railways link it to other parts of the country. Public transport within the city is well-developed, making it easy to get around.

Green spaces and parks offer residents and visitors a place to relax. These areas provide a contrast to the busy urban environment. They are popular spots for picnics, sports, and leisure activities.

Despite its growth and modernization, the city faces challenges. Infrastructure needs improvement, and there are areas where poverty is evident. However, efforts are ongoing to address these issues and improve living conditions for all residents.

The city's food scene is diverse and exciting. Restaurants serve a range of cuisines, from traditional Zimbabwean dishes to international fare. Street food is also popular, offering quick and tasty options for those on the go.

Nightlife in the city is vibrant. Bars, clubs, and entertainment venues cater to different tastes. Live music, dance floors, and social gatherings make for an active after-dark scene.

In summary, this city is a microcosm of Zimbabwe's broader story. It blends history and modernity, commerce and culture, challenges and opportunities. Its popularity is well-deserved, drawing people from near and far to experience its unique charm.

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