The Most Popular Clash Royale Card, Ranked

Choose the card you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 18, 2024 06:56
In the heart of every Clash Royale player lies the strategic decision of choosing the right cards to lead them to victory. Knowing which cards resonate with the majority can tip the scales in competitive matches. This is where the significance of a communal voting system comes to the fore. It enables players to see which cards are favored by the crowd, potentially influencing their own game strategies. By participating in the voting process, users contribute to a communal knowledge base, helping to shape a consensual view of the game's dynamics. This also adds a layer of interaction and community engagement outside the virtual battles. Viewing the dynamic ranks, users can see shifts in preferences and trends over time, giving everyone from beginners to seasoned players valuable insights into what might work best in their decks.

What Is the Most Popular Clash Royale Card?

  1. 1

    Hog Rider

    The Hog Rider is one of the most popular cards in Clash Royale due to its fast movement speed, high damage output, and ability to bypass enemy buildings. It is a versatile card that can be used in a variety of decks.
    The Hog Rider is a highly popular and frequently used troop card in Clash Royale. It is a fast and powerful offensive unit that targets buildings and has the ability to jump over rivers, which makes it a versatile card for attacking enemy towers. The Hog Rider is known for its remarkable speed and high hitpoints, which allows it to quickly reach and damage enemy structures. Its versatility and effectiveness in demolishing opponent towers have made it one of the most overrated cards in the game.
    • Elixir Cost: 4
    • Rarity: Rare
    • Hitpoints: 1700
    • Damage per second: 264
    • Damage: 160
    Hog Rider in other rankings
  2. 2

    Royal Giant

    The Royal Giant is a popular card due to its long range and high hitpoints. It can deal significant damage to enemy towers from a distance, making it a valuable card for attacking.
    The Royal Giant is a commonly regarded as one of the most overrated cards in Clash Royale. It is a ranged unit that targets buildings from a significant distance, making it a formidable threat to enemy towers. However, its popularity stems from its controversial nature rather than its actual strength on the battlefield.
    • Rarity: Common
    • Elixir Cost: 6
    • Hitpoints: 3,000 at tournament standard
    • Damage: 253 at tournament standard
    • Range: 6.5 tiles
    Royal Giant in other rankings
  3. 3
    The Giant is a tanky card that can absorb a lot of damage while dealing decent damage to enemy towers. It is a staple card in many decks due to its versatility and reliability.
    Giant is a well-known bicycle brand that produces a wide range of high-quality bikes for various disciplines including road, mountain, and hybrid biking. With a reputation for innovative designs and cutting-edge technology, Giant has become one of the leading cycle brands in the world.
    • Frame material: Aluminum, carbon fiber, steel
    • Suspension: Front suspension, full suspension
    • Brakes: Disc brakes, rim brakes
    • Gears: Single-speed, multi-speed
    • Wheel size: Various options available (e.g., 26-inch, 27.5-inch, 29-inch)
  4. 4

    Goblin Barrel

    The Goblin Barrel is a popular card due to its ability to bypass enemy defenses and deal damage directly to enemy towers. It is a great card for surprise attacks and can catch opponents off guard.
    The Goblin Barrel is a rare spell card in Clash Royale that deploys a group of Goblins near the target building. The goblins can deal considerable damage if left unchecked, making the Goblin Barrel a popular offensive card.
    • Area Damage: High
    • Hitpoints: Low
    • Unlocked at: Arena 9
    • Rarity: Rare
    • Elixir Cost: 3
    Goblin Barrel in other rankings
  5. 5
    The Princess is a legendary card that is popular due to its long range and ability to deal splash damage to multiple enemies. It is a valuable card for defending against swarms of enemies and can also be used for attacking.
    The Princess is a legendary card in Clash Royale. She is a long-ranged troop who shoots flaming arrows from her bow. Her unique ability to attack from a distance allows her to stay safe from melee troops, while dealing splash damage to multiple enemy units.
    • Rarity: Legendary
    • Elixir Cost: 3
    • Hitpoints: 216
    • Range: 9.5 tiles
    • Targets: Air & Ground
  6. 6

    Minion Horde

    The Minion Horde is a popular card due to its high damage output and ability to quickly take down enemy troops. It is a great card for defending against ground and air troops and can also be used for attacking.
    The Minion Horde is a card in Clash Royale that consists of six flying Minions. These small, speedy creatures are known for their high damage output and quick movement. They are often considered one of the most overrated cards due to their vulnerabilities and high elixir cost.
    • Card Type: Troop
    • Rarity: Common
    • Elixir Cost: 5
    • Count: 6
    • Target: Air and Ground
    Minion Horde in other rankings
  7. 7


    The Zap is a popular spell card that can quickly deal damage to enemy troops and reset their attack. It is a valuable card for defending against swarms of enemies and can also be used for attacking.
    The Zap is a spell card in Clash Royale that instantly damages and stuns enemies within its range. It is one of the most popular cards due to its versatility and low elixir cost.
    • Rarity: Common
    • Elixir Cost: 2
    • Damage: 159 (at tournament standard)
    • Stun Duration: 0.5 seconds
    • Radius: 2.5 tiles
  8. 8

    Skeleton Army

    The Skeleton Army is a popular card due to its ability to quickly take down enemy troops. It is a great card for defending against ground troops and can also be used for attacking.
    The Skeleton Army is a swarm unit card in Clash Royale. It consists of a group of 20 skeletons armed with tiny swords and shields. When deployed, these skeletons work together to quickly overwhelm and take down enemy troops. It is commonly used as a defensive card to counter single-target units or distract heavy-hitting troops.
    • Elixir Cost: 3
    • Troop Type: Swarm
    • Rarity: Epic
    • Hitpoints: 67 (each)
    • Damage per Second: 67 (each)
    Skeleton Army in other rankings
  9. 9
    The Electro Wizard is a legendary card that is popular due to its ability to stun enemy troops and reset their attack. It is a valuable card for defending against swarms of enemies and can also be used for attacking.
  10. 10
    The Golem is a tanky card that can absorb a lot of damage while dealing significant damage to enemy towers. It is a valuable card for attacking and can also be used as a distraction for enemy troops.

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Ranking factors for popular card

  1. Usage rate
    Determine how often the card is chosen and used by players across different arenas and trophy levels. A higher usage rate indicates that the card is more popular among players.
  2. Win rate
    Analyze the card's performance by calculating the percentage of wins it contributes to in battles. A higher win rate suggests that the card is more effective and popular among players.
  3. Versatility
    Consider how well the card can be integrated into various decks and strategies. Cards that fit well into multiple deck archetypes are likely to be more popular.
  4. Synergy
    Look at how well the card works in combination with other cards and strategies. Cards that have strong synergies with popular cards or strategies are likely to be more popular.
  5. Elixir cost
    Factor in the card's elixir cost, as it impacts its overall efficiency and attractiveness to players. Cards with lower elixir costs that provide good value are more likely to be popular.
  6. Rarity
    Take into account the rarity of the card, as it affects how easily players can obtain and upgrade the card. Common cards tend to be more popular as they are easier to collect and level up.
  7. Balance changes
    Keep track of any balance changes introduced by the game developers. These changes can significantly impact a card's popularity and effectiveness.
  8. Meta shifts
    Consider the current game meta and how it affects the popularity of the card. A card that is strong in a certain meta might not be as popular when the meta changes.
  9. Community perception
    Look at the overall perception of the card among players and content creators. Cards that are perceived as strong, fun to use, or have a unique mechanic are more likely to be popular.
  10. Skill level
    Take into account the skill level required to use the card effectively. Cards that require higher skill levels might have lower popularity among casual players but can still be popular among competitive players.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Clash Royale card. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or card is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 223 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each card once every 24 hours. The rank of each card is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular clash royale card

Clash Royale, the popular mobile game developed by Supercell, is a real-time multiplayer strategy game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. The game features a variety of cards, each with unique abilities and strengths, which players can use to battle against each other in real-time. While all cards in Clash Royale are important, some stand out as fan favorites and are used more frequently than others. In this article, we will explore the most popular Clash Royale card and take a closer look at what makes it so appealing to players. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, understanding the most popular card in Clash Royale can give you an edge in battle and help you climb the ranks in the game.

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